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Day/Night System Argument

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Hello, loving the mod guys keep it up.

I'm posting here to quickly talk about the Day/Night system in place. I have to be honest and say while I love the idea of it, in practice I really dont think it works or adds to the game. My argument quickly outlined is as follows:

1. Not many players play long enough to make use of a 24hr system.

2. It forces players to find servers in other timezones to get to play in the daylight hours, because currently at night its just not worth playing because of the huge risk, not to mention the fact that you can't see anything!

3. By forcing players to find servers in different timezones the game is effecting the players in a such a negative way. Why should a game mechanic force us to behave this way, its a real sign of it not working to me. Increased pings and server waits art just two of the downsides.

So this is what I would like to see, a shortened system so that we have more 24hr cycles per play, this means we can explore and make use of the faster 24hr system and this in my mind can only enhance the experience. Morning raids can be arranged and as dusk falls ambushes can melt away into the night etc. Waiting to move at night safely etc.

I know its a controversial subject but its one that I think will make and break this mod, i really do.

Keep up the good work you guys, its the best mod I've played in a long time!


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Yeah I know, but I think its important the Devs know how players feel about there Mod. I'm guessing your did not even read my argument...

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Playing at night alone without NVG is hard.

Playing at night in a Group is fun. The challenge is nice but can be managed in a squad.

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I don't know man. I mean I play a couple hours a day all in all, split between a bit in the morning, bit noon and rest evening. I play almost always on the same server, which has my tent, and it's just one hour ahead of me time wise.

I quite like the day/night cycle as it is. In the morning I can do a quick scavenge run with the sun just on the horizon, at noon, likewise, and then in the evening, it starts with the sun settings down and as I play, shit gets worse, which is great. I usually end my playtime around midnight top, and by then I'm just completely drained because of the stress level of playing at night, and I'm ready for bed :)

All in all, I think it works just fine. Flashlight, flares, chemlights, they're tools prefect for night time. Make sure you had HDR turned on, or the moonlight will not reflect properly sometimes, but also make sure you don't go past 1.1 gamma, because you'll just ruin the experience.

As a note, I'm in France but I can play in russia or the us with a 90-120ms ping, so if I really want to play daytime, I can without a problem.

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Another thing, if a game tells you to turn up your brightness and contrast just so you can make out some vague shapes of the landscape and not much else then its broken, its just not the right way to handle it.

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What I think would be cool is if every server used the same time zone for syncing, but the game's time was at 0.75 scale. It wouldn't sync up to the real world but what type of lighting you get would be varied no matter what your real life schedule is.

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It would be nice if there was actually something do do at night.

I mean, yeah you can go off and play the game normally but your chances of survival plummet. I've found myself just camping on top of a castle with my friend whilst huddling around a flare thinking what the hell we should do next, bar go and find a different time-zone server. It's annoying how dark it is as well, I mean, I know night is dark but the complete lack of moonlight is a bit irritating, especially how the sky is just all bright with a weird contrast to the pitch black ground.

I think night gameplay will improve greatly once there are more ways to fortify an area you're in. As opposed to just getting caught out in the forest, you could dig in a make a little camp, finding time to sort out your inventory and get things organised. Maybe you could use some sort of lanterns to have an indefinite fixed light source.

Also worth adding how it gets dark pretty early, I'm not saying that seasonal changes should be added but the sun doesn't even set till past 9pm during late Spring/Summer in the UK.

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The main problem with playing at night is how unrealistically dark it is, Not spawning with a flashlight, and the somewhat rarity of finding one makes it all the more ridiculous. Seriously i'm gonna have "roadside"(military) flares but not a flashlight, get real. I like the realistic timescale but the rarity of NVG's and moderate rarity of flashlights/weapons with tac-lights make it worthless. I'd love to play at night without having to jack my gamme and brightness all the way, i play in the dark a lot i's fun, there's obviously a big risk to having a flashlight, but some players are ballsy enough to run around gung-ho with a flashlight man, and the other players shooting the zombies, Night time play is where you see most of the teamwork. Don't shorten the day night cycle, just make the Night time visibility bearable enough that most players wont jump ship.

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Seriously, use the fucking search function. You shouldn't have to be told over and over to do so.

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