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Eat less, but spend more time doing it

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I agree with many people here who say that the need to eat occurs much too often during the day.

This is obviously a gameplay balancing thing. Since we can't all play DayZ 24/7 (sadly), it adds a sense of urgency to finding food, which is a good thing, but gets annoying after a while.

Maybe this could be changed in such a way that you need to eat less often during the day, but that eating itself takes longer and isn't something that takes less than 5 seconds to do.

You'd have to find a good hiding spot, sit down, eat (and make noise) for up to a minute or two, leaving you perfectly vulnerable while you do this. If you stop eating (move or whatever), you are not fed and have to start over.

Drinking, on the other hand, is just fine as it is. Due to the abundance of water sources and the fact that you do need to hydrate quite a bit under the circumstances.

Oops, posted in wrong subforum.

Could this be moved to suggestions?

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An idea i've had that eating takes around 5 mins.

- Over these 5mins your hunger decreases slowly.

- While eating you cannot run

- You can only use 1 handed weapons

- You make noise

- You can stop eating but you loose your beans in the process

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If you stop eating you lose the food ? Seriously ? This has no sense. And seriously 1 or 5 mins ? That's too much.

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I like it as it is, mybe a bit longer to eat..1min max. Though if I had to run, hike, deal with high levels of anxiety/stress, calories would be a major factor and often. Hydration even more often.

I think it's fine as it is.....but I wouldn't mind longer eating process and longer time to get hungry.

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Your character is extremely active and only eating single cans of food, not whole meals. You would have to eat much more often under those circumstances.

That being said, I think taking more time to do something in which you have to just sit and wait detracts from gameplay.

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It would be interesting if the food system was more complex in general. Different foods could replenish different amounts depending on what they are; a steak would probably give more food than a can of beans.

I think it would be more realistic if each water bottle had a certain number of "sips" of water in it, and you have to frequently stop and drink a little more water to stay hydrated. However this may be a little too much realism and not entirely necessary.

I am sure as development goes on these systems will get more complex.

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I think it's fine the way it is. It's a game and you have to compensate for people's characters being put into stasis every couple of hours.

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