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swat shifter

Lost characters when updated to

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Date/Time: August 25th, 2012 at around 12:00AM EST

What happened: Upon first login after updating to patch, the gender select screen was brought up and I lost my old character from when I played in patch

Where you were: Last known logout was just north of Stary Sobor. Logged in at Prigordki as a fresh character.

What you were doing: N/A

*Current installed version: with 1.62 arma II patch.

*Server(s) you were on: US478 was the first server I logged into

*Timeline of events before/after error: My computer has been having issues lately which resulted in me not being able to play for a few days. I still had the patch and logged into a DE server around 11pm on august 25th, 2012. Ran north of stary sobor and logged out to find a server that wasn't having fps issues. All the servers seemed to be, so i researched and updated my game. After logging into the game around midnight or 12:30am, I was a fresh character without any of my gear.

If at all possible, I would really like to have my gear or character restored. I spent the better part of some of my days gearing up that character with a friend and even he had the same issue as me. Now we're both fresh spawns and we only got to use our gear maybe once or twice in an actual firefight. My character is Rael and his character is Enzimus

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I've lost my gear more then twice now to absolutely nothing and doesn't seem they're doing anything at all about it. their excuse is "its in Alpha" like their half a**ed support and the issues in the game will be gone afterwards... lol

Edited by Kijuta

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