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YES! Amazing idea. Rare spawn so one person in your group can have it or so. It would make alot of people happy and be a good solution.

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YES! Amazing idea. Rare spawn so one person in your group can have it or so. It would make alot of people happy and be a good solution.

Yeah, one person is enough to lead the group with headlamps, it will be rare to find, but it pays off!

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Great idea. And unlike the normal flashlight, it can be used while using guns

It will probably use the same slot as binoculars/nvg/rangefinder so yeah, you'll be able to use it alongside weapons :)

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This idea occurred to me at work recently, as we rely heavily on these simple, inexpensive, yet critically helpful devices. I think they would be a very nice mid-tier night aid that is far more user-friendly than the torch, but not nearly so rare as NVGs. IMO, they should have a very wide, shallow cone of illumination, to make them more useful when navigating indoors, and perhaps to avoid rendering the G17 lamp / Military Flashlight obsolete as mid-range illuminators.

Also, get out of here STALKER!

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I'd love headlamps, however I think zombies should be able to detect you by the light your lamp is casting. I remember this being an issue with them not noticing flashlights pointed at them, not sure if it still exists.

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I'd love headlamps, however I think zombies should be able to detect you by the light your lamp is casting. I remember this being an issue with them not noticing flashlights pointed at them, not sure if it still exists.

I don't think it was fixed, zombies still ignore my flashlight. Bandits, sadly, do not.

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This is a great idea, being in the military I can attest that we use the beans out of headlamps. I also think that we should be able co-wield our secondary and sidearms, gun wrist resting on light wrist. It's a pretty intuitive technique that anyone could figure out. It would maybe give a small accuracy or recoil penalty based on the absence of the weak hand reinforcing the strong hand, but it would make more sense than having to put my flashlight on my belt, get my sidearm out of my backpack even though I have a holster (and even if I didn't I could still stick it in my waistband) and equip it to shoot at something in the dark.

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This is a great idea, you'd think there would be hunters in chernaraus with all the fauna (Think they are even mentioned in the Campaign "Red Harvest") that there would be some head lamps

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Good news folks, rocket said this just may get into the standalone release!

We are reviewing hw this will work (weapon switching). Headlamps are on the list.



I don't know if he was inspired by this thread or by general suggestions thrown at him, but it's great news still!

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