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"Player Killed by Player" msg

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I'm in favor of the XXX was killed by XXX msgs.

Our server used to have them and I miss them. There is no downside to it as far as I can see.

It helps combat cheaters and we know who they are.

It prevents players from making admin abuse threads when they see it wasn't the admin who killed them.

It helps admins to have players being able to identify cheaters and report them.

It would prevent accusations of server hopping and ghosting when you realise that there was more than one player(s) in the firefight.

It would prevent players from submitting bug reports because they died crawling under a tree, when in reality, they were sniped and never heard the bullet.

At the moment, other than screenshots and/or process of elimination, cheaters are being given free rein to do or kill anything they want.

i cant find anything about being able to turn it on

why did the server you play on get rid of them?

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so impossible to turn it on without the DayZ people editing their mod now? =X pooop

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Every once in a while I will see a message "X has killed Y (Friendly Fire)". But it is rare, and every other death message on the same server is just "X has died". Any ideas what that is about?

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bump! This is something that I noticed on our server yesterday, Had a sniper disco as soon as he knew he was dead but he had already killed someone. So if I knew his name he would be banned for alt f4ing when he should have accepted his death. Is there ANYWAY we can make this a reality again? Player kill/death messages need to be enabled! How can I make it happen?

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it was in the game before but removed it couldent be hard to be turned back on could it

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I've seen some servers running it, as well as side chat.

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It will not report the hacker's name if they spawn you in the air, so that you fall to your death, etc.

Ultimately it will not stop it, the server admins can go through the server logs and find who the hackers are. As a player you cannot do anything, just move on or don't play the mod for now.

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Yeah, it would be.

But, it would also create problems with snipers on servers with nameplates. IE: You hear a shot, and you see "a_casual_banana killed Josh" or something, and then you decide to do a quick roof scan, and your crosshairs pick me up on a roof. You would know where I was, and you wouldn't have checked if you hadn't seen the message.

Don't play on nameplate servers then.

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This then becomes an issue if you're a bandit.

Hackers will just start creating scripts that use different names. It would decrease hacking for maybe a day or 2 before it would get even worse.

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This then becomes an issue if you're a bandit.

Hackers will just start creating scripts that use different names. It would decrease hacking for maybe a day or 2 before it would get even worse.

good if its pissing hackers off

should not be hard to see who changes their name every time they log into the server or flag players who have used more then 5 names on that server to help id hackers and ban them

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good if its pissing hackers off

should not be hard to see who changes their name every time they log into the server or flag players who have used more then 5 names on that server to help id hackers and ban them

You can have a "blank" name and apparently they can hide their name tags etc., so it really will not help at all.

Edited by thisisbleep

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You can have a "blank" name, so it really will not help at all.

not going to be hard for a server admin to ban anyone with a blank name off their servers

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