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Private Servers okay ?

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Hey i have now seen Many Private Servers with own Character and Vehicle Database ...

Is that Okay for the Devs or not ?

I like playing on it ... no Serverhoppers , No Disconnectin run around and killed from the back .... ect ...

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Its technically not allowed but I have yet to see anything done about it.

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I think they can't do anything about it since it's not connected to dayz(not using @hive).

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Technically it's not forbidden since DayZ files are not distributed with any kind of license, so they are free to use.

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I wonder if doing this would help with the script kiddies and server hopper issues?

Give up a little of the "global" nature of the game and create a stronger local community on the server or servers that share a private hive?

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I dont know if it is forbitten or not, but its possilbe to create "noHive" servers, you can also share the DB of the servers (all connect to a MySQL DB). Depends how much traffic the DB server can handle, but i think its possible to create a Regular,Vetaran,Expert Server that just handle the same nonhive DB

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I wonder if doing this would help with the script kiddies and server hopper issues?

Give up a little of the "global" nature of the game and create a stronger local community on the server or servers that share a private hive?

I like the idea, but I don't know if it's worth doing. Hosting a server is already quite costly, I imagine a lot of servers would shut down if they had to host their own hive too. It's still a cool idea to keep ahold of :)

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Why they should shut down? Its a normaly MySQL Database, nothing more. if it just for your server its totaly easy to set up, all server admins should know how to do this, is nothing more than make a DB for a Website or a Forum.

If u want to create your own "nonHive"-Hive that share datas with other servers its a little bit difficulty than just a stand alone server, cause u have to create a connecten betwenn gameserver and "nonHive"-Hive server, think in case of DC its create a lot of traffic so u just can hope that the internal traffic dont cost :P

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The good thing on this is, u dont havi ServerHopping 4 gear, and re position to someone, the other thing, if the server goes down, it goes down and all lost. the third good thing, if there is a good admin, he propatly can bann cheaters/exploiters ect.

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Its frowned upon much like the list of exploits or bugs that can benefit players on normal servers.

Playing on a private server don´t give you any benefits on the normal servers so I don´t really see the simularity to using exploits or bugs?

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No server hoppers, helicopters and less cheating. Its for the good of dayz.

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The good thing on this is, u dont havi ServerHopping 4 gear, and re position to someone, the other thing, if the server goes down, it goes down and all lost. the third good thing, if there is a good admin, he propatly can bann cheaters/exploiters ect.

Finding a good admin can be hard, you might be on a server a few days before you find out he's a shmuck :S

I think a global ban list that is a bit more robust would server a similar purpose.

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Jear thats true Graz, but if u want to have a good Community u must be a good Admin/Mod. At all, i know that making a server is just possible on Windows based Servers, if there is any linux server out i try to make a server, but i dont have windows servers at all (sorry guys, ms licence costs just to high for me)

I still have the server files and the know how to build a little server pool (think 1-3 servers all with one DB) but i dont have the money for windows based systems :->

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Playing on a private server don´t give you any benefits on the normal servers so I don´t really see the simularity to using exploits or bugs?

You misinterpreted what I meant. I said its frowned up much like people using Exploits/Bugs. I may have confused you by saying Normal servers but thats what I play on so.

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Hackers/Exploiters have still the same reasons for this, this guys join the game without equip, they just adding the stuff they need and harass other people for fun and destroying ther game

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Suito you can host ArmA2 Windows binary with wine, HiveExtension also works on wine. If you don't have the money for Windows solutions you probably don't have the hardware for ArmA2OAServer with 50 slots.

You need ATLEAST Xeon recent gen 3Ghz+

Edited by Chernarus

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So...were saying if i wanted to play single player, i would make my own "private server", and then just host in LAN side? Interesting. Im going to have to look into that. However i feel that making your own private online DayZ server is a little selfish. It takes a mod that rocket worked on for a long time, mostly by himself, and uses it against his will. Though its not TECHNICALLY hurting anyone if its not Hive connected, i still feel that its kind of taking his mod from him.

You didnt really get the permission to host the mod,and its going behind his back. Then thats when people mod .pbo files to make custom content. Though i could see the promise it holds allowing for customization and server hosting, and that could bring good ideas into the base mod, its still a little too sketchy for my tastes.

The only reason i think hosting LAN is different is because its not affecting a vast majority of players (such as people online wanting to join a private (and potentially passworded) server). And ever since the DayZ SP mod was lost to the internet, ive lost all my good saves with awesome gear. Anyhow, its just my opinion. Feel free to disagree with me if you want.

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So...were saying if i wanted to play single player, i would make my own "private server", and then just host in LAN side? Interesting. Im going to have to look into that. However i feel that making your own private online DayZ server is a little selfish. It takes a mod that rocket worked on for a long time, mostly by himself, and uses it against his will. Though its not TECHNICALLY hurting anyone if its not Hive connected, i still feel that its kind of taking his mod from him.

You didnt really get the permission to host the mod,and its going behind his back. Then thats when people mod .pbo files to make custom content. Though i could see the promise it holds allowing for customization and server hosting, and that could bring good ideas into the base mod, its still a little too sketchy for my tastes.

The only reason i think hosting LAN is different is because its not affecting a vast majority of players (such as people online wanting to join a private (and potentially passworded) server). And ever since the DayZ SP mod was lost to the internet, ive lost all my good saves with awesome gear. Anyhow, its just my opinion. Feel free to disagree with me if you want.

Alot of the bigname private servers stay true to rockets ideals and even support him more then most of the public server hosts, because we want the mod to succeed and not fail, thus 0ms DB latency and heavier anti-cheat method whilst staying true to the original mod.

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Alot of the bigname private servers stay true to rockets ideals and even support him more then most of the public server hosts, because we want the mod to succeed and not fail, thus 0ms DB latency and heavier anti-cheat method whilst staying true to the original mod.

This. And it's easy to report bugs to Rocket and the devs when you have a private server as you can study the bugs without anyone interrupting you.

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Yeah and i think its realy fine without Server Hoppers and Disconnecters. ...

I mean its works better when the Server hosts can choose Private or Hive Server

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If u dont want a hive server just download the server files and host an server, so u dont have to ask if u can host one..

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I will not explain fully how other players make private server but here is what I will tell you. They setup a MYSQL database on their local side and they use VMware to create a new machine virtualization and run the server off that with the server files needed. They have that character in while they can get their character in the server and it can be fully customized to their liking. I'm not going to tell you how to setup a private server as that'd cause A LOT of issues.

P.S. I do run a legitimate server with HFB!

Edited by Venzire

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Technically it's not forbidden since DayZ files are not distributed with any kind of license, so they are free to use.

Yeah its more or less a gentleman's agreement that we stick to the rules, but as long as private servers don't want to interfere with hive then np with me.

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