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DayZ - Needs more cars/vehicles...

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In a 225km2 island you would think there would be way more things to drive or ride.

I think that the cars are maybe just a BIT too rare, the clans/ groups of people are usually the ones who have their hands on them and leave the newer players and smaller groups with nothing.

Considering this map is gigantic, why not increase the spawns of some of the crappier (slower) cars maybe and bicycles too, and whatever else, so you could travel around the map much easier. This will ALSO result in people being more spread out in larger servers, and add to the realism of finding one or two people out and about somewhere in the wild or in a small town.


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Agree 100%.

I made the same thread at one point.

I mean, how can Cherno and Elektro not have a SINGLE bicycle? I mean, what?

And cars, where the hell did all those "super highway" cars go?

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well, i think its ok with the amount of cars and such. because in this zombie game, a bus or a simple car is something that it realy rare. and i dont think there should be a massive amount of caravans around the rodes, shooting everybody. and then what about the chilling feeling of findign a funcionable car? i think it's fine as it is. but it would be ok with more different kind of cars and boats. also i think jerry cans should could be a found a little more often. but i think the part with bicycles i good. there are always a million of them lying around in the real world :P

Edited by samiboy5

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Yes! I think almost everybody has bicycle in this "age"

there are so many bulding, why the f*ck they dont have bicycles or motorcycles near them.. tottaly agree, sorry for my english :D

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well, i think its ok with the amount of cars and such. because in this zombie game, a bus or a simple car is something that it realy rare. and i dont think there should be a massive amount of caravans around the rodes, shooting everybody. and then what about the chilling feeling of findign a funcionable car? i think it's fine as it is. but it would be ok with more different kind of cars and boats. also i think jerry cans should could be a found a little more often. but i think the part with bicycles i good. there are always a million of them lying around in the real world :P

he said.. a little less rare, no common and everywhere .. xD

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Well think of it this way, when it all broke out everyone tried getting away, and what was left was the few vehicles we have in the game now and all the wrecks we see. I think it is good the way it is right now. It is very rare as it should be, however I'd like too see the ones in the game used and not just parked. When people get any car they just park it at their camp for storing items, they barely every use it. :/

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I agree, a bit more vehicles would be a great idea. Think they are too rare right now.

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If everyone managed to hop on a bicycle off the spawn, that would create an imbalance to the current state - which requires a lot more caution to navigate.

We don't know the story behind what caused the apocolypse, so perhaps the amount of vehicles you are able to find is justified.

It definitely does provide a sense of joy when you do finally find one..

... or excitement when you spot one with other survivors packing it up with gear from their little raid of a near by city/town, and you crouch in a tree/bush to observe their movements, hoping they'll go for another run and you can steal their vehicle.

Over populating high-speed mobility will most definitely just turn it arcadey.

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Maybe because everybody ran the hell out of this country...

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NO to more vehicles....... If you want a vehicle then run up north above the west or east airfields and you will find all the clans vehicles... Your guy is in ridiculous shape and you can run almost anywhere in 30 minutes which is much safer than riding around in a vehicle. If I see you riding around in a vehicle my .50 cal to your engine and you will go boom

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How about a combine harvester as a vehicle. It can be used to clear the open fields of zombies and snipers.

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Does anyone even know what the current vehicle limit even is?

Not enough :) in other words does it matter considering the current system when all spawn points have been pre-camped ready for the server owner to restart his temp passworded server so his clan can be there 1st (which I just read is exactly what has been done with patch

ALL the helicopter spawn locations are camped by the clan pre update, server owner restarts the without a doubt temporary passworded server so only clan members can log in and goodbye copters then mysteriously the passwords have been removed signalling that none of us will ever see a chopper except as it trolls us above our heads, unless we play single player (not possible), buy our own server or join a servers clan or we may stumble across their camp which is highly unlikely without a vehicle :P

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