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how many kills to be a bandit?

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hi im new to the forums and would just like to ask a quick question: how many kills do you need to be a bandit? i killed someone and is something meant to happen or something?

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This is a copy paste from one of my previous forum posts. Someone asked this a few days back:

Bandit system still works the same as it did when the humanity system was still in place. You just don't get the bandit skin anymore.

Meaning, there's still a humanity meter you can't see. Every shot you take at another player lowers it, and every murder drops it by a significant amount. It will also replenish slowly over time and doing transfusions on other players or bandaging other players replenishes it as well.

Killing other bandits might replenish your humanity as well. Not sure.

The game considers you a bandit when your humanity is less than 0, meaning a negative figure. Every fresh spawn starts with 12,000 (or was it 24,000?) positive, and every kill drops about 2000 or 5000 I think? Not sure on the number, sorry. It does also have some sort of a cumulative effect and I don't know the specific details.

Firefights run the exception that if you are shot first, and hit, you get a 5 minute timer to kill that person without humanity loss, although it will still count as either a murder or a bandit kill depending on how much humanity the person has who shot you.

So basically, if you get a few consecutive kills in short time, don't do much transfusions nor bandaging of others, your humanity will drop below 0 and you will be considered a bandit, and when you kill another player it counts as a murder if his humanity is over 0 and a bandit kill if his humanity is below 0.

You'll know the game considers you a bandit when other people get a heart beat sound when they aim at you. When they don't, you're still above 0 humanity. Though I've heard this has not been working as intended, and sometimes you would still have the heartbeat sound from your last life even after a fresh spawn.

If you found this helpful, beans would feed my family one more day ^_^

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The heart beat thing starts up when your invisible humanity figure goes below 0. I've heard it can persist through death though, so at best I would assume it's buggy at times.

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Reason why it persists through death is so you can be marked as a killer warning even on fresh spawn that you like to kill people for their loots.

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Beans for daddy. Back to the topic, thank you. I have been searching this info as well, and since I'm using mobilephone to check forums, the search function hates me.. Now, no reason to try to search this little thing anymore :)

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how far can i be away from the bandit to hear the heartbeat?

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Why did they "hide" this stuff, it sounded heaps better

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