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Session lost in vehicle.

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Ok, so guys.

I was in a UAZ, right, and I was driving around in the forest, right, and then ALL OF A SUDDEN BAM! I was hit hard with a message saying 'session lost'.

I was stunned, it took me a few seconds to respond. I broke down in tears, there was nothing left in life. So I respawned and took my butt hurt out on newbies in Elektro.

...Anyway my question is: What happens to a vehicle in that situation? I assume it goes back to the spot it was last saved or exited. Is this the case? Or is it not?

Disclaimer: Story was highly exaggerated, even some lies were thrown in. Apologies in advance I was just trying to make it entertaining for you guys. No newbies were hurt during the shooting of this film.

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I've had that happen to me in a tractor, respawned and the vehicle was still there. It'll stay there until the server resets or someone takes it.

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Depends. Sometimes it goes back from the last saved postition, other times it stay in the last place it was before session lost, other times they just disappear and always return the loot inside them to the loot that was saved.

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Funny, I had some similar experiences, today.

I am heading north-east, with the airfield very close on my left. I spot a helkcopter crash in a field and get to business.

JUST when I get out of the van (but I had time to save!)... Session lost.

I spawned about half a kilometer back along my path, but the van was still in the field.

Later, my game actually crashed while I was driving. I returned and was conveniently crouching near a pine tree. The van was a bit up the road... Still idling!

So yeah, it might be behind you, it might be ahead of you, it might be at your last save point. Just keep your path in mind as you go... Just in case!

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I had a similar thing happen as well while in a boat. The loading screen showed the small boat ahead of my point of view in the distance, but it was gone when I got back in game. I did not die, but lost some gear and was miserably cold by the time I swam to shore. Lesson learned: fuck them boats.

Edited by T.G.

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Yup. Same happened to me as Disgraced. I found a bandit camp with a hatchback and while driving away I got the dreaded BE version kick. Loaded back in about 100 yards behind the hatchback. It was still running.

Makes me wonder....if you were to lose connection while driving a vehicle and were not able to log back in, would it simply run till it's fuel was gone? And what about heli's? If you lose your connection while flying, does it fall out of the sky or does it autohover or something?

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Well it's good to know I'm not the only one lol. 2 out of three I've lost to this 'session lost' message...I don't even get it that much. *cries*.

Oh well, I'm still in the forest so I'll have a look around I guess.

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Getting "session lost" while flying a helo is one of the most frustrating things I've ever had in this game.

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respawns after server restart where the server last recognized it. So it should be about 200 meters around you (depending on where your character synced the last time).

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Dude i drove my UAZ who had like 4 rifles and alot alot good stuff in it.. i was at the top of the map driving to nowhere until i got to elektro.. at the enterance of elektro i got a message: i got kicked cuz of high ping. It took me like 5 minutes to log in back cuz it gave me the high ping kick all time.. and when i returned the uaz wasn't there.. then someone killed me

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Posted 25 July 2012 - 11:42 AM


Please check dates. Don't resurrect dead threads. Let them lie in peace.





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