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Sidearm review

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For some reason I constantly compare the weapons I use. Since I'm so opinionated, I though I might as well share my views on the forum. Enjøy!

Before I start, I'd just like to share my philosophy about sidearms. A sidearm is just that, a secondary weapon. It should complete whatever other main weapon you have.

In DayZ the main weapon is usually the one best suited to kill bandits, but because of noise it will probably attract a fair amount of Z aggro too, thus it's best avoided to use it when making a stand against Z. This is where the sidearm comes in handy. If it's relatively discrete, doesn't make too much noise, you'll stand a good chanse against most kinds of Z attack, simply because you attract less attention with a sidearm noise-wise, as compared to a main weapon. That is also why I prefer the underpowered sidearms over the more hard hitting ones, as none of them are particularly good against other players anyway.

Anyway, here we go!


I actually quite like this weapon, mostly because it's relatively quiet and because ammo is abundant. I wouldn't feel safe with it unless I already had a more powerful main weapon, though. When I carry it, it's main role is to rub out Z's indoors.


  • Good weapon againt Z indoors
  • It's common - most importantly, ammo is common
  • It's not very noisy
  • One shot in the head will kill a Z without alerting too many others


  • Poor at PvP
  • Takes multiple shots to down a Z
  • Even though it relatively quet, it still makes noise
  • A G17 or M1911 is probably a better choice

Score: 7 of 10

Glock 17 (a.k.a. G17)

I prefer this one over the M9 because of abundance of ammo and the flashlight. Some call it a glorified Makarov, but then again, I don't really think the Makarov's too bad either. As with the Makarov, the main role of this weapon is as defence against Z, and as backup for a more powerful main weapon. Alround, I probably think this is one of the best sidearms in the game, when you factor inn rarity of ammo, and the neat flashlight.


  • It's a good nighttime Z-buster because it has a flashlight (well, unless you have NV goggles)
  • Ammo is relatively common, especially since you can also use M9 mags
  • It can hold up to 17 rounds in the mag, which is great
  • Fairly accurate and fast


  • Poor at PvP
  • Takes multiple shots to down a Z
  • An M1911 is probably a better choise, unless you want to stay a bit more quiet - or unless it's nighttime

Score: 9 of 10


I think this is a good alround weapon, and I prefer it if I don't yet have a more powerful main weapon. However, I'll probably go for something less powerful if I already have a good main weapon, simply due to discretion.


  • Only takes one shot to kill
  • Plenty of ammo
  • Fairly accurate, and good range
  • OK at PvP


  • Loud, and thus it's not really suited to make a stand against Z's - unless you have plenty of ammo

Score: 8 of 10


This is also a good alround weapon, but I only keep it if I don't yet have a main weapon. The reason is of course that it's too loud, yet it does pack a nice punch.


  • Only takes one shot to kill
  • Plenty of ammo
  • Fairly accurate, and good range
  • OK at PvP


  • Loud, and thus it's not really suited to defend against Z
  • Slow too
  • Minus one rounds per mag than the M1911

Score: 7 of 10


I guess this is the sidearm I'd least desire, but if I had to use it, I would. I might even pick a Makarov over this one, simply because of abundance of ammo.


  • Fairly accurate


  • Finding ammo's a bitch, although it also fires M9 SD rounds
  • Poor at PvP
  • Almost any other sidarm will have better advantages

Score: 5

M9 SD (silenced)

I haven't tried this one yet, but I have tried the MP5 SD, and albeit it is a great weapon to silently take out Z's, and also in the open, the rarity of ammo really lessens the longevity of these weapons. But of course, if I find one, I keep it! However I would keep a Makarov in the sack, just in case you run out of bullets.


  • Silent, oh so silent
  • Also good in the open, because it doesn't attract attention


  • Severly underpowered
  • Not great at PvP unless you mangage both to get headshots, while at the same time keeping hidden

Score: 7


Haven't tried this one either, but from the charts it seems to be the most versatile sidearm yet, as it's both fast and silenced (if you get the right ammo), and because it can take so many different types of ammo.


  • Silent, if you have the right ammo
  • Fast
  • Up to 30 rounds in the mag
  • Takes many types of ammo
  • OK against PvP because of its speed


  • Probably uses ammo equally fast

Score: 9


Here's my prioritized list:

As support for a more powerful main weapon:

  1. Glock 17
  2. M9 SD
  3. Makarov
  4. M9 - or really, I would never use the M9

Good enough on its own:

  1. PDW
  2. M1911
  3. Revolver

The only weapon I'd still keep even if I had a good main weapon, is the PDW, otherwise I'd go with the top list, as discretion is a must in this game. Oh, and don't forget, the hatchet is actually a pretty good weapon if you learn to use it (dropping main weapon, equipping hatchet, reloading, and hack away). ;)

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Not a fan of the PDW , if i find one i will just waste all of its ammo on any close in zeds then throw it away and pick up whatever sidearm i dropped.

M9 SD i will do the same. I find it's accuracy is worse than..well.. anything. I would rather throw blunt toothpicks.

M1911 i like because it is a killer, noisy yeah ..but if i have it in hand i feel safe if i come around the corner and meet a player.Bonus using revolver mags to convert.

G17..gotta love the light and the big mag , bit noisy but the light ( for me) compensates when i am out and about in the dark. Can be a bitch to get mags, if i pick up a g17 i will shuffle whatever other handgun i have into my backpack in case i run outta ammo. I really use it more as a torch than anything..a torch that can shoot.

Mak..yeah baby, i love this thing! Mags are absolutely everywhere , she nevers goes dry. Can pop shots as fast as you can pull the trigger and leave a trail of zeds wherever you go. My constant companion and the only gun that have ever used to kill players with..two were stalking me for my beans, my mak said no. I love you baby.

Revolver..reminds me of cowboys and indians as a kid, i always wanted the rifle but ...nooooooo... "be nice and give your sister the rifle.. " but daaaad..GIVE HER THE DAMN RIFLE! ..plus slow reload..not a fan.But it will kill just like all of the other guns.

If i had to pick just one..i would take the Mak. Never going to run out of ammo, and that is my main consideration over all else.

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My opinion: The m1911 and revolver are currently the best because you can have convert half full mags and never run out of ammo. The makarov is quiet and you will never run out of ammo because ammo is very common. It is ok at pvp if you are capable of aiming and are good on the trigger. The PDW is versitle but weak to most peoples standards. Can be switched between full auto and semi and can be silenced with the right ammo. Basicly full auto is for PVP and Semi is for headshoting zombies. The glock is very easy to aim and can use m9 magazines which makes it my pistol of choice. Ive personally never found a m9 or its sd counterpart but wth a pdw I dont see any reason to use them. The pdw is my side arm of choice because I only use sidearms indoors or against infected but the revolver is hard to beat due to its unlimited ammo and range abilities. Im currently trying out the m1911 but am having trouble getting used to its sights.

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Yeah, you're probably right. As I haven't really used the PDW, I wouldn't really know how it handles. I should probably have put a question mark next to it.

The M1911 handles well enough, and with one shot, one kill, you really don't need to be such a great aim. Same goes for the revolver. Yes, they do have a lot of ammo laying around and that certainly counts when choosing your sidearm.

For me, the silenced thing mostly comes down to one thing: Availability of ammo. I feel there's not much point lugging around a gun without ammo, so usually silenced weapons (the MP5 SD) get more in my way than they really help, is my experience. It's pretty easy to aim, though, and getting head shots is no problem. Don't know about the M9 SD, though.

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I love the M1911, it's accurate, lots of stopping power and ammo is plentyful. I also really like the fact that .45 (revolver) clips can be converted into M1911 mags.

Edited by Jaime

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Glock is a piece of shit. it can take up to 6 shots to kill a military zed. m19 is the best gun because lets be honest if you are having to shoot at zeds chance's are others will hear you anyway so it might as well be a one shot kill gun.

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i like my m19 tbh

Edited by Dafaq

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Its funny how people say a gun is bad if it takes more than one hit. I will use a phrase I hear so many others use. If it take more than one hit, your doing it wrong. Fyi I love the m9 sd.

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The silenced M9 is my favorite of all handguns, for stealth and purely because it looks good. Ammo for them however is a right bitch to find unless your willing to risk a NW airfield raid.

Next in line for me would be the 1911, closely followed by the revolver, one shot kills on a zed anywhere on their body.

Remember though.. All handguns are a one shit kill if aimed in the right place, right between the eyes... be it a zed or another player :)

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thanks for the nice link to the weapon summary Brenan! :)

Edited by G33z3r

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The people knocking the M9SD are likely not taking into account the very slow speed of the bullets. I can happily take down Zeds all day long with the M9SD. You just have to shoot where the target is going to be when the bullet hits. - Also not worth bothering if you're not going to go for a headshot. Ammo is far too rare to be spraying everywhere.

If i'm in Elektro/Cherno i tend to use a Makarov, even if I've got a decent primary. Firing off an AK or similar rifle attracts unnecessary attention. Sometimes i'll even use it deliberately to lure unsuspecting victims into a killzone. Favorite pistol is probably the M1911, overall.

Also, last i checked using silenced bullets in a non-silenced gun doesn't make your gun quiet.

Edited by CoveringFire
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Love the M1911 and the Revolver. The sights are off just a touch on the 1911 but it's easy to get used to. I don't snipe so I feel well armed as soon as i get the 1911. Got a bandit kill way up north yesterday with it.

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I think Brennans chart is too simplistic. For one, it doesn't take magazine size into account, only damage and range, although audible range is damn important. Second, it does not mention availability of ammo. These are things that are vital for surviving - that is, unless you hack or cheat...

I'm curious how this works with the new damage nerfing in the last patch. I heard zombies now are much more difficult to kill, even with the M1911.

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The post was made before 1911 and revolver damage was reduced, The only sidearms that standout now are the PDW for fullauto (meh) and the M9SD for the suppression. The rest all have similiar range and damage so they are basically the same gun with different clip sizes.

Edited by d0z123

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The post was made before 1911 and revolver damage was reduced, The only sidearms that standout now are the PDW for fullauto (meh) and the M9SD for the suppression. The rest all have similiar range and damage so they are basically the same gun with different clip sizes.

Sad to hear that... Hope it's fixed! I kinda liked it when the sidearms had markedly different advantages.

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