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Holy Hell PLZ Help

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OMG! was so pumped on getting this game... and Have to say I feel like a complete RETARD!!!! how do you do ANYTHING?!?! I dont know how to talk to people, Fight zombies, pick up stuff, use stuff in my inventory ECT pretty much ANYTHING and EVERYTHING you need to know how to play! this is just MADNESS! lmao PLZ HELP A NEWB!!!!!

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Let me make it easier on what i actually want....

1) how do i talk to people either Globaly or person to person.

2) how do I fight a zombie? I have no weps. so can i use hands? if so HOW!?

3) How do i pick up things?

4) How do I use bandages in my inventory? I pretty much bleed to death because i have NO IDEA how to use stuff.

Those are the pretty MAJOR items i need answered PLZ help!

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Just keep watching lets plays of people on it and kwep trying to survive. You will die a few times till you getva few hours in. Just takes time

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its funny how google and youtube bans many people from their service.

Edited by Roboserg

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Expect a learning curve. Expect to die easily your first few lives, but try to learn each time.

After a few hours of play, you will have the basics down.

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Let me make it easier on what i actually want....

1) how do i talk to people either Globaly or person to person.

2) how do I fight a zombie? I have no weps. so can i use hands? if so HOW!?

3) How do i pick up things?

4) How do I use bandages in my inventory? I pretty much bleed to death because i have NO IDEA how to use stuff.

Those are the pretty MAJOR items i need answered PLZ help!

1) Press . or , to change the chat channel, and press / to chat. Global/Side chat can be seen by the whole server, but many servers have that feature disabled. Direct Communication is what you use to talk to people close to you.

2) You start out without any weapons. Basically what you want to do when you start out is sneak around and try not to get any attention from zombies, and try and look inside buildings to find a gun or hatchet. Crowbars work too, but are not very effective.

3) To pick up things, look at the item(s), and your cursor should change. You can use your mouse wheel to scroll through options such as "Gear", "Take <item>", etc and then press the mouse wheel button down to do that action. You can also look at the items and when the cursor changes press G to open your Gear menu (inventory). Then you can see the items that you can pick up, and the items you have. The number on the left is how many are available to be picked up/moved, and the number on the right is how many you currently have. Click the arrow on the right side of the item to move it from the ground/whatever to your inventory/backpack, and click the arrow on the left for the opposite effect.

4) To use a bandage when you are bleeding, I believe (never actually used this method myself) that you can use your mouse wheel and there will be an option to bandage yourself. You can also simply open your gear with G, and right click the bandage, then click "Bandage myself" (or something like that).

Note: I could be wrong about these things, I just started playing like 2 days ago.

Edited by cookiemonster
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Play vanilla Arma II. It will explain around 80% of the moves you need for DayZ. And the rest is logic and trial and error. Figuring it out is part of the fun too! (I yet have to see another player get trapped in one of the bear traps I laid out ^^)

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Let me make it easier on what i actually want....

1) how do i talk to people either Globaly or person to person.

2) how do I fight a zombie? I have no weps. so can i use hands? if so HOW!?

3) How do i pick up things?

4) How do I use bandages in my inventory? I pretty much bleed to death because i have NO IDEA how to use stuff.

Those are the pretty MAJOR items i need answered PLZ help!

1) Check the controls and bind the key you wish to talk to people with.(default caps lock)

Also you can switch channels with the keys "<" and ">".

Never use your mic on any other channel than group or direct.(Admins can and will kick you if use it on global channels)

2)You must find a weapon and ammo in order to kill something.There are also axes and crowbars(melee weapons) which can be used.

You cannot yet use your hands to fight back to zombies or players.So move stealthily and keep your eyes open.

3)You can use your mouse wheel while pointing at the desired loot pile or item/player OR use the button "G".(Watch some videos in order to fully understand the usage of the backpack and loot system)

4)You can press "G" right click on the bandage and use it.(wait for the animation to stop)Also the same applies to various other items such as ammo(switch bullet type)/axes(add or remove from tool belt)/food/drinks/medical supplies...etc

Edited by Arch0N

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1) Press . or , to change the chat channel, and press / to chat. Global/Side chat can be seen by the whole server, but many servers have that feature disabled. Direct Communication is what you use to talk to people close to you.

2) You start out without any weapons. Basically what you want to do when you start out is sneak around and try not to get any attention from zombies, and try and look inside buildings to find a gun or hatchet. Crowbars work too, but are not very effective.

3) To pick up things, look at the item(s), and your cursor should change. You can use your mouse wheel to scroll through options such as "Gear", "Take <item>", etc and then press the mouse wheel button down to do that action. You can also look at the items and when the cursor changes press G to open your Gear menu (inventory). Then you can see the items that you can pick up, and the items you have. The number on the left is how many are available to be picked up/moved, and the number on the right is how many you currently have. Click the arrow on the right side of the item to move it from the ground/whatever to your inventory/backpack, and click the arrow on the left for the opposite effect.

4) To use a bandage when you are bleeding, I believe (never actually used this method myself) that you can use your mouse wheel and there will be an option to bandage yourself. You can also simply open your gear with G, and right click the bandage, then click "Bandage myself" (or something like that).

Note: I could be wrong about these things, I just started playing like 2 days ago.

Thank you for answering my questions I will start with this and see where it takes me.

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OMG! was so pumped on getting this game... and Have to say I feel like a complete RETARD!!!!

You get a one time pass for sharing your feelings.

1) how do i talk to people either Globaly or person to person.

usually with . or , you can rotate through available channels. With / you can open chat. To use voice, configure a push to talk button for directional chat. Press this button, then speak into your microphone.
2) how do I fight a zombie? I have no weps. so can i use hands? if so HOW!?
Fine the nearest industrial building (Gas station / Storage units etc.), find an axe or a crowbar. In Gear window right-click, select "Remove from toolbelt". Weapon gets placed in your primary weapon slot. Reload. Get close up and whack the infected.
3) How do i pick up things?
Usually either look at them and use your default interact key Or open up your gear window ("G") and the items on the floor have a number on the left hand side. Double-click to move them to the right, e.g your main inventory.
4) How do I use bandages in my inventory? I pretty much bleed to death because i have NO IDEA how to use stuff.
If you are bleeding, indicated by the white cross flashing in the blood symbol, open up your inventory, right-click on the bandages and select Apply bandages. This can also be done on another player, use mouse wheel to scroll through options and use default action key to initiate bandaging.

Else wise there are tons of helpful threads and videos online, may the Google-Fu be with you.

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Hi retard feeling newb guy who has no clue. I would suggest browsing the forums as there is a plethora of posts contained within that will help you out in all of the areas you ask advice on.

To make it easier on yourself i would suggest to run through the ARMA tutorials that are part of the stock game. This more than anything will get you used to the game and how to interact with your backpack and items.

Talk is through direct chat, 80 metres and people can hear you or 40 metres range and they can see your typed text, it is hit and miss buggy though and more than likely you will get a cap in the forehead. Dont cruise around Cherno or Elektro and expect much help , refer forehead capping.

Hatchet is your friend as it is silent and deadly but requires a reload once you pick it up so you can deploy mad axe skillage. Do not waste your time picking up the double barrell shottie. It is not your friend.

Read the forums.

Do the tutorials.

Dont come back and whine in a day about how everyone is killing you and you lost your gear that took you hours to collect. The forums are overfull of these inane posts already.

Watch, observe and learn. This is not run and gun and achievement driven, and hopefully never will be.

enjoy :)

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