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Bizon SD or AKM?

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I found a Bizon SD at a helicopter crash site, plenty of ammo and everything, the problem with it is that the dammage is CRAP, then I looted the millitairy tents at stary sobor and found an AKM with even more ammo I quickly tried out the AKM on some of the zombie soldiers walking arround the camp and found that it was very effective, the problem was that now I had attracted a horde to myself, I quickly got my Bizon SD and started making my way to the airfield(which was my destination where I had later died of high concentration of bullets in my head).

That whole story aside, which one would you pick the Bizon SD or the AKM?

Edit: in my situation I could not take both, my backpack was filled with medical supplies and so was my inventory(just looted a medical supply crate from a crashed chopper)

Edited by Killer21334

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If your backpack is big enough, take both. I almost always carry 2 weapons.

In my opinion the AKM is good if you're going it alone as it has strong stopping power and can be zeroed, or the Bizon if you're in a group, or just prefer being sneaky, as a silenced weapon is always handy.

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Stick one in the pack for a variable occasion, you can have both! :)

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you shouldnt be aggroing zombies if you have a bizon just headshot them from a little distance.....but you should probably have both if youre playing alone. but if youre close to someone like the same building a bizon on full auto will take someone down pretty fast.

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