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can you stash items?

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If you lay down a tent will it stay on that server? or does it go away once u log off? My friend and I wanted to start a camp but don't know how it works. I know that vehicles are server locked, right? So any vehicle u leave behind stays behind.

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The tents are serverside so they should stay there when the server restarts or you log out, just to be sure that you save your tents when you're about to leave.

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The tents are serverside so they should stay there when the server restarts or you log out, just to be sure that you save your tents when you're about to leave.

I haven't found a tent yet, so I'm not familiar with how they work. What do you mean "save your tents when you're about to leave"?

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ah okay so just put the tent back in your bag and all the items stay inside the tent as well?

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Not quite,

You set up a tent on the server of your choice, it's a pita to move once you have it full of stuff so find a good server.

You put your stuff in the tent (they can carry a limited amount of items)

5 backpacks (may or may not save items inside, think they are lost on server restart)

10 weapons/tools (map, compass etc)

50 normal items (food, ammo etc)

you save the tent (they are buggy, save them more than once to be sure)

You leave the tent where it is and log off, when you log back in IF nobody had found your tent and IF the server pixies have not eaten it

you items will(should) be inside.

DO NOT PUT IMPORTANT STUFF IN YOUR TENT, really dem pixies be hungry yo.

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Server pixies ate my tent with 3 AS50's and 30 plus mags :|

I stole them from someone elses camp anyway so I guess what goes around comes around, lol.

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New tents are currently bugged :) Its gonna been fixed atm. If you have old tents laying around you can still use them without the fear to loose them.

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New tents are currently bugged :) Its gonna been fixed atm. If you have old tents laying around you can still use them without the fear to loose them.

How can you tell whats a new tent and an old one?

I pitched a tent two days ago, so idk which one that falls under xD

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How can you tell whats a new tent and an old one?

I pitched a tent two days ago, so idk which one that falls under xD

I really dont know

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it is an old tent when you died or you are not the owner, i think...

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Rocket Said:

Fair enough:

You guy's dun gone broked the tents!

Basically, there is an issue with tent number 1 million + because the ID is being stored wrong by the database.

Fixing it, for this update. Will go on the changelog once confirmed.

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