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Can't use crossbow correctly

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Ive recently found a crossbow, and it was fucking useless, I managed to kill a grand total of 2 zombies with it and I wasted all my bolts! it keeps missing shots that were sure hits(almost point blank shots WITH looking down the sights).

Am I doing something wrong here or is the crossbow just useless?

Edited by Killer21334

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Ha, I have the same problem. I would blame it on my accuracy, but every other weapon I can hit fine with. I just stopped using it eventually.

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Theres an iron sight on the crossbow.

No, there are a series of iron bars ending in a centimeter long pinprick. These are not ironsights.

My suggestion is plop a red dot scope on that motherfucker. They invented the double barrel in the game, surely they can modify existing weapons - and frankly, I've never even seen a modern composite crossbow with no optic sights on it.

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I read elsewhere on the forum that the sight is way off when zoomed. Try joining a server with crosshairs turned on and try you luck with that. I found a could hit targets 30-50 feet out with out much trouble using only the CH.

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I read elsewhere on the forum that the sight is way off when zoomed. Try joining a server with crosshairs turned on and try you luck with that. I found a could hit targets 30-50 feet out with out much trouble using only the CH.

Yeah if you aim center mass zoomed you'll tend to headshot zombies, it's a pain on CH:Off servers especially. Just aim for the gut is what I was doing the other day with it and that worked fine, minus the zombies flopping face first and hiding my bolts >.<

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It shoots high. Line up your "site" a little below where you want to hit. Oh, and if you're prone the problem is exagerated, just experiment with a wall or something to get the exact hold you need.

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I picked up one....a zed was abbout 10 yards away...zoomed in, ADS, missed....lost my only bolt for the bloody thing.....

shortly after, I got to what I thought was a firestation...then i thought it was ruins, then i saw fire station stuff. I got closer and zeds spawned. Pretty soon they are all dead, thought it was like a nuke that destroyed everything. I was standing out and my screen flashed all black and white and i looked around and no one was near me, and i hadnt lost any blood. Well ran through a doorway and broke my leg. Crawled around a bit, and got shot and killed....so no more experimenting with crossbow.

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It's useless anyway as there is no quiver for the bolts. Spare yourself and search for something else.

It's not useless since you can collect the bolts you shot from bodies/ground/walls (sometimes bugged though). It kills Zs with 1 shot too.

The aiming is a bit hard before you get used to it. And btw there are NO ironsights on the weapon. You have to estimate the shots. It's slightly above the tip of the arrow.

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What the fuck, Caz? Since when do you play this mod?

what the fuck

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No, there are a series of iron bars ending in a centimeter long pinprick. These are not ironsights.

My suggestion is plop a red dot scope on that motherfucker. They invented the double barrel in the game, surely they can modify existing weapons - and frankly, I've never even seen a modern composite crossbow with no optic sights on it.


Edited by zenatsu

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Hey, thanks!

Also, I made your image link work by quoting it. Neat.

Edited by John

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