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Realistic Temperature Suggestion Thread

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A bit nit picky of me but true none the less. Activity does not increase your body temperature' date=' in fact, it increases the rate at which you lose heat. This is because as the blood moves to your muscles it leaves your core and cools faster. So although you feel warmer you are actually cooling off faster. Just my two cents.


Do you research things before posting? or do you just post what sounds about right and leave it at that? here are some excerpts I've taken from some medical sites stating FACTS about how activity DOES increase your body temperature.

"Running is an aerobic form of exercise that can be maintained for a long period of time. It elevates the heart and breathing rate in an effort to bring more oxygen into the system. This oxygen is then used to create more energy to fuel the muscles throughout the duration of the workout. But rather than cool your body down through the release of heat, the body's temperature actually experiences an increase during exercise -- and for several hours afterward."

Still not convinced? here's more:

"As the body tries to cool itself down, it is also tasked with producing energy to fuel exercise. This is more important in aerobic exercise, when energy is produced from oxygen and water and is generated over a longer period of time. According to DrMirkin.com, more than 70 percent of your body's energy used to fuel your exercise is released as heat from the body. Blood fills the capillaries close to the surface of your skin to help this heat escape the body faster during exercise, but your body's temperature still rises and remains elevated for the duration of the workout."

So basically you lose ENERGY not HEAT when exercising the only heat you lose is your body trying to get rid of excess heat.

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I would like to see it more realistic too. I can understand I cool down in the rain or while swimming or even in the night. But this afternoon I was in-game sitting in the sun and my temp dropped. Even when running. Normally running makes you warm :P Taking shelter should make it easier to warm up aswell.

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Research?! What do you expect me to do? Take 5 minutes to look up potentially relavent facts?! :P

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I would like to see it more realistic too. I can understand I cool down in the rain or while swimming or even in the night. But this afternoon I was in-game sitting in the sun and my temp dropped. Even when running. Normally running makes you warm :P Taking shelter should make it easier to warm up aswell.

Yes places that potentially block wind you'd think would help you get warmer in a cold windy night with or without fire.

Research?! What do you expect me to do? Take 5 minutes to look up potentially relavent facts?! :P

Yeah, kinda like what I did when I prepared this post I took the time to research the temperatures that are safe and when they start becoming unsafe.

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I like most of the ideas in this thread. Nice brainwork. I long for the day when I spot a survivor on a warm day swimming around in a pond with all his gear left on shore.

There is a lot of potential in the temperature system. I think it will be really immersive when you are travelling around on a sunny day needing to plan your route through the woods to stay out of the sun because your water supply is running short.

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I like the concept of temp and think with proper mechanic tweaks and implementation it could be the start of something very unique and awesome. here are some of my idea's when it comes to temp.

1 Temp = 1 Degree Fahrenheit

Fuck off with the Fahrenheit. We dont need that inaccurate bullshit.

Celcius is where its at.

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I like the concept of temp and think with proper mechanic tweaks and implementation it could be the start of something very unique and awesome. here are some of my idea's when it comes to temp.

1 Temp = 1 Degree Fahrenheit

Fuck off with the Fahrenheit. We dont need that inaccurate bullshit.

Celcius is where its at.

He's right, you know. Celcius is the correct way of measuring temperature around Earth.

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"He's right, you know. Celcius is the correct way of measuring temperature around Earth."

Well thats pretty subjective even though I agree that the Metric system is much more widely accepted (including scientific literature). The Kelvin scale would be far better because it is based on the objective measurement of absolute zero, i.e the coldest temperature at which matter can exist.

Some really good suggestions here. I would be really happy if Antibiotics' as they are implemented now were changed to 'Antivirals' considering the much discussed fact that a cold is actually a virus. And then change it so you have to come into contact with a player that has caught a cold to catch one because of the other well discussed fact that simply being cold doesnt mean you will get a cold. Perhaps all zombies can be afflicted with a cold so if one contacts you at all or gets to within say 2 meters of you, you have a risk of catching a cold also. I know people have already said elsewhere that its nit-picking to suggest that colds a re viruses and not effected by antibiotics but its one of those annoying myths that never goes away.

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Some really good suggestions here. I would be really happy if Antibiotics' as they are implemented now were changed to 'Antivirals' considering the much discussed fact that a cold is actually a virus. And then change it so you have to come into contact with a player that has caught a cold to catch one because of the other well discussed fact that simply being cold doesnt mean you will get a cold. Perhaps all zombies can be afflicted with a cold so if one contacts you at all or gets to within say 2 meters of you' date=' you have a risk of catching a cold also. I know people have already said elsewhere that its nit-picking to suggest that colds a re viruses and not effected by antibiotics but its one of those annoying myths that never goes away.


I've only found 1 box of antibiotics it was hard enough to find as it is while at the same time making sure your temp is staying at a normal manageable level.

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I've only found 1 box of antibiotics it was hard enough to find as it is while at the same time making sure your temp is staying at a normal manageable level.

Not sure how that relates to what I said. I wasnt suggesting a reduction in spawns or anything, I was suggesting simple name changes and a mechanic for the spread of colds as opposed to getting them when cold.

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Not sure how that relates to what I said. I wasnt suggesting a reduction in spawns or anything' date=' I was suggesting simple name changes and a mechanic for the spread of colds as opposed to getting them when cold.


I was simply implying that if you are to add more ways to get sick other then getting cold you need to increase the antibiotics that spawn.

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The problem with exercise is that it makes you sweat' date=' if you sweat in the cold you get hypothermia and die.



Sigh. No, it's not that simple.

No one dies from exercising in cold weather, the very fact that you are active helps to keep you warm, and cooler weather helps your body get rid of excess heat much more effectively, thus reducing the need to sweat.

The only way exercising in the cold might be damaging to your health is if you stopped exercising in the cold.

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Digging up a two month old thread. herp derp... but yeah... Here my idea about Temperature and the status effect Cold. I'm putting the degrees in C. I know a lot of it exist in game as it is, previous people mention parts of this and it includes some other suggestions I have(that may or may or may not have been stated somewhere in this forum). But, I am going to give this a stab.

Change the status effect Cold to be called Hypothermia (yeah nitpick/OCD whatever thing moving on, lol)

Status Effects

Temperature: Your character’s body Temperature determines how easy it is to get infection and to gauge how close to the status effect hyperthermia your character is. A character’s base temperature is 38 °C. Character has a very small chance (%) of getting the Infection status effect from being hit by a zombie while under the Bleeding effect when Temperature drops below 33 °C.

Symptoms: Physical ingame symptoms occur as your Temperature drops below certain degrees. The temperature gauge changes colors to help a player identify which stages of hypothermia they are at along with visual and audio cues/effects.

  • Green: Your character has no hyperthermic symptoms.
  • Yellow: Your character will shiver, seen rubbing their hands together or hugging their self (when standing and has nothing in hands), and audible increased breathing (shallow breathing; can be heard by other players).
  • Orange: Your character will shiver violently, movement is slowed accompanied by a stumbling pace.
  • Red: Your character has a visual blue tinted skin, the inability to use their hands and has trouble moving.
  • Black: Your character dies.

Causes of Hyperthermia:

  • Yellow: 34-31 °C
  • Orange: 32-27 °C
  • Red: 28-20 °C
  • Black: 19 °C

Increasing Body Temperature:

Using a Heat Pack (instantaneous; returns temperature to a full green state)

Moving (very slow increase/regeneration rate, faster movement will neutralise lost)

Remaining near a fire (very fast increase/regeneration rate)

Staying in the sunlight (slow to moderate increase/regeneration rate; based on time of day)

Taking shelter inside closed buildings or closed vehicles (slow increase/regeneration rate)

Equipping winter clothing (returns temperature to normal increase/decrease rate) [base on if Dayz had seasonal changes in weather (spring, summer, fall, winter)]

Causes of Decreased Body Temperature:

  • You are outdoors at night (slow decrease/degeneration rate)
  • You are outdoors in a windy environment (slow decrease/degeneration rate)
  • You consume alcohol (slow decrease/degeneration rate)
  • You are outdoors in a rainstorm (fast decrease/degeneration rate)
  • You are outdoors in wintry environment (fast decrease/degeneration rate) [base on if Dayz had seasonal changes in weather (spring, summer, fall, winter)]
  • You are immersed in water (very fast decrease/degeneration rate)

Also include this here.

*Alcohol: Can be used as an antiseptic and to seemingly reduce pain. Consuming alcohol can create visual disorientation. Alcohol also can decrease Temperature (although alcohol makes a person feel warm).​

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