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How to make your DayZ Steam library page more attractive!

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If you're anything like me, with a touch of OCD and a shortcut in your Steam library for DayZ that looks butt-ugly, then here is your solution!

I made this for myself and thought I would upload to the community, since sharing is caring and all that (until I meet you in-game).

Here's the download link: https://rapidshare.com/#!download|620p6|1725842454|DayZ Steam Page.zip

I take no credit whatsoever in the images themselves, DayZ mod or any of that legal crap. Distribution here is merely one for plugging the lovely backgrounds and icon I found.

Wallpaper images used (GORGEOUS!): http://imgur.com/a/goXyG

Icon used: http://browse.devian...z icon#/d50h8ee

Step by step instructions:

  • If you haven't already, set up a Steam shortcut in your library by following this guide: http://www.dayzwiki...._.28Optional.29
  • If you have followed that guide and can't get the Steam overlay to work, simply right-click DayZ in your Steam library shortcut and click properties, then paste in these lines (you'll need to change the directory of where your Steam folder is located)...
    Target: "C:\Program files\Steam\steamapps\common\arma 2 operation arrowhead\Expansion\beta\arma2oa.exe" "-beta=Expansion\beta;Expansion\beta\Expansion" "-mod=C:\Program files\Steam\steamapps\common\arma 2;Expansion;ca
    Start In: "C:\Program files\Steam\steamapps\common\arma 2 operation arrowhead\"
  • In that same shortcut properties, click 'CHOOSE ICON' and extract then choose the DayZ Icon.exe from the .zip you downloaded from this page to anywhere you like. Please note, don't have any concerns over viruses. The .exe file is not actually a .exe file at all and cannot harm your computer. It was a .ico (icon file) that I changed the extension of so that Steam could use it for an icon shortcut).
  • Run DayZ from your Steam shortcut and when in-game, press F12 (or whatever your screenshot key is for Steam) and take 5 screenshots. Close DayZ. You should have a window pop-up with those screenshots inside on your Steam client. Click 'SHOW ON DISK'. This will take you to the screenshots folder for your DayZ shortcut. It should be something along the lines of: Steam\User Data\number\760\remote\number\screenshots.
  • Extract the folder from the .zip file and place it anywhere you like. You'll have to individually re-name each of those images to the file name of each individual image in your screenshots folder. For example, a screenshot you just took has the file name: 2012-07-26_00001.jpg. Take one of the wallpaper images from the .zip file you downloaded from this thread and re-name that to 2012-07-26_00001.jpg. Drag that file over into your screenshots folder to overwrite and replace one of the screenshots you had just taken in-game.
  • Do this for each image until you have all the screenshots you took replace with the ones in the downloaded .zip file folder.
  • Repeat with the thumbnails folder.
  • Enjoy a DayZ library page that fits with the rest of your games!

There are also 3rd party softwares you can use to change the Arma2OA.exe icon so everytime you play you'll have the neat DayZ logo on your taskbar instead of the Arma2 logo. Now you have a more attractive way to access and run Dayz!

Hope this helps anyone that's interested!

Edited by Anton17
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Unfortunately, I tried changing the icon for Arma2OA.exe and although it changes the icon that shows up in your game folder, it doesn't change the icon in your taskbar when the game is run. Bummer!

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Whoops! The icon change does work, just not when the game is started and the BattleEye thing does its thing.



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Aw, another disappointing update... it seems changing the icon for the game, as shown above, makes BattleEye freak out and won't let you connect due to unknown game version.


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only way i've got my shortcut working is by using this:

"C:\Games\Steam\steamapps\common\arma 2 operation arrowhead\Expansion\beta\arma2oa.exe" "-mod=C:\games\Steam\steamapps\common\arma 2;EXPANSION;ca;@dayz" "-mod=Expansion\beta;Expansion\beta\Expansion" -cpuCount=4 -exthreads=7 -nosplash

of course -cpuCount=4 -exthreads=7 -nosplash is all optional , and my path start with c:\games, while most will have c:\program files\

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This method does not work for me. Specifically for launching the game from my Steam library. I made sure "Program Files (x86)" was used since in the op the file path is wrong being Steam isn't a 64-bit application.

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See! That's what I am trying to figure out, How to take screenshots with no HUD. Like the one's you linked us too which are epic by the way. Unless he is darn good at photoshop.lol I have tried but it is very frustrating and time consuming...Here is one of mine,Not as close as I would like it to be but it turned out ok.


Edited by DanielTy88

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All I had to do was take screen shots in game and select the game name in my library list, then Steam automatically used my screen shots as a backdrop.


However, I have DayZ Mod backdrops showing ... which might be more likely to be discussed in this DayZ MOD forum. :P

Edited by RN_Max

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