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over (DayZ)

Day/night cycle

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So, obviously, realtime day/night cycle is not that entertaing as it could be. When there's day in Europe - EU servers are overcrowded. When in US - everyone's run through Atlantic like it's 1905. To fix this I suggest few things:

1. Shift day/night cycle in 3-4 times.

2. Make global time for all the servers: night in EU == night in US.

3. Make full-moon nights, so people without NVG could play at night too.

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I disagree personally, if i play on the day in EU servers and live in EU i want the light. I don't want to be forced (or someone else to be forced) into having night when its day etc..

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There are already multiple threads about the day cycle, they are not going to change it, get over it.

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To the spammers amongst you,.... Stop it.

To the OP, it ain't gonna happen like that.

People work, people play, some like nights, some do not.

And please use the Search Function as well as reading the Rules & Stickies.


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