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Server LU222 Admin abuse

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you fucking idiots ! we had a camp with a quad, a UAZ and a motocycle ! 6 tents with weapons from abaout 20 helicrashs !

and its all gone ! because you fools cant play for 1 day or something like that on other server ? i never got a kick ! i could play the last days very fine, one evening i got kicked out and i just go to a another server for some hours.

This game is bugged as hell ! you get grafic bugs at the airport, bugs with the zombies, bugs with the cars and then shut a server down because these guys kick you because they like to play som hours for their own ?

Dayz servers will go down, it works in css it works in Minecraft, it works everywhere but not here ? gj

Its a different thing abusing the system to get your clan the best loot in the game, and the server crashing. QQ

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Thanks for this topic, now are my weapons my atv, my uaz gone thank you all for this fuck ass shit why can't you fucking play on an other server

Edited by DannyWTFcamp

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now you can give me my mk 48 mod 0 back, and my other shit I WONT MY STUFF BACK, stupid little shits, i hate this, im getting every time kicked in other servers, i went up IN AN Other server and to make a fucking TOPIC about this fucking stupid ass shit from............... PAAHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 25$ for nothing NICE WORK!!!

Edited by DannyWTFcamp

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