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Selectable Spawn Points

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*** This post has been updated on 05-23-12 due to an improved explanation. ***

One of the only issues I have with the game experience is spawning.

I don't mind spawning in a random location, that's great. The problem is when you are all joining a server as a group (in my case 2-3 people total).

When we join, the fun part is being in the group, not spending half of our playtime finding each other. Nothing interesting has happened so far while searching for my buddy. We don't get immersed during that searching time, we just try to get that part over with and get into the real game. This is not a difficulty issue, it's a time issue.

As it is right now, what we end up doing is spawning/de-spawning until we get the same location.

I would suggest being able to select your general spawn location from the existing coast spawn points, that way friends can coordinate their arrival.

I don't see a huge game breaking issue with a system like this. It could even be used to avoid spawn campers, and we could get rid of that immersion breaking bottom right message magically telling you current location when you spawn.

Here is how this system would work:

The system would use the spawn points we already have now (Three Valleys, Kamenka, etc), but instead of spawning immediately, you are presented with all available spawn points in a list (no map, just a list). The spawn points would just be called by numbers that way you don't know what you are selecting.

For example:

Location #1

Location #2

Those spawn point numbers would not always be the same. The hosting server would randomize the spawn point values at an hourly rate.

For example, for 1 hour:

Location #1 = Wilderness

Location # 2 = Kamenka

and then it would rotate the values for each spawn number to a randomized result each hour.

That seems do-able and non-game breaking to me. And with that system you could remove the message that appears when you spawn that gives you your current location.

Also, the group spawn can actually make sense in the zombie survival context. Groups of survivors could have banded together before entering Chernarus.

Can anyone think of any major issues with this idea?

I think we're onto something here. I wish Rocket, a dev, or a mod would weigh in on this to say whether they'd ever consider this type of setup.

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Surely you'd be selecting the location from a map, meaning you'd have a bearing of where to go, which would subtract from the fun of not having a clue where you are and having to use your brain to find out where you are/where to go.

Whilst I can sympathise for the stupid amount of time you do spend running around trying to rendezvous, I think it would be something that could ruin it a little.

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I made my base where it is because it takes ages to get there. I don't want to kill someone there, only for them to respawn there.

Part of the fun of the game is having to be cautious because of time invested. If you can pick your spawn point you'll get idiots running round everywhere just Call of Duty with 0 regard for anything because if they die, meh. They'll just respawn there again.

At least they have to think about what they're doing when they get to somewhere on the map rather than going all the way back to the coast. They fear going back to the coast, and so they should.

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Surely you'd be selecting the location from a map' date=' meaning you'd have a bearing of where to go, which would subtract from the fun of not having a clue where you are and having to use your brain to find out where you are/where to go.

Whilst I can sympathise for the stupid amount of time you do spend running around trying to rendezvous, I think it would be something that could ruin it a little.


Like I stated in the post, the location selection could be done via names of locations, and not via a map. I don't think that would make anything easier.

The name is meaningless in terms of information (unless you know Chernarus from experience), but you can at least all spawn at the same name even if you don't know where it is.


I made my base where it is because it takes ages to get there. I don't want to kill someone there' date=' only for them to respawn there.

Part of the fun of the game is having to be cautious because of time invested. If you can pick your spawn point you'll get idiots running round everywhere just Call of Duty with 0 regard for anything because if they die, meh. They'll just respawn there again.

At least they have to think about what they're doing when they get to somewhere on the map rather than going all the way back to the coast. They fear going back to the coast, and so they should.


Obviously the selectable spawn points would be the existing spawn points on the coast. You don't get to select wherever you want to spawn on the map. I thought this would be obvious to anyone. Why would you let people spawn anywhere??? Think before you post.

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Surely you'd be selecting the location from a map' date=' meaning you'd have a bearing of where to go, which would subtract from the fun of not having a clue where you are and having to use your brain to find out where you are/where to go.

Whilst I can sympathise for the stupid amount of time you do spend running around trying to rendezvous, I think it would be something that could ruin it a little.


Like I stated in the post, the location selection could be done via names of locations, and not via a map. I don't think that would make anything easier.

The name is meaningless in terms of information (unless you know Chernarus from experience), but you can at least all spawn at the same name even if you don't know where it is.


I made my base where it is because it takes ages to get there. I don't want to kill someone there' date=' only for them to respawn there.

Part of the fun of the game is having to be cautious because of time invested. If you can pick your spawn point you'll get idiots running round everywhere just Call of Duty with 0 regard for anything because if they die, meh. They'll just respawn there again.

At least they have to think about what they're doing when they get to somewhere on the map rather than going all the way back to the coast. They fear going back to the coast, and so they should.


Obviously the selectable spawn points would be the existing spawn points on the coast. You don't get to select wherever you want to spawn on the map. I thought this would be obvious to anyone. Why would you let people spawn anywhere??? Think before you post.

One of the spawn points is quite far up north. So I'll say again. I don't want people picking their spawn points to get closer to me. Random is good. Alone and random is good. You have to meet your friends, you're right into the middle of a brutal unforgiving mod, the way it should be.

Choosing your spawn point eliminates some of the beauty of the mod, which is getting your bearings, trying to work out where you are while at the same time keeping an eye out for people. If you're not where you want to be, you have to make your way there.

Imagine someone has a base camp above NW airfield. Pick to spawn at Kamenka, run straight up. No opposition, easy mode.

At least in Elektro, you have to navigate there through danger.

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@ Zarlak. I understand that this is a brutal mod. It can't get brutal enough for me. I wouldn't have it any other way. I hate people that bitch because all they have ever played are shitty middle of the road arcady games.

Your argument above doesn't quite stand up though:

When I spawn I know exactly where I am, you know why? Because it tells me my location on the bottom right. Also, I've played Arma extensively (and many other players have) so Cherno, Elektro, Kamenka, Three Valleys etc, are familiar. If you really want to get serious about this location stuff, let's remove the name when you spawn.

Also, idiots will simply look at the Chernarus map on the internet.

The reality is that people know where they are when they spawn (except maybe the first times playing). If I want to get to your precious base up North, I'll just keep de-spawning until I get the desired spawn location.

So the issue you are worried about already exists.

At this point, we need to either make the spawning more hardcore and remove any indication of where you are (simply remove the location name when spawning), which would be great, or go a step in the other direction and let players select their spawn.

I just don't like this half-assed difficulty right now for spawning.

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I think that having the spawn point be random significantly adds to the feel. Can you quickly figure out where you are if you know what you are doing? Sure. But that lack of control over your initial starting conditions is a big part of the randomization that makes the early game work.

Now, more experienced players spend less time in the early establishment phase and more time in the mid-game. This is pretty much inevitable, as a result of players getting more skilled. But that doesn't make the early game less fun on its own, even if many people get used to the mid-game and want to skip to it when they respawn.

Despawning and respawning to get to a desired location is an issue, but I'm not sure that the right fix is to chose the location. I'd personally lean more towards a penalty for rapid respawning, but there are a number of ways to fix this (including removing the location indicator) that keep things tense.

Having effective ways to group up with friends would be nice, but given the goals of the game and the current state of the alpha (getting everybody on the same server is a challenge with the current overcrowding) I personally don't think it's a priority.

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I think that having the spawn point be random significantly adds to the feel. Can you quickly figure out where you are if you know what you are doing? Sure. But that lack of control over your initial starting conditions is a big part of the randomization that makes the early game work.

Now' date=' more experienced players spend less time in the early establishment phase and more time in the mid-game. This is pretty much inevitable, as a result of players getting more skilled. But that doesn't make the early game less fun on its own, even if many people get used to the mid-game and want to skip to it when they respawn.

Despawning and respawning to get to a desired location is an issue, but I'm not sure that the right fix is to chose the location. I'd personally lean more towards a penalty for rapid respawning, but there are a number of ways to fix this (including removing the location indicator) that keep things tense.

Having effective ways to group up with friends would be nice, but given the goals of the game and the current state of the alpha (getting everybody on the same server is a challenge with the current overcrowding) I personally don't think it's a priority.


Yep, it's definitely not a priority, at this point, I would be happy if they simply removed your spawn location name. It seems out of place considering what this mod is supposed to be.

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How about the option to just spawn on a buddy if they are within X meters of a spawn point already? That way you spawn together but spawning is still random.

It'd work like:

1) You are playing with your buddies.

2) One of you spawns.

3) The rest spawn on him.

Result: Entire group is together, just in a random location.

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How about the option to just spawn on a buddy if they are within X meters of a spawn point already? That way you spawn together but spawning is still random.

It'd work like:

1) You are playing with your buddies.

2) One of you spawns.

3) The rest spawn on him.

Result: Entire group is together' date=' just in a random location.


That would be great, but unfortunately, how would the devs even implement something like that?

Also, you wouldn't want non-friends to spawn on you, so it would have to be private in some way etc. I think it could be a lot of work.

That's the only reason I suggested choosing from a location name, because it's simple and I know it would be very easy to implement.

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Keep up this fight Pozo, you're doing quite well. Your points are valid, and you're on to something here. I do agree though, spawns should be kept to the coast, there should be no map indicator, and only select cities should be available, (such as Elektro, Cherno, Kamyshovo perhaps,) to keep the "mobility bonus" to a minimum. But either way, everyone ends up running two the coastal cities first anyways, it's always just a matter of how damn far/long along the coast you'll be running until you meet up with your buddies. It's not like saving people a fucking 20-45 minute jog on the coast will destroy the entire game. It just might make the coastal cities a little more... excited. Actually fuck, spawn points could be BETWEEN cities on the beach for all I cared, as long as you could actually "pick" these locations. Or at least pick and area to get randomly spawned in... so I pick "Krutoy Cap," I could end up closer to Drakon or Kamyshovo, I dunno, but at least if a friend and I are playing together, we'll both see a lighthouse to run to, instead of "yeah run down the coast for seven hours until you see a building, and then look for me or something."

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the game needs a selectable spawn point

but only once and only at the coast sppawn points

its just a needed feature guys

i dont want to run for an hour to meet up with a friend only to be killed at the last minute

its a balancing game and the game needs it

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Also, the spawn points could just be called by numbers that way you don't know what you are selecting.


Spawn #1 = Three Valleys

You could even randomize the spawn point values at an hourly rate.

By that I mean, for 1 hour:

Spawn #1 = Wilderness

Spawn # 2 = Kamenka

and then it would change the values for each spawn number to a randomized result each hour.

That seems doable and non-game breaking to me. And with that system you can disable the message when you spawn that gives you your current location.

I think we're onto something here. I wish Rocket, a dev, or a mod would weigh in on this to say whether they'd ever consider this type of setup.

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I've updated the original post to be more clear and elaborate. Please re-read and tell me what you think.

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I remember Rocket saying something about making the spawn system even more sadistic in the future so i hardly think he will implement selectable spawn points. Am i the only one who likes the current spawn system?

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@ Zarlak. I understand that this is a brutal mod. It can't get brutal enough for me. I wouldn't have it any other way. I hate people that bitch because all they have ever played are shitty middle of the road arcady games.

Your argument above doesn't quite stand up though:

When I spawn I know exactly where I am' date=' you know why? Because it tells me my location on the bottom right. Also, I've played Arma extensively (and many other players have) so Cherno, Elektro, Kamenka, Three Valleys etc, are familiar. If you really want to get serious about this location stuff, let's remove the name when you spawn.

Also, idiots will simply look at the Chernarus map on the internet.

The reality is that people know where they are when they spawn (except maybe the first times playing). If I want to get to your precious base up North, I'll just keep de-spawning until I get the desired spawn location.

So the issue you are worried about already exists.

At this point, we need to either make the spawning more hardcore and remove any indication of where you are (simply remove the location name when spawning), which would be great, or go a step in the other direction and let players select their spawn.

I just don't like this half-assed difficulty right now for spawning.


I'd simple remove it telling you where you are (which works sporadically anyway and doesn't tell you sometimes) and implement a 'can't respawn again for 5 minutes' jobby where if you click respawn again it will either say no, or put you into limbo or something.

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I'd simple remove it telling you where you are (which works sporadically anyway and doesn't tell you sometimes) and implement a 'can't respawn again for 5 minutes' jobby where if you click respawn again it will either say no' date=' or put you into limbo or something.


100% agree. Great minds think alike: http://dayzmod.com/forum/showthread.php?tid=5854

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So what if you are in Elektro, and kill someone, and then he just selects the Elektro spawn point and respawns 5 seconds later and kills you?

It would make those cities like Call of Duty simulators

Sure, the way it is now they can keep respawning but it might take them a long time to actually respawn there

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Also' date=' the spawn points could just be called by numbers that way you don't know what you are selecting.


Spawn #1 = Three Valleys

You could even randomize the spawn point values at an hourly rate.

By that I mean, for 1 hour:

Spawn #1 = Wilderness

Spawn # 2 = Kamenka

and then it would change the values for each spawn number to a randomized result each hour.

That seems doable and non-game breaking to me. And with that system you can disable the message when you spawn that gives you your current location.

I think we're onto something here. I wish Rocket, a dev, or a mod would weigh in on this to say whether they'd ever consider this type of setup.


So the spawn selection system would be randomized? Then what would be the point, that's what it is right now

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