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What I would like DayZ to become.

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Let me first start off by explaining what type of games I played in the past. I have spent most of my gaming days playing what I classify as full loot pvp sandbox mmo's. My favorite by far were Ultima Online: T2A and Darkfall Online. If your familiar with these games you probably know where I'm going with this...

The way DayZ stands now it is very fun, addicting, and probably one of the best games out there. But I want it to be better, I want it to be the game I will play for the next couple of years and then some. I want it to captivate me the way UO did. Clearly DayZ should be going in the direction of a standalone game and not a mod (everyone knows that). However I don't want it to just be a FPS that calls its self an mmo simply because your items save, instead I would love to see the game grow from multiple instances to one massive world without any instances the way UO and Darkfall are.

DayZ already solves a major problem most mmo's face - (grind), it does away with it by not requiring you to skill up or button bash vs NPC Mobs.

I want DayZ to keep its core features:

  • Full Loot
  • Open word PVP
  • No Grind

I want it to expand with:

  • a massive world that can support thousands of players simultaneously
  • allow clans to build bases using tent's, sandbags, barb wiring. (clearly there needs to be some sort of balance between storing items and being fully loot-able. Perhaps taking a page from Darkfall's seige mechanics?)
  • Improve Mob AI by having zombies build there own camps or populate/migrate to areas where they are not being killed till they hit critcal mass and go raid nearby cities or clan areas. (something darkfall promised but never delivered)
  • being able to choose to re-spawn at a clan base instead of some random point along the shore (allow clans to stay and play together even after death without having to travel for hours).

These are just some basic thing's, most of which were taken from the two games mentioned above. Clearly the mechanics behind each would have to be thought threw carefully. But the general idea is - give us a sandbox, give us the tools and let us build the castles.

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Massive world that can support thousands of players is a bit impossible with arma server limitations, and where the fuck would it be hosted?

Zombie building their own camps and populate/migrate = more server work, it already have to handle thousands of players...

I think you will never have what you want

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i think that would be horrible, servers should only allow ~100 people online at any single time.

There's a reason it's called an apocalypse

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Okay, a few of these just sound like WoW or something. That is nothing related to day z. It's an apocalypse simulator. Not zombies building bases. Really? Thousands of players? That would suck

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I think the map should be like Chernarus, but 2-3 times bigger, and have an average of 100 players.

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Definitely don't want it to be like another mmo. The way the servers are setup now is perfect and all they need to do is bump up the map size a bit more and the total players per server atleast 250 max and more playable maps. Oh and a standalone version!

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I'm rather confused on why you, the OP, believe that Day Z is similar to an MMORPG. This mod is merely a simulator and is not structured the same way as an MMORPG is. Having a super server would be extreme and doesn't make sense when the servers are ran by the community and governed by the community based on guidelines that Rocket had made. Base building has already been confirmed in future iterations of the mod, most likely when it goes standalone. Having the infected build their own camps sounds extremely ridiculous and I am not sure why you would even suggest that. All in all, the idea of Day Z will most likely not become another MMORPG that you hope it might become.

Edited by Commando501

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For there to be thousands of players, the map would have to be expanded so much.

Also zombies building camps, what? Sigh.

I would like to see more team building, like constructing bases, etc, like you've said OP.

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Basically having dayz play out in the same way as eve online would be fun. Everyone on one map, one server and limited resources. That can't work.

I think that in the future (I doubt you could do this before a standalone is released) you could have players on a server split up into several areas. You start out on Chernarus and can move to different areas.

It would probably work as follows:

If you head to the NW of Chernarus (way past the airfield) you could take the pass (or maybe they could add a tunnel) to Russia. You would appear near Sochi (or whatever you want to call the city). It would have a subway system (come on, everyone likes zombies underground), tall building and towers, elevators (which could be powered by portable generators or from the grid) and massive Olympic stadiums (Sochi 2014).

Chernarus should be your starting area (you start on the coast) - it isn't that difficult to survive - there are zombie in the cities and wild animals in the forests, however loot should be a bit more scarce then it is now and finding military weapons significantly harder.

The City (Sochi or whatever) should be accessible to the north of Chernarus (say 2 or 3 passes or tunnels lead to it in total). There you should find far more civilian and military loot, however there should be large zombie hordes moving through the city (or just a lot of zombies per sq km). When you arrive from Chernarus you should appear on the outskirts of the city. The subway system in it should have 4-5 stops with relevant infrastructure (control center and depot). You shouldn't be able to use a train, since this would probably be useless, just like in Chernarus. It would be perfect if there was a port and a luxury island of coast.

The final area should be around a nuclear power plant (I would personally prefer it to be in the mountains, but I know its not going to happen, you would fall way to frequently and probably glitch often). This final area is a snow covered, radioactive area (one of the blocks of the power station suffered a meltdown, and another one can be restarted to power the city). Zombies would be less frequent, but would be more deadly as any hit would do 2-3 times damage. You could also, rarely, encounter mutated animals, which are more aggressive and deadly.

You lose 1-10 blood per minute in the area (10 blood loss after a radiation gauge have been filled) unless you wear a protective gear, gas mask, or spend time in a decon unit. All would be hard to find. The decon unit would just have you close the 2 doors to it and turn a valve (stay for 2-3 minutes and your radiation counter resets and while you're there you take no damage from radiation). The suite and mask only prevent you from taking damage as long as they are in working order (you would need a gas mask, a filter for it, or the protective gear - which can be damaged and must be repaired with specialized repair kits to work properly).

The area of the power plant itself would be near deadly (20-30 blood loss per minute without protection and 1-5 with protective gear), but could have several decon units. The area in general would have a lot of loot, military facilities and a small town (for the power plant's employees and their families). However in the plant one would find the best military loot in the game - armored vehicles, the most powerful weapons and misc electronics (motion sensors, head sensors, ipods etc.).

If you restart the power plant you can open the doors to the armory, which holds all of the best loot, however the restart would require a large team 5-10 people (say 3 at controls, 2 at reactor room and the rest to guard them and the armory).

Another idea that I think could work are NPC and player journals (I know that both have been discussed before). They should take up 1 slot in your toolbelt. NPC journals should have various information (what can you find where) and what happened up to, during or after the infected outbreak took over. Player journals should be just that - an item you can find in which you can write anything you want. They could be used more for your convenience - remembering where you've been and where you've found loot, rather than as a letter to the person who loots your corpse.


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