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Max Railgrave


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Does the shepherd get bonus points if they use the zombie face and only use melee weapons?

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Hermit - Stays in one place the entire game, never leaves, points a shotgun in the face of anyone who comes near.

LOL! Some good suggestions there man!

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Rambo - Lone warrior known to run through major cities lighting up anything that moves with LMG fire. Has been spotted running through Cherno at night waving glowsticks crying out "Come At me Bro!" Bonus points if your the last man standing after firefights.

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Protector (Emphasis on the -or) Sits at a good vantage point in or around a city with a sniper rifle picking off any zombies chasing the freshly spawned.

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Super Meat Boy - Suicide if you take ANY damage. You MUST STAY AT 12,000 BLOOD AT ALL TIMES.

Bonus points: Have someone with you who has no idea why you're doing it. Broadcast Super Meat Boy music if they ask.

Double points if they realize what the music meant.

Team Valve - Team of in full character Gordon Freeman, Alyx Vance, Isaac Kleiner, Barney Calhoun and Adrian Shepard.

Gordon: Armed with Crowbar and MP5

Alyx: Armed with G17

Isaac: Armed with SCIENCE! (Medic)

Barney: Armed with Assault Rifles

Adrian Shepard: Armed with Grenade Launcher

Team stays in character. Gordon and Adrian never speak. Barney keeps cracking jokes about old times at Black Mesa. Alyx shouts "GORDON!" if Gordon is in trouble. Isaac keeps whining about losing Lamarr and wonders where the headcrabs are. Adrian acts more brutal, Gordon acts more calculating.

Bonus points if someone starts laughing hysterically overhearing it.

Edited by Max Railgrave
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Guardian Angel: Stalk other survivors from a distance with a sniper rifle, whenever a threat confronts the survivor you take them out. Never give up your location or make contact in any way with the survivor you are protecting.

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Guardian Angel: Stalk other survivors from a distance with a sniper rifle, whenever a threat confronts the survivor you take them out. Never give up your location or make contact in any way with the survivor you are protecting.


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Guardian Angel: Stalk other survivors from a distance with a sniper rifle, whenever a threat confronts the survivor you take them out. Never give up your location or make contact in any way with the survivor you are protecting.


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I'm the Pyro. I'm getting flares now can't wait for night time now.... ;)

Might get the clan to pick a character. I know of someone now who's gonna be a guardian angel. xD

Edited by Tsyn

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Graffiti Artist - Use Razor Wire to spell obscene things that when viewed spell out words.

Bonus points: Someone goes WTF? and posts it on Reddit.

Triple Points: It makes http://www.reddit.com/r/DayZ front page.

Ultimate Points: Murder 5 people who look at it, take screenshot, post on reddit as "PENTAKILL"

Edited by Max Railgrave
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You should have people that are 'bus drivers' and 'taxi drivers' who go around taking survivors different places!

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I like the bus and taxi driver idea. There could be a toll like food water or ammo depending on how far you want to go.

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Super Meat Boy - Suicide if you take ANY damage. You MUST STAY AT 12,000 BLOOD AT ALL TIMES.

Bonus points: Have someone with you who has no idea why you're doing it. Broadcast Super Meat Boy music if they ask.

Double points if they realize what the music meant.

Team Valve - Team of in full character Gordon Freeman, Alyx Vance, Isaac Kleiner, Barney Calhoun and Adrian Shepard.

Gordon: Armed with Crowbar and MP5

Alyx: Armed with G17

Isaac: Armed with SCIENCE! (Medic)

Barney: Armed with Assault Rifles

Adrian Shepard: Armed with Grenade Launcher

Team stays in character. Gordon and Adrian never speak. Barney keeps cracking jokes about old times at Black Mesa. Alyx shouts "GORDON!" if Gordon is in trouble. Isaac keeps whining about losing Lamarr and wonders where the headcrabs are. Adrian acts more brutal, Gordon acts more calculating.

Bonus points if someone starts laughing hysterically overhearing it.

your super meat boy is basically resident evil "professional mode"....

Zombie Shepard is a position I already occupy at times though I call it Zombie import/export, or Zombie relocation. And thankfully it's only part time employment.

I've met the axe murderer, he is real.

I logged into a server and the global message was something like, "beware the crazy axe murderer!".

While prone between a house and fence a shadowy figured appeared from the road and dispatched me with one swing of the axe.

Delivery Boy or "Fry" - using any means of transport makes gear deliveries for groups/clans, for a price.

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You should have people that are 'bus drivers' and 'taxi drivers' who go around taking survivors different places!

Someone on YouTube was actually doing this.

Another one:

Dr. Gregory House

Same as Medic, except you always walk at walking pace, and you only heal people if they pay you in Painkillers. Flip the hell out and scream at them "I NEED PAINKILLERS" if they don't have any. Act like you REALLY ARE angry. Make them scared of you. Make them think you're about to kill them. Get up in their face, growl, "YOU ARE USELESS TO ME," and walk away.

Bonus points if the story makes it onto YouTube.

Taking a break for a bit to get dinner. I'd love to see what the community comes up with.

I hope this thread reminds everyone, this is an open world sandbox game. Don't limit yourself by thinking "Survivor" or "Bandit." You could be SO much more.

Edited by Max Railgrave
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Batman: Watches Cherno and Elektro from Pik Kozlova peak..

Doesn't kill anyone, attacks only those who attack "friendlies" leaves his victims disarmed and bleeding, but always makes sure they have enough resources to survive..


(extra points if you use a helicopter)

Edited by Cyanyde
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Delivery Boy or "Fry" - using any means of transport makes gear deliveries for groups/clans, for a price.



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Psychotic Axe Murderer Follows you around with an axe at close range without you knowing, lunges out of the shadows screaming AHHHHH and kills you. Not interested in your loot, just padding his kill score. With an axe. In your face.

I am so gonna try this!

Ok I'll take a stab at it.

The Crazy Hoarder -​ Build tents real close to town and in sight surround it with bear traps , shoot wildly at anyone in sight while shouting something about my stash!

but fill the tent with empty tin cans and empty whiskey bottles.

Edited by HanoverFist
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Live bait: Runs through towns, lures most of the infected to the docks while teammate/s grab the loot.

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