Gogster (DayZ) 626 Posted July 24, 2012 See, the probllem there is that you're referencing the wrong games.I wondered whether that would happen. I guess we don't walk the same path.Well, aside from Chernarus... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
vekien 84 Posted July 24, 2012 Alright, but would that work in practice?It sounds like a great idea, but is it possible to get every admin to view these logs with a fair perspective? I know we've all heard the horror stories about admin abuse (Hell, I've been a victim of it!), how do we know that admins won't just go: LOL HE LOGGED, BAN BAN BAN BAN...?Not server admins, the DayZ Dev Team, A Set of rules will be put forth and then DayZ Dev Server Team will likely handle it. It will not be in the hands of regular server admins.Oh okay I thought it would be automated. Won't that create a massive amount of labor tho? There's quite a lot of players.And sometimes I'm changing servers a lot cause they're either lagged, even tho it doesn't show high ping, or there is pitch black night even tho the name said correct gmt or I simply can't join and get stuck on loading.If this is going to be as accurate as you're making it look like I'm okay with it.The first implementation is to just implement the correct logging system and then after that analysis the logs to create a good sorting algorithm to narrow down results.I dont know what the Dev Teams full plans are, but I assume basic punishement will be added such as: You log out with Zombie Aggro, nothing happens, you do the same later on, +1 point, you do this again later on and more points added to that specific violation and it begins to add a "timer" locking you out because you keep logging out with zombie aggro, that is 1 rule that an algorithm will be looking for, and a set of rules will be formed, logging in and out several times to "find a server" i dont think will be a rule, why would that be a violation? Server hopping is usually when you're under fire, or aggro, or looting, those things are all different activity logs than just relogging several times in a short space.Nothing will change to the game in the next patch to the individual player, but we will have some logs to analyze. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Daddy'o (DayZ) 146 Posted July 24, 2012 (edited) I dont know personally, but I think of it like this, if you're logging in, and you're not being attacked, and you're not fighting anyone, and you dc pretty much right away to join another server and this happen several times, why would you be punished? What have you gained? What benefits do you get for being in a server for about 5 seconds with zero activity, the logs would show this. It might even show server info like ping/time/etc (idk but i guess).I'm sorry but I have to ask, are you 100% that the server can detect if you're under fire? I know it can detect if you've been shot and hit, but then you're usually dead after the first bullet hits. How does the server know you're logging from under fire if you haven't even been hit once? Sounds pretty fishy to me, and I'd be more than happy to learn the mechanic under such a detection system. Is it somehow based on bullets that hit around you? Does the server calculate bullet trajectories to determine if they're passing close to another player or what... I can't come up with a simple enough mechanic for it to not sound like day dream. Edited July 24, 2012 by Daddy'o Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
a_casual_banana 38 Posted July 24, 2012 Alright, good. That's good.PS: I hope your dev team is massive for this task. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
vekien 84 Posted July 24, 2012 I'm sorry but I have to ask, are you 100% that the server can detect if you're under fire? I know it can detect if you've been shot and hit, but then you're usually dead after the first bullet hits. How does the server know you're logging from under fire if you haven't even been hit once? Sounds pretty fishy to me, and I'd be more than happy to learn the mechanic under such a detection system. Is it somehow based on bullets that hit around you? Does the server calculate bullet trajectories to determine if they're passing close to another player or what... I can't come up with a simple enough mechanic for it to not sound like day dream.The data for player direction and status is already logged and can be appended to the activity log, if there are people (or person), who is within range of you and shooting in your direction and you alt-f4'd at the time, and you do this on a high constant basis with identical situations, you would likely be flagged (not banned). Bans will be issued manually after careful moderation, it is mainly to flag and investigate. The "timer to prevent login" is the automatic addition. (Added in future patch not the up coming one). If you roll with a crew and those 5 people are often with you when you "disconnect" not much would be done, it wouldn't be stated as under-fire because those people will not be classed as enemies. But other than that, i cant really state more, as i dont know what kinds of detail the devs have built in to detect PVP interaction.Alright, good. That's good.PS: I hope your dev team is massive for this task.It does not need to be massive, at first, there will be a high amount of incidents, but as time passes (very quickly in this case) it will slow down a lot. When a good sorting algorithm has been implemented a lot will be narrowed down. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Daddy'o (DayZ) 146 Posted July 24, 2012 The data for player direction and status is already logged and can be appended to the activity log, if there are people (or person), who is within range of you and shooting in your direction and you alt-f4'd at the time, and you do this on a high constant basis with identical situations, you would likely be flagged (not banned). Bans will be issued manually after careful moderation, it is mainly to flag and investigate. The "timer to prevent login" is the automatic addition. (Added in future patch not the up coming one). If you roll with a crew and those 5 people are often with you when you "disconnect" not much would be done, it wouldn't be stated as under-fire because those people will not be classed as enemies. But other than that, i cant really state more, as i dont know what kinds of detail the devs have built in to detect PVP interaction.I didn't think the servers would log such detailed information. Sounds like one hell of an algorithm to parse through that many different variables, location, direction, zombie aggro, shooting, direction of fire, other players on grid, the company each player is running with, company history etc etc... and then to compare this with long line of history data to determine if combat logging is taking place.When I think how much server load is caused by parsing all this data per every player and disconnect, that comes to possible several hundred occurrences per second with the current player activity, not to mention it's still rising, I can't help but wonder if this is the best option performance wise. However I trust the dev-team has much better database and code gurus with much more experience than I do, who can optimize this monster of an algorithm so that it wont cause lag-mayhem or go all Skynet on players. I'm a IT graduate myself and I'm really interested in the inner workings of games, this being no exception. Thanks for clearing out my question :) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
[email protected] 51 Posted July 25, 2012 A simple fix: Detects bans/kicks. Does not count said bans/ kicks towards "Strike meter". If a player logs out of a server 3 times within 10 minutes, they are put on probationIf you were in combat, and you leave within 1 minute of ending combat, you're put on watch. (Easily used by tethering it to the "adrenaline" effect when near a zombie or fighting pvp)During probation, if you enter/ exit a server twice in 5 minutes, you will have a 24 hour game-wide ban. You will not be able to see any games running with the mod @DayZDuring Watch, you have to wait 3 days before you can leave withing 1 minute of ending combat. Otherwise, you will be recognized as a"DCer" and will be put on a game-wide ban for 3 days. Solves server hoppers and cowards disconnecting to escape a firefight. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Junos 57 Posted July 25, 2012 My proposal is that we all trust Rocket and be patient. He clearly knows what he's doing. If he didn't, we wouldn't even be here. Let's not second guess every baby step he takes. Let's enjoy the ride. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
C4SINO (DayZ) 20 Posted July 25, 2012 It already takes 10 minutes to get into a game, a 2 minute wait isn't going to hurt Share this post Link to post Share on other sites