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How to fix alt+F4 spam... I think...

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I know I can trust this community to poke holes in my idea. In fact, it may be so unoriginal that I get called a noob and get told to read the forums... fine. If you're worried about how long this post is and you're thinking of posting "lol walloftext", don't bother... nobody cares what you think anyways.

so here goes!:

Diablo 3 has a pretty good fix for the issue of running from your problems. A disconnect timer. You literally cannot do anything while this timer is counting down.

- Essentially every player starts with a 15 second DC cooldown... that should stop people from DCing from zombies if nothing else.

- The timer increases to 30 seconds if you've shot/injured someone (survivor or bandit) within 5 mins. Doesn't need to be a kill.

- The timer increases to 45 seconds if you've killed someone within 5 minutes.

This won't eliminate bandits, nobody wants that. This will eliminate bandits who can indiscriminately fire at whoever they choose and instantly escape repercussions. They'll now have to CONSIDER their firefights. They'll have to worry about being baited for their location(s) and they'll have to consider an alternative of letting a group pass.

EDIT: I am aware that Rocket will be implementing a 5 second cooldown, and that a longer one is causing server sync issues. However, If those issues are solvable, this may be a good reason to put the work in.

Here's a DayZ scenario in which "my" idea is applied:

Bandit sniper is sniping a group. Group finds bandit sniper and comes at him (bro). As the Bandit hasn't hit anyone within 5 minutes he knows his cooldown timer is only 15 seconds and could escape this bind. However, he is in desperate need of that 18th murder so he keeps firing. Bandit hits one of the group... now his disconnect timer has increased to 30 seconds.

Seeing as though the group is now really pissed off, he might be smart to run, but he's determined to take them down. He finally kills one. However there are 3 left and his disconnect timer is at 45 seconds because he just killed someone. If he can get away and hide for 5 minutes without hitting anyone else it'll reset to the 15 second standard, but they find him before he can run. Unluckily for the bandit, the group found an exploit in which they can insert their Enfield barrels directly up the DCing Bandit's ass... If only he could alt+F4!

Now poke my beauties... poke!

Edited by sudZ!
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mhh, there have been extremely many posts in this direction, but i tend to like your idea

theres allready a 5 second timer... at least everybody says that, never saw it happen though

you also are unconcious if you log out while under shock (some player damaged you)

still the players are too safe while logging out

+1 maybe players would think twice about alt+f4ing with this

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I llike this more than rockets initial idead. I dont think i would get annoyed as much of this.

You sir, got my beans!

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Yeah I know the root idea of a DC cooldown isn't original at all... But scaling it based upon your actions might be somewhat more original.

Thanks for the +1 :)

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I'd honestly prefer they fix/put the lid on hacking a bit before getting rid of ALT-F4'ing.

I've Alt-F4'd in every single session I've played recently.... Because in every single session I've been teleported to some random place, turned into an rabbit and ported etc. etc.

Last night myself and two mates set up an ambush and killed 5 guys, you guess it and soon as they were dead the server got ported. We survived by ALT-F4ing, when we logged back we were where we got ported with dead bodies everywhere. It was a ~2km run back to where we killed the group. Got back there to find one of them had satchel charges, another had FAL with another having M249 SAW which if you attempted to pick up caused your backpack to vanish (it would appear again if you put it back on the body). Whether that part ith the SAW is legit or not I do not know as I have never seen one but I do know the charges are not legit and I suspect that player spawned the FAL and SAW for his buddies as the rest of their gear didn't add up for a player that had found those weapons (no Secondaries, no matches, no hunting knives etc. etc.) plus they were close to the coast.

The amount of hacking I've seen compared to the amount of combat DCers in my entire DayZ experience (been playing quite awhile but only just starting to post) is almost incomparable. There are far more hackers than combat DCers and you know what? I'd rather someone combat DCs on me than me being killed by a hacker and him getting his anti-social assed way.

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I completely agree with you Altze. I mean 100% agree.

However, you're talking about another problem. I know that hacking is the biggest issue in the game, it's just not the issue I chose to address in this post.

When the issues you've outlined are solved, the issue I outlined will become the biggest issue. Once that is solved, another one will pop up...etc..etc..etc..

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I completely agree with you Altze. I mean 100% agree.

However, you're talking about another problem.<snip>

Oh I know it's another problem entirely but it's connected in that if we start punishing ALT-F4ing now we are actually rewarding hackers.

Hacking is getting incredibly rampant. It would be prudent for them to have someone sit down and do some mass bannings and someone to be doing a shiteload of bannings over the next week or two to

A) reduce the pool of people who do/are hacking

B) create some immediate consequence in peoples minds for hacking.

That should discourage for awhile at least.

Its also behavioural conditioning for the better overall for not just DayZ but even other games. Punish someone too late after a negative action or behaviour is performed and that punishments effectiveness is greatly reduced. Punish someone during the act/behaviour or immediately afterwards and it is the most effective.

Whilst I understand immediate isn't likely possible because ARMA's anti-cheat security is dogs balls. People still need to start getting banned and getting banned sooner after cheating than what is occuring now as I said even just for awhile to stem the tide.

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