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dannyboy92 (DayZ)

Hacker on Norway 16

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Hello! There is a hacker attack on my server wich i am admin on.

How do i find out who them are?

What can i do to stop them?

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That server is a complete chaos right now, I got killed several times now by invisible people with what seemed to be rapid fire bazookas.

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I just kicked two people who wrote suspicious things in the chat, and who where in a vehicle. (There were a helicopter raiding cherno killing players.)



These two are the suspected cheaters and are currently kicked from the server. I will not ban anyone as i know its not allowed, but i will speak with my server hoster and ask them to check the logs.

Edited by dannyboy92

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On se9 everyone got ported onto the big building in cherno. As you can guess carnage ensued almost immediately resulting in the death of 1 in our group. Luckily i managed to get round one of those cylinder things and disconnect but someone who had a m240 was defintely having a blast. Atleast 30+ people was on it some falling off i just wish i threw my grenade :D. The event itself was hilarious but realizing one of my mates had just lost all his gear was a downer to some muppet with hacks.

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