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Incorperating ShackTac Movement addons

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I am a big fan of Arma 2 + ACE and Dayz of course. I have played this game alot.

And since I have been at it so much, one of the most frustrating things with arma 2 is how the player weapon collides with door frames and objects indoors.

It is really annoying when you can't turn around in a stair, and have to walk backwards to get down again etc etc...

Until ShackTac's Movement addon that is! (I AM NOT THE AUTHOR OF THIS MOD)

I use this mod when I play Arma 2 + ACE and it makes ALOT of difference. Now you can enter buildings, lean out of doorways without getting stuck.

Since indoor gameplay is quite a big in DayZ I think this mod shoud be integrated in the main Dayz release. If ShackTac agrees that is. :)

What do you guys think?


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Dont think rocket is gonna add any 3rd party mods/addons, but yeah good idea though.

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ACE would be a great addition to DayZ... Especially if rocket intends on implementing things like radios and hand signals.

I completely disagree with this. ACE has far too much stuff not relevant to DayZ. Hand signals are possible without ACE (Invasion 1944) and radios are possible without ACE (ACRE). ACE is not needed.

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I think you misunderstood my suggestion. ShackTac's movement addon is totally seperate from ACE.


The reason why I made this topic was because I got a reply on a ticket suggesting the DayZ team to implement ShackTac's movement mod. They wanted to see how the forum would react to that, before maybe implementing it. So it's not impossible for them do incorporate 3rd party mods.

Atleast that's the response I got from the horse's mouth...


Edited by MJOne

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