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Skuijs (DayZ)

Tracking footprints ?

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yes, it'd be great fun. Not sure if it could handle so many footprints. But be fun to hear shots and then find some footprints that leads you to camp or the area where they are hiding. They'd need to be someway to obscure them too maybe? And make them dissapear within a short period of time.

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I like this idea too but its unusable because it would make most peoples computors explode.

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Well, there are already footprints in-game, but they disapeer after a couple of seconds.

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Would be really nice. Especially if it worked in the same way as Wurm Online or something along the lines of Mount and Blade.

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K got another idea how about when you see a dead zombie or player you can get info like killer went north or something like that !

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Then you'd have to do proning-prints as well.

And different footprints when running/walking/crouching.

I thing its too much work and if the servers/pcs can handle this was already questioned.

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