[email protected] 45 Posted August 6, 2012 (edited) Tour Guide - Show newbies around chernarus in your bus/car for a fee. Bonus points for leaving them lost in the wilderness. Triple points for leaving them in the middle of the North west airfield. Edited August 6, 2012 by LostMem0ry Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
johnny (DayZ) 10 Posted August 6, 2012 flash mob - a group (bigger the better) hides at the back of a building, ideally a church. once a survivor walks in, the mob runs in playing music by Journey over direct chat and has a party. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
maxxenbraxxen 67 Posted August 6, 2012 The "ghetto inhabitant": Watch for people with bikes, if you see one get off to, for example, loot a building, run up and steal their bike. When you bike away, play NCR: Get a group of players and attempt to bring society to the wasteland of Cherno.Legion: Do the same as NCR, but capture fresh spawns as slaves and fight the NCR at every chance you getThe Vault Dweller: When you encounter another player, ask them where you can find a water chip for your Vault Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
johnny (DayZ) 10 Posted August 6, 2012 commentator - kinda like the guardian angel, in that you stay hidden and stalk another player. you do not interfere with their business, only provide live commentary over direct chat of their behaviour.bonus points if done a randy newman/musical style. 4 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
[email protected] 45 Posted August 6, 2012 The Prothean - Act like you are a different species that has already been subjected to a zombie apocalypse. Must always be negative towards anyone you meet and/or group up with, regardless of how big their accomplishments are. Bonus points for telling everyone that teaming up is the only way to overcome the zombie threat. (You get beans if they actually do it) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
maxxenbraxxen 67 Posted August 6, 2012 commentator - kinda like the guardian angel, in that you stay hidden and stalk another player. you do not interfere with their business, only provide live commentary over direct chat of their behaviour.bonus points if done a randy newman/musical style.I just had this ideaHackers can go invisible right?So, one could get the invisible script and follow someone around to narrate everything they are doingthat would be hilarious Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Shackram 0 Posted August 6, 2012 commentator - kinda like the guardian angel, in that you stay hidden and stalk another player. you do not interfere with their business, only provide live commentary over direct chat of their behaviour.Now i feel like playing Bastion again. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
LawsOfFire 21 Posted August 6, 2012 Ghost: hide in a bush near balota or THE MOUNTAIN (use ghillie if you have one) play scary sounds and gunshots in direct chat everytime a player comes near'bonus points if you make the player disconecttriple points if you use this on your friend without him knowing you are hereeven more points if the next day you meet with him he is like "OMG the mountain is haunted as hell." Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
CerebralZombie (DayZ) 151 Posted August 6, 2012 Hermit - Stays in one place the entire game, never leaves, points a shotgun in the face of anyone who comes near.I just grabbed a double barrelled shotgun and a guy came in after me, so I shot him once point blank and he only started to bleed... So I unloaded a clip of my M1911, and still nothing. (I think 2 shots of that missed him) So we start running around buildings shooting at one n' other until I ran out of ammo. He ended up getting me back in the end with his better hand gun. Shoties suck. <_< Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
CerebralZombie (DayZ) 151 Posted August 6, 2012 Player Types:Shop Keeper:Stay inside the super market with supplies filling your backpack and inventory and trade with players that come by the shop. For security purposes keep a shotgun with you or behind the counter.(If only you could place supplies through out the store without it de-spawning.)Drunk Uncle:Collect whiskey bottles and throw them at players, with the ability to use a handgun to shoot into the air.Game Types:Civilization:Play in a server with players who agree to the rules or just friends, and live in the houses/buildings in the towns and players choose jobs and play as if everyone is civilized. If someone gets murdered the cops are able to go after the murderer with leads and through word of mouth. Trading, vehicles, the ability to talk through a mic, and so much more! This would definitely need more elaborating. (When my friends and I were young and got bored of playing regular 007 Goldeneye, we'd play this on the level "Complex". It would not compare to a game like Arma II and DayZ having the zombie aspect to it all)That's I've got for now... I must sleep! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Airetam 2 Posted August 6, 2012 Vigilante Only kills other people who they have seen killing peopleThis is me. Killed 1 guy since i started playing (he killed my friend first, revenge is on me), and i've learned to stay the heck away from other survivors' sight.If i see a bandit, he's dead. If i see a survivor and don't know what he's up to, i either stalk him for a while or leave him alone. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
osirish 165 Posted August 6, 2012 (edited) The Sadist - Runs up to unarmed survivors and asks them if they have morphine. If they say "no", shoots them in the leg and runs away.The Tour Guide - Has NVGs, Runs up to unarmed survivors on night servers. Leads them deep into the woods then takes their flashlights and leaves them there.The Zombie Herder - Watches for survivors being stealthy, crouched or proning, and sneaking into a town. Runs down into the town while shooting a Lee Enfield. Attracts a horde of zombies and runs to survivors location. Circles around the survivor a few times screaming "HELP ME!" and then runs away. Edited August 6, 2012 by osirish Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
[email protected] 4 Posted August 6, 2012 Haha this thread is an instant classic! Anyway i'll try to contribute as much as possible, some may be good others will definitely be shocking.The Royal Guard - You must stand near the doorway(inside) of the most important building in every town (Its up to you to decide which building has the most prestige in each town) even if shot at you can not move and you can not talk to anyone (other than offering them the chance to take a picture with you). It would probably be best to stand there saluting and the only way you can release yourself from this statue state is if someone enters the building then leaves without killing you << obvioulsy lol Bonus points go to anyone who actually does stop to have their picture taken with you, extra bonus if you're wearing a ghillie.The Prostitute - Find a player or even a bunch of players haha and offer your services to them for food, drink or whatever you are desperate for. You must do whatever that person or group demands after your payment. So for e.g if they say jump off a bridge, you jump off a bridge. Bonus points go to any prostitue who doesnt get killed near the sea or a pond 8)ZombieCat - You must drop every item you own including your backpack. You can only carry one item which could either be food, drink, painkillers, empty tin cans and whatever else you may have come across looting a zombie. You must go through main towns and cities whilst doing the fucked up crouch walk impersonating a hopper (i believe its alt+shift but i'm not to sure, yet i'm sure everyone knows about it) whilst makin zombies sounds. Bonus points awarded for even making it through a town without being zombie raped lol it maybe best to try this at night.The Rocket - You must become friends with another person or group and in every sentence you speak you have to drop the word "Standalone" in there somewhere. It doesn't even have to make sense you just have to say the word. Bonus points for the number of people that do not kill you becasue of it lolThe Toy Soldier - You must carry a gun with no ammo and engage other players making pew pew pew pew pew sounds haha Bonus points awarded for every shootout you surviveThe Busker - You must pick a spot in a populated area and sing and dance for your items, the more items you gain the better the busker you are. Bonus points for anyone who gains a gun from their antics lol The Vietnam Veteran - You must make friends with a player/group and constantly tell them stories about your time in Dayz. It doesn't even have to be true lol Then every 30 minutes to an hour you must try to reenact a shootout by firing your gun in the air and convincing the other player/players that are with you, that this is a real engagement. Bonus points awarded for the amount of time you keep the group in combat mode.That's all i can think of right now but the OP is a genuis in my eyes so for that they deserve my beans. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
nev2k 16 Posted August 6, 2012 the builder build houses from sandbags with working roofes, several functional rooms, and offer them to people for a decent prize. of :beans: or weps and stuff.additional points, if you manage to build a new city/village, and bring at least 3 citizens to it. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
TSNet 5 Posted August 7, 2012 Guardian Angel: Stalk other survivors from a distance with a sniper rifle, whenever a threat confronts the survivor you take them out. Never give up your location or make contact in any way with the survivor you are protecting.And watch them Alt-F4 in sheer terror probably lol. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
laundrymonster 4 Posted August 7, 2012 Pickpocket: Carry, at most, a pistol, and sneak up on people. Steal valuables from their backpacks.Bonus points if you aren't caught.Extra bonus points if you steal ALL of their ammunition. ;D Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
"Lost" Alice 205 Posted August 8, 2012 (edited) Bumping for GREAT JUSTICE!!also creativity!The Annoying Bards: Go around the forests (as a new spawn would probably be best, and with a friend to make it funnier) singing or playing an instrument over direct chat, and bother the crap out of anybody nearby. Collect stories you turn into songs, ask for donations of beans for a tune, refuse to leave them alone and constantly block their way until they listen to your song or give you something. Inspired by the annoying bards in Assassin's creed II Edited August 8, 2012 by "Lost" Alice 2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Erik (DayZ) 61 Posted August 8, 2012 Trojan Warrior - Grabs everything in a city, piles it in one pile somewhere, shoots anyone who comes near it.I've tried this a couple times. Sadly enough I get shot before the pile is done most of the time. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Wargunner 55 Posted August 8, 2012 Recently I've been running around Cherno or Elektro running after people with my hatchet making wierd gorilla noises. So funny when they have no option but to run away from you in every direction even if they have a gun lol. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
LawsOfFire 21 Posted August 9, 2012 Tour Guide - Show newbies around chernarus in your bus/car for a fee. Bonus points for leaving them lost in the wilderness. Triple points for leaving them in the middle of the North west airfield.even more points if you leave them at the bus-stop-in-the-middle-of-a-forest Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
laundrymonster 4 Posted August 11, 2012 Non-believer: Act like nothing is happening around you. Walk around cities unarmed and engage people in conversation.Points for the longer you survive without getting raped by zombies. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
[email protected] 86 Posted August 12, 2012 (edited) Super Meat Boy - Suicide if you take ANY damage. You MUST STAY AT 12,000 BLOOD AT ALL TIMES.Bonus points: Have someone with you who has no idea why you're doing it. Broadcast Super Meat Boy music if they ask.Double points if they realize what the music meant.Team Valve - Team of in full character Gordon Freeman, Alyx Vance, Isaac Kleiner, Barney Calhoun and Adrian Shepard.Gordon: Armed with Crowbar and MP5Alyx: Armed with G17Isaac: Armed with SCIENCE! (Medic)Barney: Armed with Assault RiflesAdrian Shepard: Armed with Grenade LauncherTeam stays in character. Gordon and Adrian never speak. Barney keeps cracking jokes about old times at Black Mesa. Alyx shouts "GORDON!" if Gordon is in trouble. Isaac keeps whining about losing Lamarr and wonders where the headcrabs are. Adrian acts more brutal, Gordon acts more calculating.Bonus points if someone starts laughing hysterically overhearing it.You got it sooooooo close.. but this fits DayZ a bit better.Gordon: Crowbar and REVOLVER.Adrian Shepard: MK 48 Mod 0 Edited August 12, 2012 by thefonz 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites