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Zombie Pathing

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I'm wondering if it is possible for the dayz team to fix the zombie pathing. i hate it how they zig zag towards you. you can't shoot them when they are running. is this a problem with the arma engine that can't be fixed? i'm wondering about this because i read about zombies detection fix and stuff in the patch notes but nothing about the path finding system of them. so did the dayz team already try to fix this or is it just very low on the priority list?

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Run into a building - easy to shoot or take them up a hill, you zig-zag - they walk straight - turn and shoot.

It's not that hard.

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Why waste ammo on zombies? Just run through a pinetree or a bush and crouch run for few seconds after you've passed it. You can do the same with corners around buildings. It usually takes 2 bushes/trees/corners to loose every zed.

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I love how when someone calls for a fix to the zombies the first reply is, "run into a building".

You are right...it's not hard. Thats not the point. The zombie AI is retarded and needs to be fixed.

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I love how when someone calls for a fix to the zombies the first reply is, "run into a building".

You are right...it's not hard. Thats not the point. The zombie AI is retarded and needs to be fixed.

I love how you have no understanding of coding and how Arma's engine works, do shut the fuck up thanks.

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Rocket will eventually fix the buildings slowing down zombies glitch. He removed the starter pistol to make the game harder, he will do this when the other stuff is fixed.

The pathing is a bit weird but its not remotely hard to kill a zombie, sure you might get hit but thats the tradeoff of getting in a good shot.

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i don't think it makes the zombies too hard. as you said with a few tricks they are easy enough to take down but it just looks retarded and destroys the atmosphere. it's clear that they aren't meant to walk like that. so is this a problem based on the arma engine that can't be solved?

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Run backwards away from them, when they do their Agado do do dance slap em with a bullet in the noggin!!

It ain't hard.

for those who don't know.....

Edited by Michaelvoodoo25

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I love how you have no understanding of coding and how Arma's engine works, do shut the fuck up thanks.

I guarantee that I not only have been playing ArmA longer than you but I have done a lot more coding as well. Until you actually know what you are talking about, feel free to stop making yourself look like a fool.

If BIS can make the AI work and path correctly in regular ArmA then it can be done just as easily in DayZ. Unless it is intended for the zombies to zig zag, glitch through walls, floors and ignore doors and fences entirely.

i don't think it makes the zombies too hard. as you said with a few tricks they are easy enough to take down but it just looks retarded and destroys the atmosphere. it's clear that they aren't meant to walk like that. so is this a problem based on the arma engine that can't be solved?

It doesn't make them any harder to kill...just looks retarded and kills immersion like you said. It is not an ArmA issue in this case although it likely has to do with the insane speed that the zombies were increased to.

Edited by Vertisce

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i will never understand why people see this as an issue

zombies are already a complete joke for anyone with an ounce of sense

they certainly don't need to walk towards you in neat little rows holding signs that say HEADSHOT ME PLEASE

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how can you not see this as an issue? it's not about the difficulty of zombies. they could increase the difficulty otherwise. maybe make them faster than the player or something. or add exhaustion to the player so that you can't run longer than 400 metres or whatever. it's just about the feeling. warping zombies destroy the atmosphere and it makes no sense at all. or would you like to have warping russians on CoD Veteran difficulty to make the game challenging?

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It's in Arma's coding as far as I know. When people are tasked to 'sprint' they freak out and zig zag.

Edited by Sticker704

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I guarantee that I not only have been playing ArmA longer than you but I have done a lot more coding as well. Until you actually know what you are talking about, feel free to stop making yourself look like a fool.

If BIS can make the AI work and path correctly in regular ArmA then it can be done just as easily in DayZ. Unless it is intended for the zombies to zig zag, glitch through walls, floors and ignore doors and fences entirely.

It doesn't make them any harder to kill...just looks retarded and kills immersion like you said. It is not an ArmA issue in this case although it likely has to do with the insane speed that the zombies were increased to.

Yeah, I'm making myself look like a fool by telling you something that you should clearly know seeing as you have so much experience in coding.

Oh, I'm sorry, I didn't know there were zombies in Arma 2, where did I miss that?

Edited by Womb Raider

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OP has a very good point. It's not really the difficulty of the zombies that he is complaining about, it's the movement of the zombies that's ruining his immersion. And Womb Raider, why the hostility? OP is drawing a perfectly good point in a well mannered way. And since you do claim that OP has no idea how ARMA works or the coding. Please do enlighten him, as I would like to know why zombies are the way they are now.

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how can you not see this as an issue? it's not about the difficulty of zombies. they could increase the difficulty otherwise. maybe make them faster than the player or something. or add exhaustion to the player so that you can't run longer than 400 metres or whatever. it's just about the feeling. warping zombies destroy the atmosphere and it makes no sense at all. or would you like to have warping russians on CoD Veteran difficulty to make the game challenging?

i have yet to see 'warping' zombies

and nothing about the zig-zagging feels immersion breaking to me; fast-moving infected jerking around randomly due to rage/loss of motor control/neural reprogramming by the virus is fine and is one of the only things that makes them surprising or scary

Edited by Refried

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i have yet to see 'warping' zombies

and nothing about the zig-zagging feels immersion breaking to me; fast-moving infected jerking around randomly due to rage/loss of motor control/neural reprogramming by the virus is fine and is one of the only things that makes them surprising or 'scary'

Warping as in erratic movements. Not literal teleporting warping. And if zombie have lost a lot of motor control, they wouldn't be running like Jesse Owens. Also, it's not a "jerk" its more like a 90 degree, on the dime turn that zombies with decaying limbs/muscles/bones would not be able to pull off.

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i will never understand why people see this as an issue

zombies are already a complete joke for anyone with an ounce of sense

they certainly don't need to walk towards you in neat little rows holding signs that say HEADSHOT ME PLEASE

It's quite simple really, everything else in this game is based off of a simulation. Therefore, it's not really asking too much to have the AI behave in a manner that is typically represented with zombies/undead. He's not asking for any of the sort, signs, headshot me....I too want to see it behave more like a real Z. That means hordes coming in from all angles, when there is just 1 or 2, they are extremely stupid and easy to get rid of, but when it's a group, you better run away.

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Really...you're going to nitpick over this... I'm well aware that zombies aren't "real" I meant behaving more like what we're seen portrayed on video...

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you guys realize you are using phrases like 'real zombie', right

Yes. Zombies are a work of fiction. That doesn't mean DayZ zombies can't accurately capture the image of something fictional. So by your logic, no one should even attempt a zombie mod/game/anything related, due to the fact that zombies aren't real. Would you like to address my point on how zombies can't do what their doing if their limbs/motor controls are failing?

EDIT: You even implied a "zombie fact" by saying the zombies motor controls are failing and that their erratic movement is rage induced.

Edited by GamingKoalas

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Not to mention the fact that the only times "real zombie" has been used in this thread was his own post, and your one quoting it (and now mine). Perfectly reasonable to (at some point) expect zombies not to zig zag like lunatics.

Edited by Dankine

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Totally agree. It's too hard to shoot them especially since you need to be still while shooting!

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