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Fun with Scripting

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Well here's my first post after lurking for a while. Enjoy.

I cheat. However, let me explain before you crucify me. I do not, under any circumstances, use these cheats to screw legitimate players, or to actually get myself ahead of anyone. I do it strictly to screw over some of the massive amount of script exploiters out there.

I can teleport people by player ID to any location, and I do so once they have been clearly identified as cheaters (last time it was verified by actually watching them spawn a heli about 200m in front of me), then kill them with hacked in guns/ammo. I do this for a very long time, usually until they finally just log off the server on or change character names. Once they leave, I load one of their corpses full of my inventory, and hide the body. Leaving me with nothing in my inventory, and then I hit respawn.

Yes, that causes me to lose the items I have legitimately acquired prior to each exploiter camping session I do, but I don't mind starting over honestly. I think it's fun refinding everything and exploring.

Again, I do not *ever* do this outside of ruining an exploiters day. I honestly don't see the point in it. I feel like 'god mode' would just make the game unbearably boring. But I do enjoy pissing off people by camping them when they think their scripts make them impossible to kill.

I should also throw in that when I said "clearly identified as cheaters" that they have to be verified by me specifically. I do not take the word of anyone else that so-and-so is cheating. I have to personally be able to verify it first.


So I guess my main concern is, do non-exploiters have a problem with me doing this?

Server admins also, would you have an issue with someone doing this on your server?

I am aware that it is still me cheating and should get me banned. It hasn't yet, but I'm sure battleye will eventually figure it out and find a way to fix it. I fully expect a forum ban from just this post admiting to exploiting, but I will still lurk and read the responses. And if I don't get banned, I will try to respond the best I can.

Also, for those about to just start an "omg exploiter" flame marathon... I don't care. I do it for what I consider legitimate reasons. I already admitted to being aware that it is indeed cheating. Just wondered what other people thought of this practice. If even non-exploiters have a serious issue with it, I will probably stop. And just deal with the exploiters the same way as everyone else, by changing servers and hoping for the best.

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Well here's my first post after lurking for a while. Enjoy.

I cheat. However, let me explain before you crucify me. I do not, under any circumstances, use these cheats to screw legitimate players, or to actually get myself ahead of anyone. I do it strictly to screw over some of the massive amount of script exploiters out there.

inb4 go F**k yourself

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Are you expecting that someone is going to write you a letter of congratulations? :huh:

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Hackers are not welcome, please provide your GUID so *Cough* DayZ Staff can ban you *Cough* I mean give you my items.

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Third post i see about people now using cheats and telling us they only use it to fuck other cheaters..

This is madness!

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I pray you're not the same digital guy that wrote paragraphs of his life and about how he cheated and got ban.

Don't need you around and see no need of you asking silly questions.

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Although I would never do this, I think it's hilarious if you do it only in the situation you describe. You will eventually be banned, too bad. Good to know a vigilante is our there protecting us regular folk. The rest of you are hypocrites, as if you never do anything wrong, jeez.

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If that's actually all you do, then all the power to you. It's clearly apparent that there is no amount of 'anti-hacking' available in Dayz to really make it relatively safe, and when a player can potentially lose hours of work in seconds I think any kind of help we can get is a plus. I wish I could do this without getting banned as well. Monitoring servers.. watching people fight in the meantime while I wait for some asshole to ruin everybodies fun so I can ruin his.

I somewhat envy it actually.

Edited by Cdrive
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Third post i see about people now using cheats and telling us they only use it to fuck other cheaters..

This is madness!

i would say its more butthurt "bandits" that got killed by hackers... which doesnt surprise me at all...

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Cheating is cheating and your just a script kiddie. Why dont you go write some real code if you want a pat on the back....

Edited by jackcrow

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The fuck is this?

well at first ... I was thinking the community was going to say go fuck yourself ...and then ... I realized they would be correct so I took matters into my own hands

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Can you be my server guardian?

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Are you expecting that someone is going to write you a letter of congratulations? :huh:

Nope, was just wondering what others thought of this practice. Thus far it appears to be love/hate with no real middle ground, which is kind of what I expected I guess.

You lost me at "I cheat.."

I figured I would lose quite a few there. It's expected. No worries.

Third post i see about people now using cheats and telling us they only use it to fuck other cheaters..

This is madness!

I missed these apparently. Apologies, I would've just posted in one of those threads instead. But either way I'm glad to hear there's other people doing it.

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Its like the old saying if someone jumps off a cliff would you jump too. cheating cheating............... :facepalm:

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Its like the old saying if someone jumps off a cliff would you jump too. cheating cheating............... :facepalm:

You, sir, need to remember that in every aspect of life there is ALWAYS grey between every seemingly back and white situation. Murder is wrong, stealing is wrong, cheating is wrong, but you ask society how they feel about murdering pedophiles, stealing from drug dealers or cheating scammers out of money and you're not going to get the same response as if you asked them about murdering middle class mothers or stealing from those who struggle to make a living. There are always exceptions depending on perspective.

I feel this is one of those exceptions.

Edited by Cdrive
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If you're really doing it only for the reason you stated, then I'm fine with it. Although, you say you kill them after teleporting them to you... But I thought the typical script kiddie had his god mode on constantly.

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