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Ok I was told to move my original post to here from : http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/45064-us1169-admin-abuse-resetting-server/

I just killed a player named GhostHawx and he resetted the whole server everyone got kicked from it. I have many other people that was with me when this happened. I am getting tired of admins abusing servers like this its getting outrageous and some how needs to be controlled

time 10:20ish central american time...

I know it was him because right after I killed him the whole server froze and reset like mili second after I finished the kill with one last shot.

All of the people I have killed at that airfield to day all of their bodys are GONE!!! He was climbing the airtower at that field when i shot him and he started to bleed then he got to the top and started rolling and I shot him in the face... Then a red thing in the screen had a timer going up saying no connection 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 ect.... I looked at my router and it wasn't my internet connection. I then look back at the server and everyone is gone!! Next thing I know whos the first person back in the server while I am refreshing it.... GhostHawx

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Tbh that sounds like a legit crash to me. if it was a "restart" it would say "Session Lost" rather than giving you the count.

Edited by xbamaris
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  On 7/25/2012 at 4:47 AM, xbamaris said:

Tbh that sounds like a legit crash to me. if it was a "restart" it would say "Session Lost" rather than giving you the count.

I have had this happened before right after killing an admin and the same thing happened before.... So I know for a fact it wasn't just a crash.

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And it did say session lost after 30 seconds into the count down. This isn't the first time this has happened to me and friends. I know what happened and why he reset it.... he didn't want us to report him for having hacked weapons. I have noticed it more and more admins taking advantage of the power hacking in the game weapons and vehicles. Just the other day I say a admin spawn a Apache and the funny thing is, is that when he saw me on that field I got kicked now some screen keeps popping up on that server and it won't let me in (idk if that means I am banned or not from that server)

The main point is the admins need to have someone above them too because they are abusing their power when they can.

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  On 7/25/2012 at 4:47 AM, xbamaris said:

Tbh that sounds like a legit crash to me. if it was a "restart" it would say "Session Lost" rather than giving you the count.

Not the case. Using the old way of restarting the server (BECon) it would say session lost. Now however using the Game Control Panel when you restart the server it will do the "no message received" thing instead.

Edited by Marksman X

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Could have been a legit scheduled restart for all you know.

You really don't have proof unless an admin can post logs etc.

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I, once again, was not and am not the admin. I was killed, by ghost, on the air tower. I was the one who died. Me. Server restarted while I was at the You Are Dead screen. It locked me to it for about three minutes. I dont care how many guys you had there, bottom line was I didnt restart the server. Man up, seriously. If i was being shot at on the roof of the air tower, no cover mind you, you started shooting a well armed guy, why wouldnt i just Alt F4 out? you said yourself I got killed right? Well armed? and died? why wouldnt I just leave? I was going after the first guy i killed up there. What I dont understand was how you got to that end of the runway past my brother who was in the treeline to your north, kinda strange. Look to thy own before reporting lies on others. Anyway, not the admin, stop crying. and i still play on that server. every day. still not the admin.

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If a server is killed by an admin it says 'Session Lost'. If it crashes, it says 'No connection for <however long>.

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and you can see the game stats here...http://arma2.swec.se/server/list... info is there if you look at it.

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Also, if the server died a millisecond after you killed him, as you claim, then I highly doubt it was an admin that did it on purpose. The admin would have to alt-tab out and then access his controls to kill the server, which would take a bit longer than a millisecond.

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  On 7/25/2012 at 4:56 PM, Zoop said:

If a server is killed by an admin it says 'Session Lost'. If it crashes, it says 'No connection for <however long>.

This isn't always true. It's buggy. :P

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I have been in servers before where the admin has done this shit before... it doesn't always say session lost! I have 10 to 12 friends where we go server to server as bandits hunting people so its not uncommon for us to kill an admin and he ragequits like a crybaby and resets the server....

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90% of the time the admins reset the server when they die is because there not using legal guns in the game meaning hacked guns like the .50 cal with thermal...

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  On 7/25/2012 at 4:59 PM, Zoop said:

Also, if the server died a millisecond after you killed him, as you claim, then I highly doubt it was an admin that did it on purpose. The admin would have to alt-tab out and then access his controls to kill the server, which would take a bit longer than a millisecond.

To alt tab and to get to admin control panel it takes seconds.... He rolled around and then just stood still and thats when I popped him in his head I wouldn't doubt that he knew he was gonna die seeing he was on the fucking tower at the very top with no where to run.

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