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kills not counting

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hello fellow bean thieves and psychos, today i ran into a guy in cherno, 2 shots of my m16 and the man was down, a last one to the head to make sure he was a goner.

he was dead, i checked. but for some reason i never got the kill on my counter, has that happened to one of you and does anyone know why?

maybe he bled out and it doesn't count as MY kill, i'm just wondering, i like to keep track of my murders... MOUAHAHAHA

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Happened to me before as well. Put someone down with an enfield and they were dead as dead can be, but it didn't count

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Were there any zombies around? He might have had a couple points of health and a zed finished him off.

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Do keep a manual list of names and dates places. Build a SQL db and input all the details so you can create reports.

Don't rely on the game to highlight your awesomeness.

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i love your ideas, you guys are quite intense though, i was just wondering, not like it made me cry that the game didn't count my kill... okay maybe i cried a little but it passed now.

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This isn't the right place. Somebody make the bug report section header 720pt.

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They disconnected, happens often when i kill people :/

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Well , happened to me right now .

Shot a guy with AS50 with m107 rounds and first shot he went down , the zombies went away , but i didnt recieve the murder , so i shot him again ,as i see the blood splash , i still didnt recieve... :S

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I have noticed this happens mostly when the player has been other combat previously to me killing them.

Edited by rasputina
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