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Why does my gear and equipment disappear randomly when I diconnect

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So I log on to a server at night, but realize that this isn't reverse time server, so I log back out within 5 minutes of logging back in, then I log back in to another server, I go into my inventory to take out my flashlight since even though it said clearly on the title, UTC-7, some how it was still night time, and some freaking how, I go into my gear and see that my ALICE pack, Lee Enfield, M1911 and everything in my toolkit is gone. I worked so hard to get all that gear, you have no idea, baiting 4 bandits into a supermarket with a dead guy, then killing all of them from a window. their reactions, Priceless. But still, it hurts to see everything that I had gone because of some bug in the game.

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lawl kill 4 bandits, and only got one enfield? sad...

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I also have stuff disappearing from my alice pack from time to time, once I prepared 6 cooked meats and stuffed them in the bag for a long journey, popped off the game for a bit and upon return the meats were gone, the bag was empty! not sure why it happens :(

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I also have stuff disappearing from my alice pack from time to time, once I prepared 6 cooked meats and stuffed them in the bag for a long journey, popped off the game for a bit and upon return the meats were gone, the bag was empty! not sure why it happens :(

its a pretty common glitch in dayz, got to live with it

a friend of mine lost as50 with 7 mags and, well, full contents of a coyote pack :(

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