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A safe route to start and get basic supplies.

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Hello, Ladies and Gents, and I will be sharing with you a route that me and some of my friends use regularly use when starting off.

First of all this route mainly, concerns spawning in Cherno or some of the close western spawn points.

First of all coming in from the west of the city you will want to enter along the coast at too the supermarket next to the Church, be warned you can choose to loot the church but go at your own risk as it is regularly checked by other players.

After looting the Supermarket follow the road to the Northern most Hospital (You should only have to follow the road), in there be weary as this is probably the most dangerous part of the journey, bearing this in mind you should not let your guard down on this journey.

After looting the Hospital you should now have some food, medical supplies and perhaps a weapon, you now have to get out of the city, I advise looking to the West and looking for the big Power Lines, if you follow these you will come to the Fire Station at Elektro, Keep in mind that the Power Lines may appear to be leading North but they will eventually lead you to Elektro without contact with Players Or Zombies. You can then enter Elektro from the North or you can decide to just head North to live your days the in the zombie apocalypse.

Anyway I hope this helped some people out there, perhaps I have given some new people a tip to start, good luck, keep low and never let your guard down.

:beans: -MoistNinja999 :beans:

Edited by MoistNinja999
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Thanks, this helped me get my first gun :D I was always too scared to go into the big cities but it payed off, left with a hunting knife, revolver, map, binoculars, compass and a watch as well as lots of food and water

You got my beans!

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I always tried to avoid big cities, as I got usually shot in there by other players, and when finally got to some supermarket or hospital, never found anything useful there anyway, as it was all looted by previous players... so I decided to go somewhere else, less populated areas and stuff

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The West is the best place to start. I go to the deerstands. Good way to get guns. Also, the Balota airfield is a good area to check.

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The West is the best place to start. I go to the deerstands. Good way to get guns. Also, the Balota airfield is a good area to check.

Yeah I agree with you but most people just head for the big cities especially if they are new, so yeah, usually if i spawn in Kamenka i head north to the deerstands and end up coming up Zelenogosk

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I completely agree with everything said in your post. It might also help to figure out what time it is on a server and go in around 4am just as it's starting to get light out. I found there seem to be fewer zombies spawned and typically you're on a foreign server with only a few people on it thereby maximizing your chance of getting the loot and missing other better equipped players.

Across multiple playthroughs I've been able to find all the starting items...though some with more success than others obviously.

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Deer stands will get you get decent weapons, and there are several supermarkets in smaller towns in the north that are much less likely to have been picked clean by other players when you get there, unlike in Cherno/Elektro.

Or you can hoof it all the way to Berezino, and probably leave there fully kitted and much less likely to get shot than in Cherno or Elektro.

Edited by cogwheel

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