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The Joker (DayZ)

New Game Type

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I have been playing for over a month now and i have a few suggestions

It would be awesome to have a game type that works like this.

There are a set number of zombies period. once a zombie is dead that is all no more will respawn but have a large number of zombies to start off with something like 100 zombies (or more) for every one player Same for the players. they register to play the map on that server once it starts they only live once. there is a set number of loot available. in other words once the food is gone the only way to eat is to kill an animal which reproduce unlike zombies. so if you hunt to much then all the food will be gone. only have X amount of guns and loot. with an occasional and rare ammo drop. i think also you should be able to drink from the ponds without the need to have a canteen. i can cup my hands and drink from them. you can not bring loot into the server nor take it out. which reminds me i think it should be like that on every server. once you change servers you can't take the loot from the server you left to the new one.

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