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Don't use the online map.

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I highly recommend NOT to use online map.

One of my most memorable experiences are when i explored places i'vs never seen before.

When i first saw cherno, a military base of balota, first steps toward inland.

Yes it would be much more convenient when you use the online map, but i can definitely say that it will also ruin your gameplay experience. Find a map ingame, it's not that hard.

Being lost is a scary thing, but there is nothing more fulfilling when you finally find your way to a town.

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Or you play arma and have basic knowledge of chernarus. I played DayZ for a week before I played arma, but I learned about most of the coastal cities and some non-coastal. It doesn't take long to know where you are going. When I get a map now, I don't even use it, because I know where I am 99% of the time.

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Good point bahhh, thanks. I fully agree with you and such gameplay is for true roleplay gamers. I respect such people. But of course, using online maps is purely personal choice, a choice for convenience and saving time. The best thing about DayZ is that you really can do everything you want. Don't use online maps and immerse yourself in totally new brand experiance. Don't kill others and play a role of honorable morally sane hero of the wastelands. "Your Day Z. Your story." ™.

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I have an A3 printed map, but now I have used it and played in game for over a month now I don't use it, only use it when I want to translate the signposts ;)


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I have an A3 printed map, but now I have used it and played in game for over a month now I don't use it, only use it when I want to translate the signposts ;)


Did you print this yourself or can we obtain these from somewhere, I want an A3 sized map!

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Well i say dont listen to this guy he is sutpid use the online map what if ur new and you get lost? I studied the online map now i know where i am 100% of the time with no use of any maps.

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I finally gave in and started using an online map this morning after doing three or four MASSIVE loops completely by accident. Every time I thought I was headed north but every time I'd top a ridge to find myself facing the coast near Elektro again.

Maybe once I'm a bit further North I can stop using it but if I'd seen that same view of the coast a fifth time, I'd have put one through my own skull just to start somewhere else.

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Use the map in my opinion, as a new player who had not played ARMA2 and didnt know the map i felt it essential to use and after a few days i became very acquainted with the map then had no use for it, it really helps you at start instead of endlessly running around in circles wondering if there is more to the game than running in fields.

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