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Realistic Temperature Suggestion Thread

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I like the concept of temp and think with proper mechanic tweaks and implementation it could be the start of something very unique and awesome. here are some of my idea's when it comes to temp.

1 Temp = 1 Degree Fahrenheit

Instead of starting off at 100 Temp and slowly draining down getting more and more likely to get sick and infected how about you start at 98.6 (Average and Safe Temperature of a human being) and depending on what you do you either gain temp (overheat) or lose temp (freeze). here are some examples of how both would effect the player.

Hyperthermia a.k.a. Heatstroke ( Temp Req.: 100.0+ ) Effects: Blurry vision, Vomiting (character may stop and puke making you unable to move or shoot potentially at a bad moment getting you killed or attracting zombies if in range of the sound), increased thirst gain rate, Fainting/passing out if not treated and even Death if neglected even longer ( 106.0+ Temp = Death )

Things that raise temp for the better or worse: being near a fire (only if below normal temp), Running/Sprinting, being in direct sunlight, Staying in shelter i.e. Houses, Tents (only if below normal temp), Remove "Heavy" articles of clothing (i.e. Coats, rain jacket, Vests) With heavy clothing on during hot weather you Gain Temp 2.5x Faster then if you didn't have one on

Hypothermia ( Temp Req.: 95.0- Temp ) Effects : greater chance of getting an infection, Screen shaking (mimicking Shivering), slower movement/reaction speed (ADS takes longer and movement 25% slower), higher hunger gain rate, high chance of Passing out (86.0-), and Death ( 82.0- Temp = Death )

Things that lower temp for the better or worse: Swimming, Rain storms, exposed to Night time temperatures, drinking water (only if above normal temp), sitting in shade/shelter (only if above normal temp), Adding "Heavy" articles of clothing (i.e. Coats, rain jacket, Vests) With heavy clothing off during cold weather you gain Temp 1.5x faster and if it is harsh weather it may be even worse maybe around 3.5% faster in night time rain storms.

So post what you think of this idea and feel free to add some of your own thoughts to the idea.

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Please use the metric system, Fahrenheit is outdated and only really used in the US - this is 2012 and a European game. Or at least give us a choice.

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Please use the metric system' date=' Fahrenheit is outdated and only really used in the US - this is 2012 and a European game. Or at least give us a choice.


LOL "This is 2012 and a European game" from the way the server list looks Id say there are just as many US servers if not more then there are European servers. I'm sure he could code 2 separate codes for EU servers and US servers, where the main difference would only be that the US servers use Fahrenheit and the EU servers use Celsius.

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Please use the metric system' date=' Fahrenheit is outdated and only really used in the US - this is 2012 and a European game. Or at least give us a choice.


LOL "This is 2012 and a European game" from the way the server list looks Id say there are just as many US servers if not more then there are European servers. I'm sure he could code 2 separate codes for EU servers and US servers, where the main difference would only be that the US servers use Fahrenheit and the EU servers use Celsius.

Bite me. Try google dude...has a VERY quick F to C converter.... Oh yeah, Google is American...so, maybe you shouldn't use it.

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I think the US is liek the only place left on earth that uses Fahrenheit. Remember there are a tonne of Russian servers, there is an entire Russian subforum on here. If it was anything it'd have to be celcius, but I don't think a specific value is important. As it is you theoretically only see the temperature icon, all the debug menu stuff, like the tempval, is the data the game uses.

I agree with the OP, I think heat should be managed like food and drink are now, but with nothing like the same frequency. Temperature needs to change much more gradually. Also, hypo/hyperthermia could be more gradual. Thirst could accumulate faster if you're hot for example.

I don't have problem with the effects of colds as they are in the game now, the problem is the ease with which you can get them, and the way you cure them. I don't know about the rest of you guys, but I always have anti-biotics knocking around the house it seems. I don't have any epipens or morphine though. So they should probably be more common. Anti-virals I could understand being as rare as antibiotics are now. Also the cold effect should have a semi-random timer on it.

Finally, it'd be nice if when you had a cold, there was an icon, like a dripping nose, to tell you you had one. When you're in a group it can be hard to tell who's coughing, especially if you've all taken a few hits (so the blood cap isn't visible).

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Bite me. Try google dude...has a VERY quick F to C converter.... Oh yeah' date=' Google is American...so, maybe you shouldn't use it.


You quoted him and I but which are you talking too? Anyways back on subject yes there is a way to quickly convert F to C or visa versa but it wouldn't be to hard to code 2 similar scrips 1 for US and the other for EU same code just different numbers representing the difference in temperature.

I think the US is liek the only place left on earth that uses Fahrenheit. Remember there are a tonne of Russian servers' date=' there is an entire Russian subforum on here. If it was anything it'd have to be celcius, but I don't think a specific value is important. As it is you theoretically only see the temperature icon, all the debug menu stuff, like the tempval, is the data the game uses.

I agree with the OP, I think heat should be managed like food and drink are now, but with nothing like the same frequency. Temperature needs to change much more gradually. Also, hypo/hyperthermia could be more gradual. Thirst could accumulate faster if you're hot for example.

I don't have problem with the effects of colds as they are in the game now, the problem is the ease with which you can get them, and the way you cure them. I don't know about the rest of you guys, but I always have anti-biotics knocking around the house it seems. I don't have any epipens or morphine though. So they should probably be more common. Anti-virals I could understand being as rare as antibiotics are now. Also the cold effect should have a semi-random timer on it.

Finally, it'd be nice if when you had a cold, there was an icon, like a dripping nose, to tell you you had one. When you're in a group it can be hard to tell who's coughing, especially if you've all taken a few hits (so the blood cap isn't visible).


+1 for helpful insight and suggestions, I also strongly agree with adding more ways to change your temperature. currently as it stands the only way I've seen to raise my temp is to make a fire and stay near it; even when running/sprinting for 10-20 minutes straight I lose temperature (which I find very unrealistic) so I find there needs to be a wider variety in the way you can have unsafe temp.

I also strongly agree with your Antibiotics and Antiviral suggestions would make the game a lot more dynamic.

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Ooops, I just realised a cold is a virus, not an infection. Hence an anti-viral would be appropriate to treat it, not antibiotics. Antibiotics would be more suitable to prevent/treat infection from gunshot wounds etc.

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Ooops' date=' I just realised a cold is a virus, not an infection. Hence an anti-viral would be appropriate to treat it, not antibiotics. Antibiotics would be more suitable to prevent/treat infection from gunshot wounds etc.


Yes Antiviral can be if you get a cold/flu which would raise your temp ABOVE normal making a person more prone to overheating and getting heatstroke; and the Antibiotics would be for if you have gotten shot or beat down by zombies making you more prone to getting an infection which would lower your temperature BELOW normal due to your body fighting off the infection making you more prone to getting Hypothermia. Also while Infected or Flu ridden you cannot bring yourself back to a normal temperature and must get rid of your ailment before you can return to a normal temperature. also having lower blood should make you more prone to infection/colds since you have less antibody in your blood to fight off the infection.

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Another thing I didn't know, which is relevant to this thread:

Hypothermia is already a thing. There are two status effects related to temperature, although it's hard to tell because you're not notified in any way. If your temp is under 50, you have a chance of spontaneously becoming sick. Basically you get a cold, and it's only cured with very rare antibiotics (read: anti-virals). If your temp is under 25, you automatically get the "cold" effect, which makes you shiver, making it hard to aim, although it's not as severe as pain.

I think it would be interesting to have to manage being too hot, like if you sprint everywhere in the middle of the day. Having to stop to throw up every now and then would make things interesting when running from a horde of zeds.

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I like the concept of temp and think with proper mechanic tweaks and implementation it could be the start of something very unique and awesome. here are some of my idea's when it comes to temp.

1 Temp = 1 Degree Fahrenheit

Instead of starting off at 100 Temp and slowly draining down getting more and more likely to get sick and infected how about you start at 98.6 (Average and Safe Temperature of a human being) and depending on what you do you either gain temp (overheat) or lose temp (freeze). here are some examples of how both would effect the player.

Hyperthermia a.k.a. Heatstroke ( Temp Req.: 100.0+ ) Effects: Blurry vision' date=' Vomiting (character may stop and puke making you unable to move or shoot potentially at a bad moment getting you killed or attracting zombies if in range of the sound), increased thirst gain rate, Fainting/passing out if not treated and even Death if neglected even longer ( 106.0+ Temp = Death )

Things that raise temp for the better or worse: being near a fire (only if below normal temp), Running/Sprinting, being in direct sunlight, Staying in shelter i.e. Houses, Tents (only if below normal temp)

Hypothermia ( Temp Req.: 95.0- Temp ) Effects : greater chance of getting an infection, Screen shaking (mimicking Shivering), slower movement/reaction speed (ADS takes longer and movement 25% slower), higher hunger gain rate, high chance of Passing out (86.0-), and Death ( 82.0- Temp = Death )

Things that lower temp for the better or worse: Swimming, Rain storms, exposed to Night time temperatures, drinking water (only if above normal temp), sitting in shade/shelter (only if above normal temp)

So post what you think of this idea and feel free to add some of your own thoughts to the idea.


I agree with all of the above. This would be perfect to implement for temperature.

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Finally glad all that bullshit about Fahrenheit/Celsius has settled. Honestly, you guys are no better than a couple of idiots fighting over who's a better race; "whites or blacks."

The point is, Fahrenheit units are much more accurate based on the current system in place. Since you do start close to regular body temperature, it's just easier to build an example off of. For shit's sake it's not like they built the skeleton of the Titanic and shipped her off. It's just an idea, and a good one at that.

Now, for temperatures, I think this thread sums up, very well might I add, the effects which we can expect to see from the incline/decline of temperature. One thing I personally would like to see is:

- Running for extended periods of time increase temps.

- Being in a building should halt temperature change.

- Water/rain should drop it (if not already.)

- Sunny days = hotter temps outside, whereas a dark, cold night = colder temps.

- Fire should actually increase your temp faster. I don't know about you guys, but I sat at a fire for almost 20 minutes to get back to 100 yesterday, and the whole time I was afraid to turn my back to anything.

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1) Running does increase your temperature, just not enough.

2) Agreed. Right now it's supposed to warm you up, but I like your suggestion. It would be easy to implement and understand.

3) Have you even played the new patch? Both rain and water are brutal on your temperature.

4) Already in. Days are hottest at midday. Don't know about nights, but they should be coldest just before dawn.

5) I don't totally disagree, but see my suggestion about beans.

6) Celcius is better than Fahrenheit, but it shouldn't matter because you don't need either for any of this to work.

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6) Celcius is better than Fahrenheit' date=' but it shouldn't matter because you don't need either for any of this to work.


It doesn't matter whether its F or C which is My point exactly I was just using it as a base line for my idea and not saying "IT HAS TO BE FAHRENHEIT OR NO TEMP AT ALL". Celcius is easier to understand mainly because 0 degree's is freezing and 100 degree's is boiling but Fahrenheit is more complex and far more accurate when it comes to measurements both with flaws and perks.

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Slightly off topic, but how is Fahrenheit more accurate? Do you mean that 1 degree Fahrenheit is less than 1 degree Celsius? Because I think it Fahrenheit was inherently more accurate than celcius, scientists would be using that instead of Kelvin (which is closely related to Celsius).

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Slightly off topic' date=' but how is Fahrenheit more accurate? Do you mean that 1 degree Fahrenheit is less than 1 degree Celsius? Because I think it Fahrenheit was inherently more accurate than celcius, scientists would be using that instead of Kelvin (which is closely related to Celsius).


I like how 0 Fahrenheit is Absolute zero more of a personal opinion then a statement

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With all this talk of implementing antibiotics and antivirals my character seems to be more likely to die of MRSA long before the Zeds catch up :)

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Slightly off topic' date=' but how is Fahrenheit more accurate? Do you mean that 1 degree Fahrenheit is less than 1 degree Celsius? Because I think it Fahrenheit was inherently more accurate than celsius, scientists would be using that instead of Kelvin (which is closely related to Celsius).


I like how 0 Fahrenheit is Absolute zero more of a personal opinion then a statement

You know that's not true right? 0 Kelvin is absolute zero, which is something like -459 degrees fahrenheit. The rankine scale is the fahrenheit equivalent of the kelvin scale.

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I think altitude should also effect coldness + its a bit mad that getting into a house and closing the doors doesn't warm you up.. it's an interesting mechanic but it's poorley implemented at the minute tbf given how little shelter there is to get out of the pneumonia inducing rain..

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One word: Alpha. It takes time to fully implement a feature. If it bothers you, you can come back in a week or two, and it'll have changed.

Also it was suggested elsewhere that being indoors should freeze your tempval score, which I thought was quite elegant really. On hot days, the house keeps you in shade, on cold nights, it insulates you, it keeps you out of the rain. It makes perfect sense.

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I think altitude should also effect coldness + its a bit mad that getting into a house and closing the doors doesn't warm you up.. it's an interesting mechanic but it's poorley implemented at the minute tbf given how little shelter there is to get out of the pneumonia inducing rain..

It was just implemented so its of course going to need some tweaking. right now it seems I randomly gain and lose temp for no apparent reason. but the future of it seems promising.

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Sprinting raises your temperature, but obviously you can only do that in very short bursts, so it's not very useful. Running doesn't seem to do it, or atleast not as effectively.

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Sprinting raises your temperature' date=' but obviously you can only do that in very short bursts, so it's not very useful. Running doesn't seem to do it, or atleast not as effectively.


Agreed last night I was ran a good 2000m straight and the whole time I was losing temp so I posted up in a secluded spot and made a fire only to have to wait there for a good 10 minutes just to raise it back up.

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Tonight I was doing laps of a clearing with one friend while waiting on another, trying to keep warm. It didn't seem to help much, honestly. We made a fire but it did take a good long time to warm up. I wouldn't mind it taking that long to warm up, if temperature didn't drop so quickly.

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Tonight I was doing laps of a clearing with one friend while waiting on another' date=' trying to keep warm. It didn't seem to help much, honestly. We made a fire but it did take a good long time to warm up. I wouldn't mind it taking that long to warm up, if temperature didn't drop so quickly.


Making campfires is way to dangerous to be the only effective way to raise your temp. especially at night.

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A bit nit picky of me but true none the less. Activity does not increase your body temperature, in fact, it increases the rate at which you lose heat. This is because as the blood moves to your muscles it leaves your core and cools faster. So although you feel warmer you are actually cooling off faster. Just my two cents.

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