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Just got shot, unarmed.

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So, I decided I wanted to start again, so I did so. Spawned in between Balota & Chernogorsk just near the Bay Mutnaya, decided it was best to make sure I was hidden despite the lack of equipment so I ran across the tree line to the small air strip near the town Balota, crouched down to go under a fence and I was peppered with bullets.

Unarmed, Just spawned and I was killed, I couldn't see him so I couldn't announce my friendliness, nothing was said to me, I was just shot down cold blooded.

I am seriously doubting the obvious realistic nature this game is trying to show, you see, I wouldn't care if I had a hatchet and he killed me out of paranoia considering lots of people with hatchets tend to be back stabbers, but I had nothing on me and was killed.

Why is this game turning this way?

Some people just want to watch the world burn.

I love heading to Bolta airstrip fresh spawn, but seriously dude it's an airfield. He may have been thinking you will shoot him and eat his precious beans as soon as you pick something up. It's just part of the world. I would suggest trying another way in where you don't have to be prone for soo long, that way it is quicker for you to run away from shots.

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I got shot at by a guy being chased by two zombies when I was unarmed, I asked why and he said self-defense...I'm unarmed, and he's being attacked by zombies.

After some time I got killed by someone who was being chased by a zombie right after he said "Don't shoot bro."

People shoot one another because the benefits of killing someone greatly outweigh working with them, and it can be more exciting shooting an intelligent person over a buggy zombie.

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Nobody in real life is ever shot while unarmed. It just doesn't happen!

Developers, please fix this.

Also, what is up with zombies attacking me when I only have a flashlight and some beans? What is their deal? They are also ruining this game!

not sure if its sarcasm or stupid

ever heard of batman premiere killings? school killings. in auganistan and iraq civilians killed and pretty much in any war occasions?

Edited by evkol001

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Last time i was at Balota, i was next to the stairs in the control tower and an unarmed player runs in the door way. I let her pass. The next thing i know theyve grabbed the shotgun from upstrairs and put one in my face.

The time after that i was on the stairs again and saw someone with an axe in the doorway. He says "Friendly" and i allowed him to come in to loot with me. As soon as i turn around he puts an axe in my back. I manged to turn around and kill him so i survived.

After these incidents, i just kill everyone no matter what.

not sure if its sarcasm or stupid

ever heard of batman premiere killings? school killings. in auganistan and iraq civilians killed and pretty much in any war occasions?

And to this, he was being sarcastic, obviously. Geez i know Americans don't get sarcasm but wow.

Edited by CiderDad

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Last time i was at Balota, i was next to the stairs in the control tower and an unarmed player runs in the door way. I let her pass. The next thing i know theyve grabbed the shotgun from upstrairs and put one in my face.

The time after that i was on the stairs again and saw someone with an axe in the doorway. He says "Friendly" and i allowed him to come in to loot with me. As soon as i turn around he puts an axe in my back. I manged to turn around and kill him so i survived.

After these incidents, i just kill everyone no matter what.

And to this, he was being sarcastic, obviously. Geez i know Americans don't get sarcasm but wow.

Oh boy, Here we go. Can I go next? Europeans. Ha!

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It's all down to chance. Some players are bandits, some choose to try and work with others. Come across a bandit and they will kill you without so much as a 'How's yer father'. Come across another survivor and they would either leave you be or help you out.

For all you know other survivors may have spotted you and left you be, you were just unfortunate you came across a cold-blooded murderer.

I just don't get why the need to post here giving off about it. What fun would the game be without the element of danger and sudden death that those pesky bandits will dole out.

Maybe this game isn't for you bud....

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These posts make all warm inside. The more people complain about this the more I want to shoot them.

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Is there a reasn not to kill everyone in sight? The unarmed guy you spared a few moments ago finds an axe and chops you from behind... has happened to me..

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im immigrant from russia. living kinda 10 years in Sweden already. I Didnt learned english properly. My bad xD


Glad to know my policy of shooting russians on sight, armed or not, is not misplaced. :)

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I died more being unarmed from players than having a gun.

This is Dayz my friend, they try not to give you the chance to get a gun so you can kill them or w/e.

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I was just at the firehouse, unarmed. I confront a person that's inside the firehouse tower. I say "Don't shoot, I don't even have a weapon." I repeated that about 5 times while we just looked at each other. Then I say, "Is it okay to come inside the firehouse?" and the asshole lights me up. Apparently I'm a big threat without a weapon.

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Who the fuck do you think you are to expect people to trust you, a random stranger, with their (virtual)life? The only ones who don't shoot on site are the RPers and the idiots.

I don't care if all you have are empty bottles... The closer you are to me, the more danger I am in. The closer you are to the shore, the safer I am. Luckily, I am usually carrying a pack full of one way trips to the shore.

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Who the fuck do you think you are to expect people to trust you, a random stranger, with their (virtual)life? The only ones who don't shoot on site are the RPers and the idiots.

I don't care if all you have are empty bottles... The closer you are to me, the more danger I am in. The closer you are to the shore, the safer I am. Luckily, I am usually carrying a pack full of one way trips to the shore.

Explain how an unarmed person is any danger at all? I could understand if I was armed, but... I'm not.

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It makes me a tad sad everytime some "pro" PK douche brags, how he killed some unarmed fresh spawn (preferably by .50 cal from 500m+) or fooled somebody by saying friendly, then shooting him in the back.

Yes this is sandbox, yes it has only so much sand atm, so more and more ppl fall to senseless PKing.

But do you really think you are cool and awesome by feeding on other people's grief?

I mean one thing is to duke it out on NWA or Stary, meaning well equipped people shooting each other, but killing of unarmed and having a boner because of it? Dunno, feels a bit stupid to me.

Oh well, enjoy being dbags, make video out of it and then circle j%rk on forums about it, it's your call.

Edited by Hombre

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It goes both ways and actually makes it more exciting and frustrating in a good way. You have the friendly survivors that are trying to pretty much build some sort of colony and put there crap somewhere safe for a possible future battle and you got the bandit/s on the out skirts of town that are too lazy to loot for themselves and avoid danger at any costs so they take the easy way out and kill for what they want. Can you honestly say this isnt a possibility in a real life scenario if this were to happen?

Think of natural disaster like tornadoes, hurricanes, earthquakes, etc..,. what happens? families and communities stick together through the tough times and eventually get the help they need and criminals will loot anything on site after the disaster because its the easy way to get what they want.

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It makes me a tad sad everytime some "pro" PK douche brags, how he killed some unarmed fresh spawn (preferably by .50 cal from 500m+) or fooled somebody by saying friendly, then shooting him in the back.

Yes this is sandbox, yes it has only so much sand atm, so more and more ppl fall to senseless PKing.

But do you really think you are cool and awesome by feeding on other people's grief?

I mean one thing is to duke it out on NWA or Stary, meaning well equipped people shooting each other, but killing of unarmed and having a boner because of it? Dunno, feels a bit stupid to me.

Oh well, enjoy being dbags, make video out of it and then circle j%rk on forums about it, it's your call.

Such is the nature of these type of games to attract the sociopaths and other mentally unstable people. It makes it more rewarding to blast them in the face, though

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Explain how an unarmed person is any danger at all? I could understand if I was armed, but... I'm not.

Unless you plan on running around ignoring weapons, you are a potential threat. I doubt anyone is going to pass up arming themselves in this game, so they die.

Last time I let someone live, they gave me a sniper bullet in the back an hour later. It would have taken them significantly longer to find a rifle and then find me if I had just shot them in the first place.

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I've tried not shooting before being shot at, sneaking around for days without beeing seen (hopefully), shooting everyone I see in Cherno/Elektro, killing for fun at NWAF. Shouldn't I be allowed to choose my own play style? If my play style is to reset your progression so that you will not get a Lee Enfield, it's valid in my opinion.

BTW, you don't really need guns if you're not going to player kill. Just get some canteens, knife, matches and a hatchet and you can go DayCamping for weeks at an end.


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BTW, you don't really need guns if you're not going to player kill. Just get some canteens, knife, matches and a hatchet and you can go DayCamping for weeks at an end.

that is true but playing this game without a gun or some sort of protection is like sex without condoms. your prone to all sorts of shit. people are gunna be assholes no matter what game you play. everyone looks at this game from a different perspective which is making it successful.

Edited by lundiboy8

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I had a similar incident. I was brand new, totally unarmed. I went to the Balota airfield to get some weaponry. Went in to one of the hangers and there was someone there with a shotgun. They immediately open fired. I strafed around them as they shot at me until they were out of rounds. I ran out to the control tower, ran up and got an AK-74. Waited for that person to get up to the top and gunned them down. Of course, if I had a weapon ahead of time I would have killed them when I first saw them. I like playing a psychopath.

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Yesterday someone sneaked up to me from behind while I was sniping and said something over voicechat to me. I turned around, saw a survivor laying in the grass (after a while, didn't see him/her at first). Freaked out, shot the survivor only to find he had no gun, only a DMR mag which he/she probably wanted to give me.

I usually don't shoot survivors who don't have a gun, but sneaking up to me is a bad idea. Especially at night. Nevertheless I felt bad for it.

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Why is this game turning this way?

Because it's a game in which people are given the option to murder the shit out of one another. Given that choice in a videogame, you could bet your left bollock that 90% of the players are gonna pull out the guns. Not that there's really anything wrong with that. But trying to call this a simulation is a bit inaccurate.

Edited by Dramatic Exit

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If someone's trying to come to an area I'm in, unarmed, say for instance the guy a few posts ago to a firestation - I'll blow their head off. Why? Because it is my loot, they aren't getting geared up from an area I'm exploring. I couldn't care if you shout 'DONT SHOOT BRO IM UNARMED' - you're still in an area which has potential loot for me, that M1911 on the floor you think you deserve somehow because you're unarmed, I'll be taking that thank you very much.

Only thing I don't condone is shooting fresh spawns on the coast.

As it is I'm afraid shoot on sight is the only way to play this game, you can't trust anyone because there's no telling when a weapon will respawn near you and they pick up said weapon and shoot you in the head and steal yo pepsi.

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If someone's trying to come to an area I'm in, unarmed, say for instance the guy a few posts ago to a firestation - I'll blow their head off. Why? Because it is my loot, they aren't getting geared up from an area I'm exploring. I couldn't care if you shout 'DONT SHOOT BRO IM UNARMED' - you're still in an area which has potential loot for me, that M1911 on the floor you think you deserve somehow because you're unarmed, I'll be taking that thank you very much.

Only thing I don't condone is shooting fresh spawns on the coast.

As it is I'm afraid shoot on sight is the only way to play this game, you can't trust anyone because there's no telling when a weapon will respawn near you and they pick up said weapon and shoot you in the head and steal yo pepsi.

You are not entitle to it, either. You just are lucky that the circumstances allow you to do that, otherwise, you have as much chances of blasting the guy as getting blasted yourself.

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