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NW is the epitome of DayZ's flaws.

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This following is from old post under old topic: is private server hopping the only way to get good loot?

So far, in all my experiences the so called "good" loot (things like NVG, M107, M240, M24, M4A1 CCO SD) are all near impossible to find without having a private server to farm on. I've tried many times to loot NW Airfield on a 50 player server, and it has either been death after killing a few people or successful infiltration, but the loot I find inside is shit. I often find Lee Enfields in there because so many players have already gone through it.

So then I decided to do a test, and try the much defamed server hopping tactic (Don't flame me for this, 99% of you who have the aforementioned items got them through server hopping/farming) and it's still near impossible due to the SHEER VOLUME of server hoppers. It's near impossible to find 0/50 servers that actually work, while even If i do find one, within 2 seconds like 3 players would join and I would hear their gunfire at NW... Once I did find a 0/50 player server that stayed empty for 20 minutes, but all of the barracks doors were open and they had no guns except for an AK-74, implying that someone had already ravaged the place. For servers with 1-3 players that I join, 99% of the time I'll spot them at NW farming/killing each other. And empty servers seem to get populated fast, with all of the population seemingly spawning at NW, once again because of sheer number of server hoppers.

So then I tried doing mid range population servers..10-25 players. Still suicide. I find that these servers tend to house groups/clans of players farming at NW..even more lethal to a lone survivor like me.

This leads me to the assumption that most people on these forums who have all the good weapons probably are part of a clan and farm regularly on their own passworded servers (or have a clanleader-admin who kicks everyone that joins) so that others don't come in and ruin it.

As for a suggestion? I suggest that Rocket makes good military weapon spawns rarer in general so that we won't have such a high volume of private server farming clan people sniping at each other with anti-material rifles combined with thermal vision dominating fair players(This is post-apocalyptic survival for christ's sake, not a WWIII Spetsnaz vs Green Berets game), as well as distributing good loot spawn to other areas. As of right now its concentrated in NW airfield and to an extent Stary Sobor, and the fact that action/loot concentrates around there makes the game dull fast as you're basically just going to the same places over and over again.

UPDATE(END RESULT OF MY NW EXPERIMENT): Well, this 25 minutes ago I was on a 6 player server looking towards the 6 hangars of NW Airfield. I saw a helicopter crash site. Knowing that it's dangerous but my eyes burning for the possible loot, I made a dash for it. Midway in my sprint while turning my head around to check I saw a sniper in the Air Control Tower. I crouch behind a bush in the middle of the field. His name was Lofes, (the server had no tags but I knew because everytime the guy disappeared Lofes disconnects in the player list). Supposedly he spotted me but when he disconnected I proceeded towards the crashed chopper on the runway. I take care of the zombies around it while in one of the hangars. Next thing you know, I check the player list and Lofes is back. However, I decide that if I run serpentine I could dodge his sniper shots. So I ran for the chopper. Next thing you know there are 2 guys directly in the hanger I was in. One firing a sniper and the other a SAW. I disconnected in fury, because they basically just ghosted me. I was left drooling at the M249SAW and L82AWS at the chopper in my screen after i disconnected into the lobby...

Soon, I joined a 2 player server. I saw one guy's death message in the beginning, so he was no longer a threat. However, as I was happily approaching the NE barracks of the NW airfield, I hear AKM shots ringing out. I immediately look for an ambush position, but realize there isn't any ideal positions. I could've just went to the hangers to see which ones were the zombies running towards and kill him, but paranoid for my life, I decide to make a break for the barracks. The barrack building was a fresh spawn, with no one having touched it since the last server respawn (as all the doors were shut). Immediately at the doorway I found a DMR with 3 clips. Ecstatic, I dropped my empty ANPV FNFAL and check the rest of the rooms which had no loot of interest. Then, I got the hell out of there.

This was my most successful NW adventure so far, and to people who I know will hate me for having server hopped, remember this: ITS FUCKING IMPOSSIBLE TO LOOT IT SOLO WITHOUT HOPPING. PERIOD. NW airfield holds the largest collection of douchebags within the DayZ community who hop and farm and camp and ghost the place 24/7. I barely survived even while using exploits. In my opinion, people will keep exploiting as long as it benefits them, and it'll lead to fair players who visit the airfield to start to use exploits as well as they suddenly realize they don't stand a chance without disconnecting/hopping. The only way to stop players from doing things like this is a hardfix in a patch, because as of right now the NW Airfield is a war of exploits. Who can use the exploits better wins. Whether or not the server has 2 players or 50 players.

Conclusion: NW Airfield is hell. I think I'll just try and find chopper crash sites now, or join a group finally.

Edited by ericdude88
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If you think you're going to outwit/outsmart/outgun the native inlanders by grabbing a winchester and running up to NWA, you probably deserve the fate you've received. I've been lucky enough to play with all of the great loot you've mentioned and didn't get any of it from any airfield.

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Naah, just farm server hoppers. sit in barracks, wait for guy to log in. shoot him = profit.

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Naah, just farm server hoppers. sit in barracks, wait for guy to log in. shoot him = profit.

Thats just the noobest thing I have ever heard dude an plus if you do see him log off right in front of your eyes you would be waiting there for hours or days

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What I do since I live in canada I would go to a server thats not in my continent or country like a french server or a german server cause they dont have that much people playing on there servers all the time. An dont play at night cause its very dark an theres a 80% chance you missed a loot that you would regret for your life oh and hint you can wait 10 minutes for everything to respawn an get it as fast as you can.

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Just make sure you check the risky places out for some minutes before looting.

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I have had a load of the top end gear, didnt hop or loot cycle and dont have a private server.

Chopper crashes and other players, thats where I get my gear.

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That's why I like playing at night. In two days I found 3 helicrashsites and I'm over stacked with weapon choices.

Here's how I do it. Whenever I die and respawn I just run in a straight line inland. Don't care about food, water, guns or anything for that matter. I just keep running and look for the little light that the crashsite has. I ignore all cities and villages.

Granted the last time I found a crashsite this way I ended up with 6k blood and food in the blinking red and water in the deep red. I almost died if it wasn't for a friend giving me blood and food. This way I have found a L85A2 AWS, Bizon SD, M14 EP1 and a M107.

It takes time. Last time I ran for 2 hours. Whenever I have a great gun I never go to the airfield anymore. It's simply mayhem there.

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That's why I like playing at night. In two days I found 3 helicrashsites and I'm over stacked with weapon choices.

Here's how I do it. Whenever I die and respawn I just run in a straight line inland. Don't care about food, water, guns or anything for that matter. I just keep running and look for the little light that the crashsite has. I ignore all cities and villages.

Granted the last time I found a crashsite this way I ended up with 6k blood and food in the blinking red and water in the deep red. I almost died if it wasn't for a friend giving me blood and food. This way I have found a L85A2 AWS, Bizon SD, M14 EP1 and a M107.

It takes time. Last time I ran for 2 hours. Whenever I have a great gun I never go to the airfield anymore. It's simply mayhem there.

i love the mayhem and the tension there :D

i just love it. expecially during the night on a low pop (-15 players) servers

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Tbh if ppl have a private passworded server they can farm all they want, coz that server IS NOT connected to Rockets Hive. Private server = private database.

They cant bring they're items with em to a public, you need to farm public servers to get public gear.

But again, this exact issue is what made me start a private server in the first place. To keep an eye on the hackers and server hoppers

Edited by Byrgesen

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everyone in my tribe has NVGs, a coyote, and the weapons that they want (for me that's a DMR and mk48)

we got there without duping, hopping or farming

OP, you are bad and should feel bad

as for 'hurr durr make shit rarer 2 fix ppl abusing spawn to get rare shit'

make it rarer and you encourage more abuse

Edited by Sandy

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So far, in all my experiences the so called "good" loot (things like NVG, M107, M240, M24, M4A1 CCO SD) are all near impossible to find...

This leads me to the assumption that most people on these forums who have all the good weapons probably are part of a clan and farm regularly on their own passworded servers (or have a clanleader-admin who kicks everyone that joins) so that others don't come in and ruin it...

As for a suggestion? I suggest that Rocket makes good military weapon spawns rarer in general.

The mil grade gear is actually plentiful without going to the airfield. I have one or more pieces of all the best equipment now. The game is getting boring as a result.

I agree, that clans are all heavily armed and equipped now, to the extent that I don't feel safe on a night server with NVGs and AWS anymore. But again, it seems to me that most clans including my own dont do the NW af that much.

I also agree that the mil spwans need to be decimated. There should be <1% of the mil stuff that actually exists now. Perhaps time to delete all mil gear from all servers and start again? Back to basics...

Edited by thepointyend

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I've had just about everything now at some point or another except the L85 and I've never server hopped, farmed or entered a private server.

Isn't it against the rules to password lock a dayz server connected to the hive?

Edited by Drakezilla

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If you think you're going to outwit/outsmart/outgun the native inlanders by grabbing a winchester and running up to NWA, you probably deserve the fate you've received. I've been lucky enough to play with all of the great loot you've mentioned and didn't get any of it from any airfield.

That's not what I meant. I don't go up there with a Winchester. And I usually DO outsmart people... I'm a bandit, so I tend to die with 5-10 murders and these are all inland murders mind you. I am currently equipped with an ammoless FN FAL ANPV 4, Coyote pack and M4A3 CCO, and I've already killed a fully armed man at NW. It's just that avoiding people is so hard, and volume of traffic is so high. I'm not making this post because I suck at the game, I'm making it because I feel that the game gets old fast when the vast majority of this beautiful map is not taken advantage of as a result of good gear only spawning in a few clustered places.

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What I do since I live in canada I would go to a server thats not in my continent or country like a french server or a german server cause they dont have that much people playing on there servers all the time. An dont play at night cause its very dark an theres a 80% chance you missed a loot that you would regret for your life oh and hint you can wait 10 minutes for everything to respawn an get it as fast as you can.

Yeah that's what I tried to do too. But it seems EVERYONE does that. I get plenty of people who server hop into foreign servers (I got an AmericaFuckYeah!!! guy in a Vladivostok server yesterday...had to shoot him but he DC).

And for me It's actually better when dark, because most server hoppers quit dark servers but I have night vision.

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everyone in my tribe has NVGs, a coyote, and the weapons that they want (for me that's a DMR and mk48)

we got there without duping, hopping or farming

OP, you are bad and should feel bad

as for 'hurr durr make shit rarer 2 fix ppl abusing spawn to get rare shit'

make it rarer and you encourage more abuse

How am I bad? I always kill many people every life (fully armed AR /sniper survivors inland) and I outwit entire clans sometimes. I've killed an entire clan at NW 1v3 with only an assault rifle (YES they were spread out and had one sniper overwatching). And I can gear up with all the basic gear + an AR within 35 minutes of spawning with 1 run in Cherno. I'd say I'm pretty good at this game. And I ALWAYS get to successfully run through the barracks at NW, and most of the time I win against the server hoppers in firefights. It's just that whenever I go through it I get shit loot, and it takes forever to go through any because I'm scared about server hoppers so I check around so much. That has nothing to do with my skill.

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Go to low populated servers and you should be able to get some decent loot.

Low pop servers have a higher chance of people at NW Airfield-FACT. Tried and proven in my experiences.

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Tbh if ppl have a private passworded server they can farm all they want, coz that server IS NOT connected to Rockets Hive. Private server = private database.

They cant bring they're items with em to a public, you need to farm public servers to get public gear.

But again, this exact issue is what made me start a private server in the first place. To keep an eye on the hackers and server hoppers

Actually I've come across "public" servers where there are 5 people of the same clan and the admin kicks ANYONE that joins. I think it's obvious what they're doing.

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It's just that avoiding people is so hard, and volume of traffic is so high. I'm not making this post because I suck at the game, I'm making it because I feel that the game gets old fast when the vast majority of this beautiful map is not taken advantage of as a result of good gear only spawning in a few clustered places.

there are hotspots because currently servers are limited to a quite low amount of max players in proportion to the big map. how does the game get old because of it? you can find quite good items without visiting hotspots. but this game is not about getting the best items anyways. it is about player interaction and without hotspots youd basically play singleplayer. deal with it.

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New story is up. One thing I've learned from NW airfield is sure... Never go there without a group of at least 4 experienced players... Took me a good 5 hours and like 25 servers to get that DMR..Time to enter the stage of paranoia lol.

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