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Logging In Noise to cut down on jumping in behind players

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Just a thought what about a login noise that only players can hear, a bell or whatever so that if you hear it you know someone has logged in within x amount of yards from you.

This might give you the ability to respond because you know they have logged in to kill you.

It will also make your heart pound for a minute or 2 lol.

If they login away from players etc it wont matter as the announce radius will be small for eg 100 mtrs, would also be helpfull for team logins so we know they are they as we will immediately look

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It is a good idea yes but it also makes it unfair if someone just happens to log in behind someone and people go to find and kill the guy.

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I made some suggestions earlier to do with players logging in, I didn't think of this.

A bell would be a bit ridiculous, however maybe some kind of sound such as ruffling as if they was putting their backpack on etc would be more feasible, therefore a sound which is less definable, and less audible so that it's loud enough to hear someone spawn upstairs in the same building but not loud enough so that if you're running through the woods you hear someone spawn.

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The "bell" was just an idea lol

It could also be combined with a 20 second loss of ability to shoot a gun on a player load, which wouldnt bother anyone who logs in normally as who shoots a gun with 20 seconds of loading, i certainly dont

The risk for them trying to get behind you would be too great and it would stop altogether

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Very fresh idea! Just in the core concept of the game that Rocket is explaining: the little subtleties which benefit alltoghether to the gameplay without breaking the immersion.

But toghether with a 5 seconds cooldown after login this would be relogger-killer for sure!

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Maybe the player 'yawns' as if they just woke up, so they have like a waking up animation when you start, they stand up and stretch and yawn. So it's as if when you logged off you player was asleep and now you woke him up :P

The animation would take 5 seconds or so, so if you do spawn in a stupid place or try to server hop the player can just stand and watch you stretching after a nice nap and then shoot you :P

Edited by keepcarlm

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Just a thought what about a login noise that only players can hear, a bell or whatever so that if you hear it you know someone has logged in within x amount of yards from you.

This might give you the ability to respond because you know they have logged in to kill you.

It will also make your heart pound for a minute or 2 lol.

If they login away from players etc it wont matter as the announce radius will be small for eg 100 mtrs, would also be helpfull for team logins so we know they are they as we will immediately look

Yeah, I've been trying to think about a way to do this. I lost a character I'd been playing for months not long ago - we were in a house south of Novy Sobor, we cleared the village and then cleared the house. Once we confirmed it was all clear we shut the door and started going through the loot. I went back into a room I'd already been in and someone had spawned in there. He hit me but I ran and bandaged, he didn't see the others. Running past he was hit with 5 makarov shots, then I put 5 rounds of M4A3 CCO into his chest and he walked away. No idea what happened there but it was a real shame to do everything right and die because someone warped into the house we were in. Not sure if it was a hack and he'd seen us go in and server hopped, but I've been trying to think of an appropriate gameplay element to counter-act warping ever since and not come up with anything.

Some kind of noise announcement might do. This would encourage people to not log out in hotspots where they could teleport in for tactical advantage.

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good idea, both sound and cool down. perhaps a yawn? :D you just woke up in that moment...

the cool-down time would be good and to balance, the coold down works both way: you cannot shoot or be shot for, lets say, 30 seconds...

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Just a thought what about a login noise that only players can hear, a bell or whatever so that if you hear it you know someone has logged in within x amount of yards from you.

This might give you the ability to respond because you know they have logged in to kill you.

It will also make your heart pound for a minute or 2 lol.

If they login away from players etc it wont matter as the announce radius will be small for eg 100 mtrs, would also be helpfull for team logins so we know they are they as we will immediately look

I can mostly see this happening in popular sniper positions. I know I wouldn't use this unless I was absolutely sure of where a player might be (another example would be at a camp).

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It is unfair to get shot from behind, but it should be avoidable unless you are spawning in high profile spots.

It's only ever happened to me once and that was in the barracks of the NWAF, logged in, got shot in the back by someone with a silenced MP5, learned my lesson, make sure I always pick a nice comfortable spot to log out at, so when I log back in I have no hassles.

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