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Elysium Corps

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I would like to join =). Name is Andreas Andersson.

Info on how to contact :

Game : SlowMovingTarget Teamspeak: SlowMovingTarget

Skype: Kung.andesh Steam: Afixe94

I live in Sweden btw, but i speak english fluently.

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I enjoy playing on your server but I am currently livid at the fact that something went wrong when I tried to connect...

I am now on the coastline of Cherno as if I have just died.

I am lacking a bear trap and two frag grenades, of note. Those items are all I really care for as they're a rare find for me. Is there any chance to recover these items?

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Good news! I managed to get everything back. Hmm... Would you all care to play sometime? I'm trying to collect every item in the game (shared inventory or otherwise) and also play DayZ for the PvP aspect sometime.

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I'm definitely interested in joining Elysium, I have a friend that would most likely be interested as well. We've been gaming together for several years in a rather serious fashion, and can fulfill multiple roles in the group. We are both good at being serious when needed.

my steam: bigackusmc or it may be Ack not sure which one will allow you to contact me.

My TS name is BiGAcK

Edited by kayakinack

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Met Jesse, bflat and I<3Killingyou on US 100 the other night =] Nice people, would definitely like to join.

I'm 20, steam name is Gooshnads, in game name is as well.

Been surviving alone for a bit now and would like for some group play. Looking forward to it!

Have previous experience in competitive Counter Strike 1.6 and Source + Currently playing DotA 2 way too much as well, so teamwork isnt too much of a problem for me to try to handle =]

- I have also just been banned from the TS3 channel, jesse and bflat gave me access to it so if anything, you could ask them for confirmation if I am considered for recruitment. Thanks. - Guess it was just from me joining and you guys not knowing who I was considering I jumped on last night to play with a few of the members.

Edited by Gooshnads
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I will research it, I lifted the ban and sent a email to the admins.

Join us at Us 1023 for fun and games!

4 Recruitment spots left!

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Ah Tod, GooshNads.

Good Fella played with him, I was using the username I<3killing you at the time.

Met him on US 100 with Jesse, bFlat and Darkmagic, we should definitely let him join us :P!

Edited by Tfortacos

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Hello played with (against you guys) for a good part of Monday. Wondering if you are still accepting recruits?

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I am currently rolling in a 2 man sniper/bandit squad, we are both extremely experienced marksman and just as equally sociable and friendly. We have a tactical playing style and both handle well under pressure.

We are 16 years old and are looking for a newer, bigger squad to join.

Hope to hear from you soon Elysium Corps,


~ flexee

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Howdy. Please come into teamspeak and talk with us

Hope to hear from you and your friend soon!

Tod .

I am currently rolling in a 2 man sniper/bandit squad, we are both extremely experienced marksman and just as equally sociable and friendly. We have a tactical playing style and both handle well under pressure.

We are 16 years old and are looking for a newer, bigger squad to join.

Hope to hear from you soon Elysium Corps,


~ flexee

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Everyone's welcome to join us at your teamspeak or server!

Server: Us 1023 Dallas 10


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Hey Elysium guys,

Just wondering if this is the same Elysium group from DAOC?

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Is this clan still up and going in any way? I was apart of it at one point in time and i was wondering if it was still going.

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Hey, I have been playing Dayz for a little over three months now and I would like to try out a team based play through with like minded skilled players instead of doing my usual lone wolfing. I can hold my own, navigate, scavenge, Fly, Drive, and find location easily. I would be best suited for an assault or support class, though I am willing for anything. I play often as well so I wouldn't be a one and done player from week to week. Thanks for taking the time to read, I hope to hear from you soon - TheLastSurvivor

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