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proof that rocket is a sadist.

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i have found thousands and thousands of empty whiskey bottles.

not ONCE have i ever found a full one.

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They look like Jack Daniel's bottles. As Jack Daniel's is bottled piss - I'm marginally glad I've not found a full one.

Actually given the colour, don't drink any full ones you find!

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I think alcohol could work in the game mechanics.

It makes you make a lot of noise, blurrs vision etc for a few minutes and reverses the controls........I would like to fly a helicopter like that

And and no, it has no actual benificial effects.

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When I first started playing I thought because there were empty bottles in the game, there must be full ones and they must just be rare. So I went on a mission to find a full one.

unfortunetly I found out there was none. :( It was a sad day indeed.

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They look like Jack Daniel's bottles. As Jack Daniel's is bottled piss - I'm marginally glad I've not found a full one.

Actually given the colour, don't drink any full ones you find!

You shall burn in hell for this remark! lolz

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Cause you *hic* are slow *hic* need be *hic* faster. I love you man. *Hic*

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It's true we should need full one. Used like cans, they refill the thirst but give blurry aime if abused and oscillating aim.

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It would actually be a cool mechanic to have alcohol to calm your nerves. An alternative to painkillers, but with a few side effects. When you're low on blood and panicking at the sight of zombies, the alcohol could calm you down so you don't make as much noise.

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