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My first last stand/first bandit(s) kill.

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It happened a couple of minutes ago, thought I'd share:

I'm a careful one, staying away from cities and people as best I could. Found an MP5 and a Makarov with 5 mags between them (2 pistol, 3 submachine gun) and was sneaking up to a small town to find some food. The first shot flew past my head, missing by inches, then another from a different house. I sprint to the nearest cover, but I'm already hit, no time to bandage up but I'm losing blood fast. I check my ammo and estimate the number of them. 2 to 1. Shit. Rounds are exploding next to my head on the doorway. I pop my head out and unload an entire MP5 mag on the first guy. The fucker's down. Another round explodes into my chest and I dive back into cover, blood is going down quick. I knew I was going to die, but something inside of me didn't want this bandit fucker to survive. I swap to my pistol and unload a mag at him, missing every shot. I'm going soon, I know it, but I didn't want this guy to survive. Reload my MP5. Pop out again, unleash full auto on him. I saw him drop. I can only hope that in my final moments...my last seconds..I fried the fucker good.

And so, I respawn.

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A life killing bandits is never wasted.

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Thanks guys! Yeah, I'm not a bandit. I'm a good guy, as soon as I get better at the game I'm going to start hunting them.

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if you spawn near you can always run back and loot those bastards!

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Nah, I spawned a long way away...oh well!

Haha, Bailey, I'm guessing you enjoyed it then? :P

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Surpised you were able to kill them with Mp5, such little damage on it :(

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That is a lot like how my friends went down. They were travelling to Rog and ran into 2 guys, they talked, and one of my friends told them where they were headed. They trade, my friend got mags and the other guy got a water bottle. Keep note that it was 4 of us, but I had died earlier from zombies, however when I spawned, I found an AK and Makorav and all was good. While my other 3 friends, we were designated to meet at Rog, since it had such a great holding ground. Well, it just so happened to be, as they were walking, my friend in the back dropped. Bullet holes with blood spitting out of them. Quickly the other 2 ran into the safety of the castle, one guarded the stairs, the other the door. It was quiet and there was large tension. Earlier when they met up, they had told it was only 2 of them of a much larger group. One saw an opening, his head popping out of the corner. 3 bams and he's down. After a minute, the rest of the group arrives. We had thought they were bluffing, they didn't know the knee deep shit they just got themselves into and I couldn't help. At once, one guy yells out "I'M GOING TO KILL YOU ALL," they were frightened, "I'M GOING TO BLOW UP THE TOWER." Of course we didn't know how that was possible, but out of sheer luck he went down to check on my friend, and then the roof explodes. They scream, and one of them breaks their legs. Another 10 minutes go by, and the healthy one goes to the stairs and starts taking a lot of heavy fire. He takes a shot and gets knocked out. The other one, shot another guy. They were real pissed now. The castle then just fixed itself, only to be blown to bits yet again. He gets up, and gets shot and dies. The enemies rush in, look the unconscious one, and then shoot him on the head. The 40 minute struggle had ended, and they left the game, shooken, literally.

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  On 7/24/2012 at 10:36 AM, Gyroslove said:

Never mess with a man who has nothing more to loose!

It's not always about winning...


It's about making the others lose.

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  On 7/25/2012 at 11:29 PM, The1Scarecrow said:

Nah, I spawned a long way away...oh well!

Haha, Bailey, I'm guessing you enjoyed it then? :P

Yes, yes I did.

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Nice Galvinator!

Thanks, Bailey, the funny thing is I have always wanted to write a book..but I didn't have the patients. Wait, shits, that's a doctor joke.

But seriously, I start one and then get an idea for another and so forth.

Edited by The1Scarecrow

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  On 7/26/2012 at 8:25 AM, The1Scarecrow said:

Nice Galvinator!

Thanks, Bailey, the funny thing is I have always wanted to write a book..but I didn't have the patients. Wait, shits, that's a doctor joke.

But seriously, I start one and then get an idea for another and so forth.

I would read the shit out of it.

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  On 7/24/2012 at 10:35 AM, The1Scarecrow said:

It happened a couple of minutes ago, thought I'd share:

I'm a careful one, staying away from cities and people as best I could. Found an MP5 and a Makarov with 5 mags between them (2 pistol, 3 submachine gun) and was sneaking up to a small town to find some food. The first shot flew past my head, missing by inches, then another from a different house. I sprint to the nearest cover, but I'm already hit, no time to bandage up but I'm losing blood fast. I check my ammo and estimate the number of them. 2 to 1. Shit. Rounds are exploding next to my head on the doorway. I pop my head out and unload an entire MP5 mag on the first guy. The fucker's down. Another round explodes into my chest and I dive back into cover, blood is going down quick. I knew I was going to die, but something inside of me didn't want this bandit fucker to survive. I swap to my pistol and unload a mag at him, missing every shot. I'm going soon, I know it, but I didn't want this guy to survive. Reload my MP5. Pop out again, unleash full auto on him. I saw him drop. I can only hope that in my final moments...my last seconds..I fried the fucker good.

And so, I respawn.

Thank you for the nice short story. Seems very exciting lol.

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Haha, thanks guys, didn't realise this would be enjoyed so much. Well, I might give another book a go, don't expect anything though :P

Well, for now, I'll just post some more short stories in the form of my DayZ adventures.

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  On 7/26/2012 at 11:31 PM, The1Scarecrow said:

Haha, thanks guys, didn't realise this would be enjoyed so much. Well, I might give another book a go, don't expect anything though :P

Well, for now, I'll just post some more short stories in the form of my DayZ adventures.

I'll get some monies for your book.

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