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What kind of landscape would you like to see in a DayZ stand alone game?

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Non-Fictional, Canadian Rocky mountains with its many lakes, pine forests, rapids, snowy peaks. Black bears, grizly bears, moose, wolves, deer, ... Only problem would be the scarcity of towns/cities.

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Non-Fictional, Canadian Rocky mountains with its many lakes, pine forests, rapids, snowy peaks. Black bears, grizly bears, moose, wolves, deer, ... Only problem would be the scarcity of towns/cities.

I thought that is what Skyrim was about?

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I think that New Zealand would be the perfect location for the Standalone Version of DayZ, especially since Rocket Dean Hall is a fellow Kiwi, which of course would mean he will be able to make this location all the more authentic. :beans:

New Zealand also has a very nice range of different climates & environments (Forests, Mountains, Coasts, Tundra, Farms, Large & Small Towns...), and you also have the two islands to choose from. :thumbsup:

But most of all..... the sign posts will be in English!!! (But they could be in Maori just to make the game more..... fun) :P


Edited by Friendly Zombie
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I say add a Northumberland map. =D Keilder Reservoir and surrounding areas are amazing for live firing exercises =D

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Mostly i miss cliffs, rivers & waterfalls.

The map of chernarus feels kind of dead/empty landscapewise, there are only hills, plains & forrests.. thats it :(

and npcwise, just birds and some cattle/chicks/bunny´s.

There should be more live inside the map, like fishes jumping up rivers or herd´s of animals (horses,etc.) that run arround and distract the player.

But for now, some rivers would do it >.<

Edited by da wuD

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I'm a sucker for the California Pine Forests, I'd also like a Mojave Desert and of course a city

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I do quite like the eastern European setting myself, and as previously mentioned some sort of changing seasons feature would be brutally satisfying, especially them cold eastern European winters... *burrrrr* I also like the idea of an English countryside or something similar, like a couple of the scenes from 28 Days/Weeks Later.

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I would like to see it in the rural US. Basically just like cherno, just with corn fields and American style architecture. Obviously there would have to be a mcdonalds in the larger city. American cars as well. Or rather the rice grinders you find in amurika.

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SEATTLE!!!!!!!!!! Take your TOH map and make the buildings enterable!!!!! Only cause my house is on the map of course.....Well that and Seattle is probley your best bet for a world with a large major city with larger forests and large rural areas. Pluse a huge harbor and airfield. Not sure what more you could ask for? That and we have all seasons.

Truly I dont know why you wouldn't do Seattle its the New New York but trendy..... <----being funny.

P.S. Looks like it has at least one thing every poster has asked for so far...Try beating that.

Edited by RyBo

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I am more on the non-fiction side but fiction is fine by me as well.

I actually wouldn't mind having different maps on different servers from maps similar to Chernarus big and small then maps that are just big major cities, each map can hold a certain amount of players the bigger ones hold more and smaller ones less. This makes it like it's one big world with different zones just like some MMO's.

I guess a good example would be Dead Island where it had 3 different game areas, the Resort, The Village, and the jungle. I'd like to see something like this but in a bigger scale.

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I guess I would like the map to be either the Arma 2 map or Arma 3 map, because there is absolutely no choice and you people seem to have no concept of what standalone means in the context of DayZ.

but, by all means, continue to delude yourselves

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I guess I would like the map to be either the Arma 2 map or Arma 3 map, because there is absolutely no choice and you people seem to have no concept of what standalone means in the context of DayZ.

but, by all means, continue to delude yourselves

Would you care to enlighten us then?

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Would you care to enlighten us then?

I just did. It will be on the Arma 2 map or more likely the Arma 3 map.

The map you are playing on in Dayz was not made by the Dayz people. It is the Arma 2 map.

And for the fucknuts saying "we need a new engine" - what hope is there when the present engine was in practice possibly before you were born (OFP) and has had all this time to advance to its current state? None, especially with no money behind it. It's Arma. Arma.

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I am more on the non-fiction side but fiction is fine by me as well.

I actually wouldn't mind having different maps on different servers from maps similar to Chernarus big and small then maps that are just big major cities, each map can hold a certain amount of players the bigger ones hold more and smaller ones less. This makes it like it's one big world with different zones just like some MMO's.

I guess a good example would be Dead Island where it had 3 different game areas, the Resort, The Village, and the jungle. I'd like to see something like this but in a bigger scale.

I was thinking this whilst starting the thread. The only problem with this is it may remove some of the immersion of going to and from different locations. A sense of travel makes reaching your destination seem like an achievement if you survive it. Although, I guess that is the only option to include so many big cities without slaughtering resources.

Edited by Deda

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I'd like to see bigger cities included but still keep the countryside as well.

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I was thinking this whilst starting the thread. The only problem with this is it may remove some of the immersion of going to and from different locations. A sense of travel makes reaching your destination seem like an achievement if you survive it. Although, I guess that is the only option to include so many big cities without slaughtering resources.

rocket has actually already hinted that DayZ proper will probably have multiple maps that players can travel between. e.g., the main starting map would be approximately the size of Chernarus but once you are able to find, repair and fuel up a boat you can travel to an island map which is too distant to reach by swimming. So in essence veteran players "graduate" to new areas by acquiring the necessary means to travel there.

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I just did. It will be on the Arma 2 map or more likely the Arma 3 map.

The map you are playing on in Dayz was not made by the Dayz people. It is the Arma 2 map.

And for the fucknuts saying "we need a new engine" - what hope is there when the present engine was in practice possibly before you were born (OFP) and has had all this time to advance to its current state? None, especially with no money behind it. It's Arma. Arma.

Well for one thing the devs could work with the Arma2/3 engine and completely make a standalone but that depends how far they can get since it is pretty much restrictive. Using a completely different game engine is logical as well since they can develop the game how they want without the restrictions of a game engine that is made a certain way for a certain game.

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I just did. It will be on the Arma 2 map or more likely the Arma 3 map.

The map you are playing on in Dayz was not made by the Dayz people. It is the Arma 2 map.

And for the fucknuts saying "we need a new engine" - what hope is there when the present engine was in practice possibly before you were born (OFP) and has had all this time to advance to its current state? None, especially with no money behind it. It's Arma. Arma.

Actually, Rocket has been talking about a stand alone game, I'm sure if he was planning to use the same map as either Arma 2 or 3 it would then be classed as some sort of expansion of Arma and not a stand alone product (i.e the product stands alone.. from any other product..)

Even if this was the case, this is merely a discussion and no suggestions where actually made in the OP.

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I like Chernarus a lot. Yes it could use some rivers definitely and few more enterable buildings (not all though), but I like it a lot.

Also country side from The Walking Dead series would work I guess. Some small towns near highways, farms, corn fields and so on.

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Actually, Rocket has been talking about a stand alone game, I'm sure if he was planning to use the same map as either Arma 2 or 3 it would then be classed as some sort of expansion of Arma and not a stand alone product (i.e the product stands alone.. from any other product..)

Wrong. You do not understand the term standalone - it's not as simple as breaking the word into two. Do you have ANY idea how many STANDALONE GAMES ran on the Quake engine? Half-life engine? Unreal Engine? They are STANDALONE in that they do not require the previous installation of a different game which fronts for the said engine.

Hence - a STANDALONE Dayz will not require Arma to be installed but will STILL be using the Arma engine.

Anything else is bullshit. There is no other engine that can do this.

Edited by Clatterbridge

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In an ideal world I would wish for a minecraft kinda model where you have a really big city in the middle and then you can wander off in the distance to find new loot and adventures (since there is only very limited respawn). Of course this would shift the focus of the game immensly and is just me hypothetically speaking

Edited by GoTo2k

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wouldnt it be possible to just let the community create different maps and every admin could choose which map to play on?

Im afraid that no server would be able to hold that much data xD

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