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ARMA 2 Account transfer. Computer broke dont want to lose my loot but i have my old arma files.

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So what happened was my computer had the blue screen of death i got close to fixing it but in the end i realized it would take another week to fix so i just did a clean install and erased my whole partition and everything.

the only thing i took off my hard drive was my arma 2 and arma 2: OA files, everything else didn't matter it was strictly a gaming computer. i found out i have to re download all my games and cant just move them back on to my computer in the steam common folder. then i thought oh well my whole account and all my loot was lost which i was pissed about as i have finally come across some good loot and have me friends loot in my bag from when he died, he really doesn't want to loose his stuff.

so to my query. is it possible to move files from my old arma 2 and OA files to have my other account back so i can still access my hive or is it not possible. it may possible i dont have to worry and it is linked my ip or my steam account but that highly unlikely. so please just tell me if theres a way to have my old hive back ( if you can use hive in that manor) or my old loot/ account back.

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The data for your character is saved on your CD key. As long as you redownload arma and install with the same CD key, you will have the same character as you had before.

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Isnt the equipment saved server side?

Plus you can save your arma files on lets say usb, later just do a "verify game cache" trough steam and you are good to go.

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thanks guys it all really helped. your loot and verything is saved server saved but i thought you may need your ingame account to access the hive (were your details are saved server side).

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