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About Robogranny

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. Robogranny

    Battleye: Client Not Responding

    Its nothing to do with your install. Theres a problem with your router... Can you tell me your router manufacturer and model?
  2. Robogranny

    Instant kick, Battleye?

    What Router do you have?
  3. C'mon guys, start replying to this :) You can see how mature he is, if he has taken the time out of his day to write that, and you can see clearly that it was an accident. I see no reason why his server shouldn't be whitelisted
  4. Robogranny

    Server Blacklisted: UK11

    Guys... Chill. I was talking to Zxrtommo pretty much for the whole day yesterday, and it was a mistake, and an accident, he did not know the repercussions of changing the time. It was asked of a lot of members of the server to keep it daytime, as it was a large community request I can fully understand why he did it. I understand the reasons for the blacklist, but it was clearly a mistake that has been learned from, and a clear sign not to fuck with the time system :S Its a mistake that anyone could have made.