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Instant kick, Battleye?

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Apologies for making another thread complaining about getting kicked, it's just I've trawled these forums looking for a solution to my problem to no avail.

I thought the problem with me getting instantly kicked was due to corrupt DayZ or ArmA files, but I tried joining a server without Battleye and it worked, hazzar, but my ping wasn't the greatest when playing on that server so it's not ideal.

I reinstalled Battleye completely, then changed the .dll files to the latest one (1.151?) and I still get kicked almost immediately from every server, even on ones which I have a great ping for.

Am I being obtuse to the cause of my problem or will I just have to stick to the Battleye-less server forever?

Sorry again and thanks for any help.

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I thought the problem with me getting instantly kicked was due to corrupt DayZ or ArmA files

For clarification, when you say this, are you saying you're getting an error concerning corrupted memory? Is the error something else? Are you getting no error at all?

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I have the same problem.

I get kicked instantly wit the following error message "Battle eye corrupt memory".

I have uninstalled BE using the uninstaller from here:

C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\arma 2 operation arrowhead\Expansion\BattlEye

And then re-installed it again using the installer here:

C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\arma 2 operation arrowhead\BEsetup

No luck.. still getting the corrupt memory message.

How can I "purge" the BE memory to get rid of this problem?

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Just to put a simple pointer in. (Which probably isn't the case)

But if you have ARMA on steam (of which I see you do from your latest reply), try verifying the cache.

Right click the game on steam > properties > verify. It may or may not find the corrupted file and fix it. (If it's the file that's broken and not something going on with your memory)

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I thought the problem with me getting instantly kicked was due to corrupt DayZ or ArmA files

I get kicked instantly wit the following error message "Battle eye corrupt memory".

During the early days of DayZ' date=' the most common cause of this problem was attempting to load @jayarma2lib client-side. If either of you are attempting to load @jayarma2lib or @CBA or anything like that to try to mirror the servers' mods, [i']don't. They aren't required and can and will cause errors like this.

The only things you should be loading is Combined Ops (Arma2 + OA) and @DayZ.

Otherwise, as Black suggested, it may be a problem either with your files themselves, which would require at least verifying the files through steam, or a reinstall, or a problem with your RAM itself, such as malware loading itself into memory. You may wish to run a scan on your system to see if anything comes up.

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Make sure you start Steam as Administrator or Run ArmA as Administrator. Update the .DLLs for Battleeye. I did this manually without uninstalling. There are two .dlls,one client, one server. Just drop them in the folder they tell you to.

This has cleared up any instance of me dropping from server after receiving data.

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For clarification, when you say this, are you saying you're getting an error concerning corrupted memory? Is the error something else? Are you getting no error at all?

Sorry for the late reply, there is no error message at all, I hit join I see the names 'recieving mission data' comes up gets about 75% done and then kicks me or that's what happens a majority of the time.

Make sure you start Steam as Administrator or Run ArmA as Administrator. Update the .DLLs for Battleeye. I did this manually without uninstalling. There are two .dlls' date='one client, one server. Just drop them in the folder they tell you to.

This has cleared up any instance of me dropping from server after receiving data.


I probably should've mentioned I downloaded through Amazon, no errors in installation or on game start up. Updated the .dlls and run arma2oa.exe as an admin to no avail.

I might just buy it on Steam again, as I'm not too sure as to whether the Amazon downloader crapped out on me and corrupted files without me knowing it. Plus I seems as though people have less problems when it's bought through Steam.

But then again, I know it works on the Battleye-less server so apart from the .dll and reinstalls is there anything I can do to fix it? If not it's cool, I'll just buy the Steam version.

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My issue was solved this way:

Unistalled BE

Reinstalled BE

Rebooted computer

I wish mine was that easy, just tried it 'cos what the hell, got so far as the "Loading" screen then it kicked me.

I think it's starting to work! I get a little further every time!

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I am receiving a diffarent message....battleye client not responding....please help

What Router do you have?

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I just got the #0 memory corrupt, so I'm gonna try all these methods and get back when I find one that works.

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