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My Thoughts On Ragers, Gaming, and DayZ

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Now before I start, I am 22-years-old. I'm not a very old gamer, but I have been playing games since I was very young; woo NES!

Back when gaming first came around, games where hard. There were no save points and even the ones that did (e.g. Super Mario World) gave you limited lives before you had to start over. Even some of the first PlayStation games were hard. Over the 16-17 years of my own gaming, games have gotten easier there isn't much of a challenge anymore in gaming unless it involves PvP. Games are made so we can beat them and these days any game that is seen as hard is just raged about and people shy away from it. Society wants instant gratification and I think that leaked into gaming years ago. I can't remember the last challenging game I played since DayZ. Maybe Super Mario? People don't like it when games make them work for something to win. Most games these days have difficulty settings because of this I think. If there was just one tough difficulty mode, people wouldn't play them in my opinion. Lots of games have moved to the PvP aspect, which is fine with me because it can be hard as fuck; this game is no exception to that.

Now, moving on to the ragers. I think we see so many ragers and whining care bears on here because they are so accustomed to that easy, quick win, style. They don't want to work to achieve their own goals in a brutal world, these people want the game to tell them what to do and give them all the tools they need to do it without effort. Obviously, that isn't how DayZ works. These people come on thinking they'll get to talk to random people and skip under a rainbow holding hands with their new survivor buddies, all the while shooting zombies that have no real thought or challenge. Sure, the game as PvE may be challenging if loot spawn was lowered significantly, but it'd just be a retarded L4D style game that wouldn't require much effort to survive. PvP is what makes this game, it's what makes it challenging as hell. The player interaction makes this mod completely unique to any game out there, but the whining no goal normal mode players don't like that. If you threw someone into a harsh, unforgiving world and told them to survive by any means, they would go around butt slapping other survivors like many here want.

DayZ is a breath of fresh air. I want to take a moment to thank Rocket and the dev team for the work that they have done. Brilliant mod guys, keep up the great work!

TL;DR (which it's not very long) Whiny bitches want an easy game that tells them what to do with no effort.

Edited by Nashy08
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Well,I just played on a server where the same 3 guys respawned half a dozen times, while I played for hours. I finally got shot right after I picked up a SAW at a helicopter wreck; my thoughts were wandering off, instead of paying attention, there.

When I respawned I spawned near one of the guys that kept getting killed - and he didn't even crouch. Pretty much from minute 1 he had zombies on him and when I went around the place I found dead bodies that only had the basics (painkillers and bandage) on them. So I assume they all went to an early grave there. People need to learn the controls and know the map a little, before they try to engage in DayZ. I suggest playing some vanilla Arma to get used to all of that to keep the whining to a minumum.

The game is really great, but I don't understand why people call it easy.True - you can get away from the zombies, but the real enemy are the other players. And that's something I sometimes like, but often dislike. I for one would have liked to use that SAW I found on zombies. I could only hear that what shot me was another SAW. So I guess next time, I'll be the one doing the shooting. That seems to be how this game works. Sometimes you kick, sometimes you get kicked.

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Using the SAW for zombies will only bring you death.

It's far far too loud to use in town on zombies...your ringing the dinner bell using that!

Awesome weapon for PvP though. Esp. away from the towns/cities.

Edited by GeordieMarv

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I totally agree with you. If people whine about this game why not play another game with more easier aproach? There are tons of em. I really suck at FPS games cause I just didn't like the ones where no one was organised and played with strategy (arma 2, battlefield and so on). Most people in these games only play for themselfs so most parts I get shot in the head before I even start. This game is another thing. It's a big map and you need to use strategy to survive. It's so much more then just a FPS, thats why I love it even though I get pissed if I struggled and loose all my gear but the thing is, I usually give creds to the one who kills me. He was just better then me this time, next time it might be me who have the luck on my side ;)

Edited by Secutor
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Now, moving on to the ragers. I think we see so many ragers and whining care bears on here because they are so accustomed to that easy, quick win, style. They don't want to work to achieve their own goals in a brutal world, these people want the game to tell them what to do and give them all the tools they need to do it without effort.

I think this totally misses the point. Or maybe what you say is true for some of the "ragers and care bears", but frankly from what I've seen of the critics of the PvP mechanics/culture of DayZ (and speaking for my own feelings) put a higher value on the survival aspect of the game than others. Some of us would like to see MORE focus on the difficulty of surviving in the world and LESS on the PvP deathmatch aspect of it. In other words, I think you've got this issue completely ass-backwards. For my part, I was really intrigued by the idea of a multiplayer zombie horror survival game ... but it turned out to be less "horror survival" and more "standard first person online deathmatch". I'm down for some deathmatch,so whatever, but I think the game could be better if it was structured to de-emphasize the PvP aspects.

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I have Anger Issues irl, So...I rage a lot...and most online games make me....rage...a lot, even single player games make me rage...a lot..

I love a challenge, don't get me wrong, I love hard games, but some games provide a challenge, but no fun, or are so brutally punishing, it has no fun, I.E Age of Wonders, that game irked me lol.

If it is challenging and fun, bring it on, if it is challenging and it isnt fun, and is just a hair pulling curse word party, ill stay away from it..

Edited by Saven

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Now, moving on to the ragers. I think we see so many ragers and whining care bears bandits on here because they are so accustomed to that easy, quick win, style. They don't want to work to achieve their own goals in a brutal world, these people want the game to tell them what to do and perform a single squeeze of the trigger give them all the tools they need to do it without effort. Obviously, that isn't is how DayZ works. These people come on thinking they'll get to talk to shoot random people and skip under a rainbow bush holding hands with their new old survivor bandit buddies, all the while shooting zombies that have no real thought or challenge.

TL;DR (which it's not very long) Whiny bitches want get an easy game that tells them what to do with no effort.

I think that matches better.

The so called "care bears" only ask for not being shot at. I've never witnessed anyone begging for gear.

Edited by Atanar

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