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Tweaking bear traps.

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At the moment all the bear trap does is break your leg, which is cute and all, but if I can remember correctly, if you get hit by a bear trap your leg is caught within the teeth, not just broken then cast out.

Basically what I'm trying to say is that the bear trap should hold ("trap" since it's a trap) the user in place until they look down to "reset" it.

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Rocket said he likes the small things in games and I think this would be a good addition.

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Bump? Are we allowed to bump? I really think Rocket would like this if he saw it.

Please don't mod me.... ;_;

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I think that you should get stuck in a prone position and has to open the beartrap with the scroll, also you should def broke your legs, also start to bleed.

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If you want to take it to the "realism" argument, then you should have someone else free yourself from the trap.

I'd like to see someone get trapped in this bastard over here, and then get out of it all by themselves...

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Problem is.. they dont look like that in the game, they look weaker, like made for deer hunting.

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I'd like to see someone get trapped in this bastard over here, and then get out of it all by themselves...

that trap wont hold humans leg, it will just cut it off, so person who was cough in it, just free to crawl away and die from bleeding :D

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that trap wont hold humans leg, it will just cut it off, so person who was cough in it, just free to crawl away and die from bleeding :D

Yeah, well never tried or seen anyone try stepping on an armed bear trap.

Off-topic, but anyway, setting your foot on one of these would probably not cut your leg off, it would surely break the bone and squeeze in really tight. It actually takes quite a lot for a limb to actually be "cut off".

Problem is.. they dont look like that in the game, they look weaker, like made for deer hunting.

Even smaller traps made for smaller game pack quite a punch. I highly doubt anyone would get rid of one hanging in their leg.

I honestly think it would be nice to have to remove the trap after you hit one, but make it so some other player has to help you!

Edited by Capercaillie

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Making it so u need other players just make the bear trap too overpowered, you could just pitch one up infront of a ladder and the player is doomed, or down a ladder, whatever. It just doesnt sound like a good idea to have other people to help you out of such a situation cuz most people will just kill you.

Just sayin' my previous statements was just for you to figure this out, but I guess I had to tell you.

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Making it so u need other players just make the bear trap too overpowered, you could just pitch one up infront of a ladder and the player is doomed, or down a ladder, whatever. It just doesnt sound like a good idea to have other people to help you out of such a situation cuz most people will just kill you.

Just sayin' my previous statements was just for you to figure this out, but I guess I had to tell you.

Your previous statement

"Problem is.. they dont look like that in the game, they look weaker, like made for deer hunting."

was just for me to figure out that bear traps that actually trap a human being stepping into them, requiring another players assistance to break free, would be too overpowered?

Is this game about balance? About what is overpowered, what needs a nerf?

I don't see a problem with rifles, one shot kill from 800m away.. compare that to a makarov, 8-12 rounds in the chest to kill, at a 20 meter range. Are rifles overpowered?

I don't feel that way..

"you could just picth one up infront of a ladder and the player is doomed, or down a ladder, whatever."

You can't "shoot" using bear traps, they lie down passively as long as someone walks over them, so you gotta have pretty much skills/luck to actually make a player trigger the bear trap while you are watching it. And anyone stupid enough to walk to an armed bear trap in a clearly visible spot (eg. in front of a ladder) is IMO stupid enough to deserve the beach-party.

And then there is this

"cuz most people will just kill you."

I don't see the problem here, it's already happening in Day Z, and I'm sure that's a major part of what makes it exciting.

I mean many ppl probably wouldn't play a PvE zombie survival game after trying out Day Z...

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How about, if you shoot a bear trap it'll shut itself... that doesn't make sense, does it?

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How about, if you shoot a bear trap it'll shut itself... that doesn't make sense, does it?

If you shoot at the trigger mechanism, it will most likely go off (ie. shut itself), almost anything will work in disarming a bear trap. Just apply enough pressure on the trigger plate.

But isn't there already a way to mouse scroll and select "disarm" the trap?

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