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You need to be able to "lose" zombies...

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I like the idea of melee weapons, and the idea of running slightly faster than zombies is also good, so you can get an eventual distance between you and it/them.

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You can always just sprint as fast as you can away from them and then Abort/Disconnect...

(My point being that as an alpha, it still lacks penalty for doing so)

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that seems cheesy to even suggest doing.. sure if you got alot of gear and you want to take advantage of a broken mechanic than by all means... but you shouldn't want that to be your or others way to defend themselves...

I would arguee the devs need to make it a mandatory 2 minute cooldown after last interaction before you can instantly loadout..

if you pull the plug your character should remain there to die until it times out unless you have been non agro for that time period.

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I lost some zombies twice yesterday. Once was just a hopper with me having full ammo so I just walked away. I wasn't sure if he got stuck on a fence or what so I just moved on.

Second time was me not having enough ammo for 8 zombies after taking about 20 others. I ran hard eventually, through hills and forests, I lost six of them so I turned and took care of the remaining two. I did not see any of the other zombies after that.

Surprised even me because I was under the impression that you couldn't outrun zombies however with those two experiences, I seriously think you can. Hills and trees will confuse the hell out of them.

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I disagree with the idea. I think losing a zombie should be nearly impossible. Why should you be able to outrun them? If in this world zombies are fast, they don't get tired, need to breathe and get out of breath, or get thirsty, nor are they held back by fear of their bodies being damaged.... they should be faster than you, and for longer. They also shouldn't be distracted by dead meat. Zombies aren't actually hungry, they just want to eat YOU. And why should they give up, once focused on you, until they have done so? They're brainless eating machines.

I do think melee would fix the "I'm alone and have no ammo and am therefore screwed." Meleeing a zombie should be really difficult, but it doesn't make sense that you can't even *try* to defend yourself.

the zombies need to be given a chance to trip when they run maybe 10% per minute that they have been running for' date='


Then so should you. Do you really want that function? Also, a zombie doesn't care if it twists its ankle because it doesn't feel pain, so it's much less likely to trip than you are.

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I do believe losing zombies should be more easily possible. It's annoying to have 1 zombie follow you, you're out of ammo, and you're doomed since you'll likely attract more while panicking. Although, I'm fine with the zombies running as fast as players...

I do believe adding fist/bashing with your gun may work out pretty well while also giving you a mean of attacking when you're out of ammos. It could even just stun the zombies temporarly (like in L4D, but please not as long), just to give you a chance to escape. I don't think I'm the only one that had to empty its Makarov just after respawning because zombies aggro'ed after me before I could reach any significant loot, and still had zombies pursuing me.

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Many good opinions but zombies that can run for an infinite of time and follows you like a bloodhound get boring.

Now some like this, but i bet most doesn't.

having running or sprinting zombies is ok, they make up for other shortcommings in the game engine. But having bthem run indeffinetly after you just lower value of gameplay for the majority. Let the zombies sprint for a couple of minutes and then slow down. This way zombies are still dangerous if getting swarmed in cramped space and they can chase you out of town. but they wont follow you from one end of the map to the other.

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Also it would be nice if zombie movement wasn't so awkward. When they suddenly switch directions it looks really strange, instead of coming straight at you they might do some wierd path to get to you.

Also zombies should re-act better when shot, currently they just freeze and then fall. I don't like these animations at all, sometimes it's difficult to tell if you've even hit the zombie.

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I disagree with the idea. I think losing a zombie should be nearly impossible. Why should you be able to outrun them? If in this world zombies are fast' date=' they don't get tired, need to breathe and get out of breath, or get thirsty, nor are they held back by fear of their bodies being damaged.... they should be faster than you, and for longer. They also shouldn't be distracted by dead meat. Zombies aren't actually hungry, they just want to eat YOU. And why should they give up, once focused on you, until they have done so? They're brainless eating machines.

I do think melee would fix the "I'm alone and have no ammo and am therefore screwed." Meleeing a zombie should be really difficult, but it doesn't make sense that you can't even *try* to defend yourself.


the zombies need to be given a chance to trip when they run maybe 10% per minute that they have been running for' date='


Then so should you. Do you really want that function? Also, a zombie doesn't care if it twists its ankle because it doesn't feel pain, so it's much less likely to trip than you are.

According to that logic they shouldnt be able to pump adrenaline either because the brain wouldnt register the need for it, while you on the other hand would and could with hungry zombie on your flanks thus busting into a sprint that wouldnt be normal under a normal circumstance. An I'll be frank having to abuse the zombie ai just to get away from them is pretty lame. Its a mix of a gorrilion zombies spawning and a neverending chase. Eventually they should just give up simply because they cant catch up to you. If you are healthy anyways. If you are hungry, hurt, or thirsty then yes escaping a zombie will be a huge undertaking. What i'm gettign at here is you cant escape the things without abusing some ai bugs, You cant lose them by ducking through buildings and you cant lose them by simply trying to outrun them either. It goes from exciting to tedious because now i have to run for 30 minutes until i find a barn and pray theres something inside with ammo in it because the zombie ai doesnt run indoors, or better yet dump the horde on some guy who spawned on the coast.

Long story short. I disagree with you.

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