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Yep i am done, i quit

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I am done with this terrible game, i completely regret buying Arma 2, a complete waste of time and money.

I have had enough of D-Bag Server Hoppers who Alt F4 run behind in the woods and then log back in and kill you, i killed 4 guys and a 5th who ran into a tent and Alt F4'd then i hid myself in a tent in stary, next thing i know im getting shot from through the tent, the only way he could have known i was there is if it was that fucking piece of shit server hopping douche.

So to Kyle, Douchebag Hipster, and Summoners as well as the server hopping douche who killed me, i had fun killing you legit, i hope you had fun server hopping like a 8 year old little kid, to bad you didnt have the skills to take me on like a man you prick.

Im uninstalling Arma 2 as i write this, and im removing Dayz completely and forever, and im not checking this post again, you can say whatever stupid ass shit you want im done with the Alpha fags, and the server hopping douchebags and the no life cherno/elektro snipers, this game is shit, and i wont come back to it unless rocket and his "Team" fix this bullcrap, i no longer support this game.

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Thanks for your contributions to the Alpha test and best of luck in whatever you decide to try next.

Cheers and farewell!

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I am done with this terrible game, i completely regret buying Arma 2, a complete waste of time and money.

I have had enough of D-Bag Server Hoppers who Alt F4 run behind in the woods and then log back in and kill you, i killed 4 guys and a 5th who ran into a tent and Alt F4'd then i hid myself in a tent in stary, next thing i know im getting shot from through the tent, the only way he could have known i was there is if it was that fucking piece of shit server hopping douche.

So to Kyle, Douchebag Hipster, and Summoners as well as the server hopping douche who killed me, i had fun killing you legit, i hope you had fun server hopping like a 8 year old little kid, to bad you didnt have the skills to take me on like a man you prick.

Im uninstalling Arma 2 as i write this, and im removing Dayz completely and forever, and im not checking this post again, you can say whatever stupid ass shit you want im done with the Alpha fags, and the server hopping douchebags and the no life cherno/elektro snipers, this game is shit, and i wont come back to it unless rocket and his "Team" fix this bullcrap, i no longer support this game.


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Quit calling it a game.

Oh! You came back to read my post!

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No need to make a useless post on the forums on complaining that you were killing innocent people then got killed.

It's Karma bro.

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Says the 8 year old kid who just QQ everywhere.

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I am done with this terrible game, i completely regret buying Arma 2, a complete waste of time and money.

I have had enough of D-Bag Server Hoppers who Alt F4 run behind in the woods and then log back in and kill you, i killed 4 guys and a 5th who ran into a tent and Alt F4'd then i hid myself in a tent in stary, next thing i know im getting shot from through the tent, the only way he could have known i was there is if it was that fucking piece of shit server hopping douche.

So to Kyle, Douchebag Hipster, and Summoners as well as the server hopping douche who killed me, i had fun killing you legit, i hope you had fun server hopping like a 8 year old little kid, to bad you didnt have the skills to take me on like a man you prick.

Im uninstalling Arma 2 as i write this, and im removing Dayz completely and forever, and im not checking this post again, you can say whatever stupid ass shit you want im done with the Alpha fags, and the server hopping douchebags and the no life cherno/elektro snipers, this game is shit, and i wont come back to it unless rocket and his "Team" fix this bullcrap, i no longer support this game.

Everyone server hops. EVERYONE does douchebag things in DayZ. You'll be back.

Edited by hatesauce

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These threads make me smile.. one less douchbag to worry about. yay! ;)

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See, these are the people that I feel bad about leaving the game. You have a valid point. I hope you change your mind cause this "game" is a unique experience and you shouldn't let those losers get to you.

They are what they are...

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Playing on server with it's own database currently, no douche serverhoppers atleast.

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Please don't let the door hit you on the way out, it'll break your legs.

Fixed it for you.
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I was killed by another player on an Alpha-stage Zombie Apocalypse SImulator

It cannot possibly be that I am inexperienced, instead, the game is at fault.

For that I am deleting this game and cursing my now $30 less heavy wallet.

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"I am done with this terrible game, i completely regret buying Arma 2, a complete waste of time and money."

Good riddance

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By putting the mouse over your profile name....We do see that you still are online...and reading this post......LOL

Edited by Drogur

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Fixed it for you.


I am done with this terrible game, i completely regret buying Arma 2, a complete waste of time and money.

I have had enough of D-Bag Server Hoppers who Alt F4 run behind in the woods and then log back in and kill you, i killed 4 guys and a 5th who ran into a tent and Alt F4'd then i hid myself in a tent in stary, next thing i know im getting shot from through the tent, the only way he could have known i was there is if it was that fucking piece of shit server hopping douche.

So to Kyle, Douchebag Hipster, and Summoners as well as the server hopping douche who killed me, i had fun killing you legit, i hope you had fun server hopping like a 8 year old little kid, to bad you didnt have the skills to take me on like a man you prick.

Im uninstalling Arma 2 as i write this, and im removing Dayz completely and forever, and im not checking this post again, you can say whatever stupid ass shit you want im done with the Alpha fags, and the server hopping douchebags and the no life cherno/elektro snipers, this game is shit, and i wont come back to it unless rocket and his "Team" fix this bullcrap, i no longer support this game.

You never did support the MOD.

What, you played it for a couple weeks, gave a few comments on the forum and you think your presence will be the end of development? You didn't spend most of your Dayz (Pun intended) creating banners or throwing money rockets way to help ease the team burden. Come off it mate.

Again, paying for Arma 2 for a MOD thats not even out of testing yet..That's all on you bud.

As well as it will be fixed, just not for a while most likely. Hell this mod may be dropped when rocket gets his stand alone out, so it could never be fixed with this version of dayZ, all this is, is a TEST. Complaining is just...Un-wordable.

What else is there to do in-game other than to start all over again anyways?

Edited by BobofTibia

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